This is my first Vampire Diaries story so please be kind. :) After watching the last few episodes with the Original Family Kol pretty much caught my attention. haha. And this story popped into my head. This is the companion piece to my Kol/OC oneshot. Hopefully you all enjoy it!

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing belonging to 'The Vampire Diaries'. I only own my own characters and I wrote this purely for fun. :D

Corby, England, 1902

ALMOST silence surrounded her. There was an occasional snap of a twig beneath her feet and a chirp of a bird somewhere high up in the trees but other than that it was silent. She enjoyed silence it allowed her to sort through her thoughts. Though she often found herself lost in a daydream.

It was mid March and winter had come to pass. It would officially be spring in a week and Danielle couldn't wait. She loved when it was beginning of spring and everything was in bloom. It was as if everything was being reborn, a chance at a fresh start, a new life. Plus it was warmer during the spring and not the frigid cold of winter or the humidity that followed in the summer.

Danielle enjoyed exploring the woods near the manor. There was a long, dirt trail that cut through the woods but she rarely ever used it. She would often venture off the path and walk amongst the trees as if she were a fairy princess. Sometimes she was accompanied by her younger brother, Jamie, and they ran around freely. Their laughter echoing through the forest. And other times the only company she had were the forest animals and the trees themselves. She enjoyed either one.

"Miss Dani!"

Danielle, who had been lost in a daydream, turned her head to the dirt path where she saw Maura, a servant at the manor, walking quickly toward her. Her graying blonde hair was tied back in a loose bun upon her head. And her hands held her long gray skirt in her hands, trying to avoid it from getting muddy. Even from her distance Danielle could see the slight frown of disappointment on her face.

"You're getting muddy." Maura said.

"It's not that muddy, Maura." Danielle walked over to the dirt path, climbing over a large log as she did so.

The older woman shook her head. "Your mother wishes to speak to you."

"About?" Danielle looked at her.

"About some fortunate news that she received today." She answered. "Mr. Kol Mikaelson is to paid a visit the day after tomorrow."

Danielle stopped walking as she finally reached the dirt path and stood in front of Maura. To everyone but Danielle this was fortunate news. Kol Mikaelson was the most prized bachelor in England and any mother, such as her own, would hope that their daughter would be the one to catch his eye. And for her that meant her older sister Christine.

"Of course." Danielle moved past Maura, not bothering to pick up her long skirt. She didn't care if the bottom of it got a little muddy.

"And where, young lady, are your boots?" Maura asked.

"In my room I believe." Danielle replied.

"Dani." Maura sighed and followed after her. "Why must you run around outside in bare feet?"

Danielle looked over her shoulder at Maura, giving her a quick glance. "They are so constricting. I hate wearing boots. It's better without them."

Maura said nothing else on the matter already knowing it was a lost argument. Dani rarely wore her boots outside, despite the numerous scolding lectures she would get from her mother. Even as a child she preferred to run around in bare feet.

Glancing over her shoulder again, Dani gave Maura a small smile as she lifted up her skirt showing her her feet stained with dirt. The older woman let out a sigh and shook her head, causing Dani to laugh as she let go of her skirt and looked forward. Though Maura looked after Dani's younger brother, Jamie, now she still often cared for her. And despite Maura being older she had become Danielle's closest friend.

Arriving back to the Wright manor Danielle sighed as she saw the servants bustling about the place, preparing for the grand arrival or Kol Mikaelson.

"No time to waste." Maura said coming to stand beside Danielle. "You know how your mother is. She wants the manor to look its best for Mr. Mikaelson."

Danielle nodded and continued on her way. As she passed some of the servants she offered them a kind smile knowing the amount of hard work they were putting in to make this place look respectable. She made her way up the double sided staircase and down the hallway to the left to her older sister, Christine's, bedroom.

She stood within the doorway and peered in. Laying on top of the bed were four dresses and Christine stood in front of her floor length mirror, holding up a dress to herself. Their mother stood off to the side also admiring the dress Christine had chose.

"This one?" Christine asked.

"Yes." Mrs. Wright nodded. "That dress would look splendid on you, darling. Purple has always been a good color for you."

Christine bit her lip as she continued to look at her reflection in the mirror. The dress in question was a dark purple color and sleeveless. It fell to the floor and had jewels lined along the low cut neckline. Danielle had to agree that the dress certainly brought out Christine's bright blue eyes but then again Christine could wear any dress she wanted and make it work.

"Well, well, if it isn't the forest child." Christine caught Danielle in her mirror and turned giving her a smirk.

Their mother, Eleanor Wright, turned and looked at her youngest daughter. The smile that was on her face a minute ago had disappeared as she stared at Danielle. She took in her daughter's appearance, inspecting every inch of her. Danielle knew it was coming before her mother even opened her mouth.

"Danielle Anne!" Mrs. Wright snapped, her eyes wide. "Your feet are filthy! How many times have I told you to not go outside without your boots on?"

Danielle looked down at her somewhat dirty feet and replied softly. "I don't like wearing boots."

"A proper lady does not go roaming around the forest bare footed!" Mrs. Wright scolded. "Honestly, Danielle."

"Sorry mother." Danielle said.

Mrs. Wright shook her head and waved her youngest daughter forward into the room. "Come Danielle, don't just stand there. You must try on your gown for the ball Wednesday evening."

"Ball?" Danielle looked at her mother.

"The welcoming ball for Kol Mikaelson." Christine looked at her sister. "Everyone is going to be there."

And that was not making her feel any better. Dani hated large crowds and avoided them at all costs but now she was expected to attend. She didn't know why she needed to be there considering Kol wouldn't notice her at all with Christine being the main focus. She had come to terms with the fact that she would always be second best to Christine. The other Wright girl if you would. She didn't mind it at all.

Unlike Christine's bold purple gown, Dani was going to wear a light pastel yellow colored gown to the ball. There were matching court shoes to go with it. She allowed her fingers to brush against the smooth material of the dress and allowed a small smile to grace her lips. It was a pretty dress. It was as if it were made out of the rays of the sun.

"Danielle!" Mrs. Wright snapped.

She looked at her mother and gave her an apologetic smile for being lost in one of her silly thoughts. She walked over to her mother and without complaining she allowed them to place the corset on her. According to her mother they had to see what the evening gown would like with the corset on. Danielle didn't agree with it but said nothing. She never argued with her mother. Danielle always obeyed.

As her mother pulled harshly on the laces of the corset, Danielle stared ahead out of her sister's bedroom window. Her eyes past over the fresh grass beginning to grow in the backyard and beyond the trees in the woods. She looked out into the distance at nothing in particular.

"Vivian says that Kol is the most handsome young man in London." Christine sighed. "And they say he's quite the flirt."

And as her sister rambled on at how handsome Kol Mikaelson was rumored to be, Danielle watched the white clouds float by slowly in the sky.

I'm sorry it's so short but it will get longer and better in the following chapters. Plus Kol will be in the next one. (:
So what did you all think? Please review.

Also make sure to check out the profile for news on this story and others. :)
