
Robert pushed his horse as fast as it would go, galloping through the streets of Camelot, sending people scattering in all directions as he flew past them. He'd been riding for hours, but he was too close to slow down now. He came rushing into the stone courtyard of the palace and slid off his horse, falling to his knees. As he struggled to catch his breath, two guards approached him warily.

"What are you doing?" The larger of the guards asked him, tilting his spear in Robert's direction.

"I need to speak to the king. Now," Robert looked up at the guards with a look of urgency that they couldn't deny, so they dragged him to his feet. After they had checked to make sure he was unarmed, they led him up the steps and into the palace.

They approached the throne room, and the guards at the door looked at the two escorting the disheveled man, their confusion apparent. The first two guards brushed off the stares and motioned for them to open the doors. When they did, Uther looked up from the piece of parchment he'd been reading, placing it in his lap as he waited for an explanation.

"We're sorry to disturb you, sire, but, this man requested an immediate audience," One of the guards said, before giving a slight bow. Both of them moved off a bit, but remained in range to protect the king if it turned out he was in danger.

"It looks like you've been riding all day," Uther said, raking his eyes across Robert's mud-streaked face.

Robert bowed his head before he began, "Sire, my name is Robert Miller. I come bearing terrible news from the outlying towns on your border with Cenred's kingdom. At least six towns have been attacked in just over a week."

Uther tensed in his chair. "Cenred's men?"

"Most definitely," Robert replied. "The towns themselves have been decimated, but his armies haven't spared the people either. The ones that aren't slaughtered trying to defend their homes are kidnapped, or left to starve."

Uther was quiet for a second before he turned to one of the knights. "Bring Arthur to me. Quickly." The knight nodded and disappeared.

"There's something else, sire," Robert began timidly. "Cenred may not be attacking just because the mood strikes him. I heard him shouting orders as he ransacked my town. It almost sounded….like he was looking for something."