Warnings: T just in case. Character death

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia.

Yay. Chapter 6.

Enthusiasm. Yay.

Arghhh. I get the feeling this story is going to drag and will take a lot of chapters T_T Ah well, writing is fun :D

"Alfred, I suggest you go outside and cool off," Elizabeta said, "you are not in a good mood and maybe you will calm down from whatever has put you in such a foul mood."
"Fine," Alfred grumbled, standing up and leaving the room.
"Ignore him," Elizabeta smiled, turning to Peter. "You must be bored, didn't you bring anything to entertain yourself?"

Peter looked up at the Hungarian woman that was talking to him. "Yeah..I brought my DS but I forgot my earphones so I figure it'd be a little loud and I don't like playing without sounds or I can't see what is going to kill me." Peter explained. Gilbert suddenly let out a loud laugh, Ludwig looked at him, with a slightly disturbed look on his face.
"Well! Your awesomeness has the very solution!" He announced, pulling out a pair of earphones from his pocket, "you can borrow these."

Peter smiled as the Prussian handed over the earphones. "Thank you! Yes! Now I can play!" Peter said happily. "I'll give these back to you when this is over," He smiled. Plugging them into his handheld console and beginning to play. It was clearly keeping him occupied.

"At least now he won't be able to hear anything that ends up going stupidly wrong for the rest of this meeting." Roderich said. "So, Elizabeta, what was it you said about Basch?"
"Ah, well, he has committed murder before, he's still in prison, fortunately, so it'll be easier to get hold of them there in order to talk to him." Elizabeta nodded.

"He probably hates himself after it, apparently his little sister saw it and he was so annoyed with himself for killing someone in front of her eyes." Ludwig sighed, "you could try talk to her too, she could know something, how he acts, and so on."
"I knew him when we were kids..." Roderich said quietly. "Do you think he has really changed so much, that he has even killed someone?"
"Well he pleaded guilty, he obviously knew what he'd done, personally, I never thought of it as on purpose, I always thought that it was an accident." Elizabeta answered.


Arthur closed his phone and put it back in his pocket. He took out the other piece of paper in his pocket, oh, the note from last night... he thought to himself. As he stared at the note he thought that he'd seen this handwriting somewhere before. As he focused more on the note, the door next to him opened and Alfred came out the room.

"What has you in a bad mood?" Arthur asked, putting the note back in his pocket, watching Alfred with his green eyes.
"I got told to leave because I need to 'cool off' according to Elizabeta," Alfred grumbled.
"What did you do now?" Arthur asked, "I'm pretty sure that this is the sixth time that you have been told to 'cool off."
"I did nothing, they just keep falling for your little brother, they must think he is so adorable or something, oh come on, he is a twelve year old, get over yourselves," Alfred sighed.

"I'd rather you not talk about my little brother like that," Arthur growled. "What has got into you lately? All of a sudden you are acting like a cold, heartless git and it is stupid."
"Its your fault anyway," Alfred murmured back to him.
"Why is it my fault? Why is it my fault that you are completely changing attitudes all of a sudden?" Arthur asked, his voice raising.


Two months earlier

"You're way too nice Alfred, you always go around, being nice to people," Arthur smiled. "Is it some sort of act to get people to like you or what?"
"I just want to prove to people that I am a hero, a nice, awesome hero," Alfred answered, his face full of pride.
"It is a little strange though, I have never had to tell anyone that they are too nice, but you are too nice in a way that it doesn't even seem real." Arthur pointed out.

Alfred looked at the Brit, "what do you mean by that, exactly?" He asked.
"Don't get me wrong or anything, but it seems that after the murder of that woman, you have been acting much nicer, in quite an unusual manner," Arthur answered.
"So you want me to act like a jerk?" Alfred asked.

"No, no, no! I didn't mean that, where the bloody hell did you get that idea from?" Arthur said quickly.
"You just seem to be implying that you liked it when I was being stupid," Alfred answered.
"No, I just think that it's weird that your behavior suddenly changes in a matter of days, weeks or months.."


"Where did that Alfred go?" Arthur asked, "you know, that one that held doors open for people, didn't try beat out little kids or get jealous of them, help people out, feel so passionate about things?" Arthur asked.
"Would you just make up your mind!" Alfred growled. "One moment you want me to be a jerk, the next you want me to be nice again!"
"I never said that I wanted you to be a jerk!" Arthur shouted, "I was saying that it was odd, and that was two months ago, are you still not over it?" Alfred didn't answer.

"Besides, it's obvious when there is something odd about you, it's so easy to tell if something is wrong, Alfred, you're a terrible actor." Arthur left and went back inside the meeting room. Leaving Alfred standing there.


I noticed some very weird mistakes while reading through this. T_T
Anyway, on the bright side, Peter now has friends :3


This still looks like it'll drag on for another bunch of chapters.