Note: This is a roleplay so if the structure seems weird at some points that's why. Enjoy :]

I shot some people. -SM

I ate jam. -JW

I shot the jam -SM that explains the mess. -JW

I love shooting things. Shame I couldn't shoot /you/ -SM

Please don't say we're back to this. -JW

Back to what Jawnn? No Sherlock to save you now-SM

You didn't have to remind me of that, funnily enough. If you were going to shoot me, you'd have done it by now so stop with the talk. -JW

I'm just biding my time. I'm waiting until he's about to come back to cause the most pain. Orders are orders.-SM

Come back? What do you mean? -JW

Oh nothing. Only that he left because he wanted to leave you not that he's actually dead... you'd have to be stupid to believe that. -SM

I've already been through that stage, the doubting and the anger and blame. I've already thought of all of that, but I was wrong and you're wrong now. -JW

I saw him fall, he's definitely...gone. -JW

Well I've seen him. Actually no, I've shot him, barely got him though... his reactions are quite quick aren't they? -SM

I'm not paying any attention to you, you're lying. -JW

He's cut off those long curls, too bad for him those cheekbones only make him stand out more in the crowds... Tries to hide, dressing down in dirty scruffy clothes, if I didn't know better he'd look like a common hoodie. Surely you've noticed the hoodie following you around sometimes Jawwwn? -SM

Anyway, I doubt you'll see him again any time soon. What with how much blood that wound was leaking after all. -SM

I think I'd know if I saw Sherlock, thank you. You've obviously got the wrong person. -JW

Really now? Can't you see those eyes? -SM

IMG_059 -SM

Want to see the one after I got him? -SM could be anyone. -JW

Zoom in on the pocket. -SM

It was only last week your notebook went missing wasn't it? -SM

Doesn't look like you'll be finding it at the flat. -SM

Shut up, it's not him! That could be photoshop, a coincidence, anything. -JW

It's not him, because he'd have come back for me. -JW

IMG_062 -SM

Not so sure now are you. -SM

Stop it. -JW

Why would he come back to you? Idiot man who can't even keep up with him running let alone mentally. -SM

Want to see the blood? -SM

We were friends, that's why. -JW

Do you really believe he's you're friend? You're even more pitiful then I thought... Why would he possibly be friends with you? -SM

I don't know, but he was. -JW

Tut-tut. You really think you were more than a convenience to keep the fridge in milk, make tea and keep the clients coming? -SM

You were a mere tool to him. -SM

What do you want? -JW

Nothing. -SM

I just like watching your responses -SM

You know he doesn't even care about how much he's hurt you. Poor pitiful Jawwwnnn -SM

No, none of this is Sherlock's fault. It's you doing this to me. -JW

Why didn't he tell you then John? He could of told you he was alive... He knew we knew anyway. It's not like he was protecting you keeping the information from you. -SM

Because he's not alive. And...well, if he is, I don't know, alright? I'm not as clever as him, he'll have a plan. -JW

IMG_067 -SM

See the clock with the date in the back ground. -SM

Stop this now, I've had enough. -JW

Just one more. -SM

IMG_070 -SM

Bet you wish you could help him with that doctor -SM

That was last night, just if you wanted to know. -SM

This isn't funny. -JW

I know. I'm so serious right now. -SM

Where is he? -JW

I don't know. I didn't follow his bleeding mess that's someone else's job I was just there for the shooting and the photos. -SM

I'll be seeing you soon Jawnnnnn. But you won't be seeing me. -SM

Do you ever stop with the creepy shit? -JW

This isn't creepy on my scale. I'm being nice. -SM

I'm going to find Sherlock, and when I do, I'm going to find you. -JW

I'll be finding you first. And I wouldn't search for Sherlock unless you want to be confronted by a relapsing druggie. He took morphine to dull the bullet wound. Hmmm. What. A. shameee... -SM

I'll cope. We'll cope. -JW

The web is closing in on him now. You'd better hurry if he's going to get out of there. It's amusing really, he was getting so close to me. -SM

Still not funny. -JW

No simply mildly amusing. -SM

Ironic really. I find him before he finds me, when he's the one looking so feverishly. -SM

Just tell me where he is. -JW

As I said... I don't know. Exactly. -SM

Don't worry. It'll all be over soon Jawwny -SM

That's not exactly reassuring. -JW

Maybe he's close to where he was in the pictures, I don't know really... but he can't of got farrr -SM

You've got to know, you're the one who tried to KILL him. -JW

As I said before John it's not MY job to follow the bleeding druggie mess. I could find out where he is but it's not like I'd tell you anyway. -SM

Where were the photos taken, then? -JW

Can't you work it out... it's not like they haven't got backgrounds. -SM

I'm not a detective. -JW

You could just tell me and I won't have to go to the Yard to get them to help. -JW

Get the Yard. I could take out every one of them in less then five minutes and they wouldn't know what had hit them. But know this, if you get the Yard involved, NO-ONE will be getting out. -SM

What are you getting out of this? -JW

Amusement, and revenge. -SM

You're sick. -JW

No I'm feeling perfectly well thank you for asking. -SM

You worked out where he is yet? -SM

I can see a Tube sign in the background of one of the photos so he's still in London. -JW

Obviously. Try harder. -SM

On the Piccadilly line? Not zone one. -JW

Oh you'd like to know... Warmer. -SM

There's City workers in all of the photos, but I can't see any of the banks or offices so you're further down the line. -JW

Ealing? -JW

Why don't you go... hunting... -SM

You've come far today Jawnnnnn -SM

Now what? We have a showdown on Ealing Common's northbound platform? -JW

As I said; I'll be seeing you, you won't be seeing me. -SM

Right, of course, can't expect you to settle something on equal ground. -JW

Ready. Set. Go. Play the game John, Sherlock's dying for real this time. -SM

No, he's not. I won't let him. -JW

Oh but John, how quaint. I was meaning, right now he's in the process. Hurry up lover boy or he's going to die before you tell him -SM

I can't make the train go any faster. Do something. -JW

Want me to shoot him again? -SM

I could put him out of his misery... -SM

Don't even think about it. -JW

I am a little trigger happy... another bullet couldn't hurt much more... just in the other leg or something... -SM

I'm just changing onto the Piccadilly line now, I'll be fifteen minutes. Just keep him alive and I'll play your stupid games with you when I get there. -JW

Oh but I'm not the one playing... -SM

I play my games at the shooting range... -SM


The Sherlock Shooting Range. Nice name, don't you think?-SM

Not the time. -JW

But this seems like the perfect time JAWN -SM

Just got off the tube, I have other things on my mind. -JW

Like what Jawnnnnnnnnnn? -SM

Like you have to ask. -JW

Humor me. -SM

Finding Sherlock, for one. -JW

And for two...? -SM

Stopping him dying. -JW

And a threeeeeeeeee? -SM

I don't know what you want me to say. -JW

I need to find Sherlock and save Sherlock and then I'll think about what I'll do next. -JW

Oh I think you know what I mean really... -SM

You know you're an idiot, not even bringing a first aid kit when you knew he'd been shot -SM

I've got what I'll need in my pockets. I have had practice at this, you know? -JW

Oh I do, remember what it felt like being shot John... That's what Sherlock is going though...alooone -SM

Of course I remember, your commentary of this really isn't helping. -JW

Nerve endings shattering, mind numbing pain, nausea rising, faint coming, cold sweat... blood gushing... -SM

Tears falling without even noticing, making your mouth bleed as you clamp down against the pain... -SM

Skin paling... white... lack of blood... dying... wishing for death to take away the pain... -SM

Sherlock's stronger than that. -JW

But Sherlock's got it worse... Drug withdrawal as well by now. -SM

I've seen people get through worse. -JW

But I shot him last night realistically how much time does he have? Oh the chances he's survived so far are against the odds! -SM

The odds don't mean anything. -JW

But Sherlock would disagree, probability of dying is a lot higher than surviving at this point... -SM

Think rationally John. He'll be gone soon. Minutes, not hours. -SM

Now how will you find him? Any guesses... yes they are guesses at this point it's not like you know where he could have gone... -SM

He's hiding somewhere, somewhere clever. -JW

Blood loss, dimming the brain... can't think straight, can't see straight... Begging... pleading... those last words to the world before you pass out. -SM

You don't just dim Sherlock's brain. -JW

All brains are dim in death John... even Sherlock's. -SM

He's avoiding CCTV. Mycroft would've seen him, otherwise, and Mycroft would have done something. -JW

That means he left the Tube station before you shot him because the British Transport Police watch the stations obsessively. -JW

OH well done Johnny boy... Then what? -SM

We're in London, there's not many places you can go without being on camera. It won't be hard to find them. -JW

Where now Jawnnn you're running out of time... surely he's going to be gone soon... -SM

The park's too close to the university for him to not be sighted, so not there. He won't have gotten much further than that, however stubborn he is. -JW

Residential areas cover the other three sides of the station, again, he'd be seen. -JW

God, he'd be shouting at me right now for missing whatever it is. -JW

So where OH WHERE is it? -SM

The tracks! He's somewhere along the tracks. -JW

Oh aren't you a clever little sniffer dog of a pet. -SM

I'm sorry John, I was going to come back to you after I'd finished Moriarty's web... it was a fake suicide... But I've failed in this case. This time's goodbye for real John. I'm so sorry. Please know that you were loved by me and there is no tragedy in that. HAve a happy life, for me, please. -SH

You're an idiot, Sherlock, a complete tosser of an idiot. -JW

And even though I mean that, they can't be my last words to you so you'd better keep still and not die. -JW

I mean that, don't you dare die. -JW

Who else are you texting? Why haven't you found him yet? -SM

Don't tell me I'm ruining your plans? -JW

Oh no... just curious... -SM

You'll stumble upon a corpse soon enough. -SM

No, I won't. I can't. It's not happening. -JW

Dreadfully pale body... blood pool. -SM

He's not dying, shut up. -JW

Thought you'd be here before me. -SM

I'm there. Where are you? -JW

Wouldn't you like to know... I'll let you have a moment with the body... -SM

John immediately begins treatment, doing everything on autopilot. "Sherlock, I'm here, you can open your eyes. Sherlock, this isn't funny, not again," he pleads.