This story will not go along with my previous stories about Dongwa, it will be more based into the show, except for the fact that Dongwa and Han Han are dating, of course.

Sagwa, Fufu and Shiehu get to go on an adventure, that's all Im saying!

It was a morning just like any other morning. The palace was blossoming with beauty like it always did. Dongwa was out practicing Tai Chi, Sheegwa was playing with some crickets, almost throwing Dongwa's concentration off a little bit.

"Sheegwa, could you please keep it down? I need quietness" said Dongwa as he continued to practice.

"Sorry, Dongwa" said Sheegwa. "I'll go play in the palace."

Sagwa was writing a very important scroll, a scroll that was planning some festivities for the people of the village. The Foolish Magistrate was planning a special festival for the villagers, because of the record rice crop that they had gathered over the season, so the very first "Rice Festival" was going into effect. Sagwa just happened to be filling in for Mama and Baba Miao while they took a lunch break, the scroll had tied them up so much that they had forgotten to eat.

Just then, Fufu came in through the window, and landed on the desk next to Sagwa.

"Hey, kid how's it going?" said Fufu.

"Great, Mama and Baba will be back in a few minutes and I'll be able to play when they get back!" said Sagwa.

"Great! In the mean time, I'll go get Sheihu!" said Fufu.

Just as Fufu flew out the window, Mama and Baba returned to finish the scroll.

"Thank you Sagwa, we can take it from here!" said Baba.

"Go and play, now you really don't need to be worrying about this scroll. Good work, though" said Mama Maio.

Sagwa thanked both of them and ran out of the room.

Meanwhile Dongwa went back to the alley, and Sheegwa followed him.

"I'm getting bored, I'll see what Dongwa's doing" whispered Sheegwa to herself.

Dongwa met up with Jet Jet and Han Han to engage in a three on three match of "keep the ball in the air" with Lik Lik, Wing Wing and a new, younger alley cat named Shang.

"You ready Lik Lik?" said Jet Jet, captain of the first team.

"I was born ready!" said Lik Lik, captain of the second.

Sheegwa moved in closer behind a barrel so she could watch.

Dongwa, Han Han and Jet Jet were doing a far better job than the other team of Lik Lik, Wing Wing and Shang. Shang was scoring all their points.

"I think you older alley cats are losing your edge!" said Shang.

"Trash talk is for the opposite team, Shang!" said Lik Lik.

"Why? We are the ones losing?" said Shang.

"Be quiet!" said Wing Wing. "If you weren't talking so much, we'd have more points!"

"Sure, blame it on me! Ha ha!" said Shang.

"Okay you guys, you can knock it off now!" said Han Han.

"Serve it!" said Jet Jet.

Shang served it to Dongwa, but just as Dongwa was stepping back to prepare to hit it, Sheegwa slipped and fell off the barrel and rolled into Dongwa, making him fall and miss the ball.

"Sheegwa, what were you thinking? You could have gotten hurt!" said Dongwa. "Not to mention, cost us that point."

"I'm sorry, Dongwa! I was bored!" said Sheegwa.

"If you HAVE to watch, go do it from a safer distance. I think I did over hear Sagwa, Sheihu and Fufu planning some sort of game, though!" said Dongwa.

"See ya!" said Sheegwa.

Just then a weird bug landed on Dongwa's nose and bit him.

"Yowch!" said Dongwa.

"What?" said Jet Jet. "Some weird bug bit me on the nose!" said Dongwa.

"Alright then, can we continue please?" said Lik Lik.

"Yes!" said Dongwa.

This time Han Han served and it went towards Shang, who hit it back to Dongwa. Dongwa was prepared to hit it when he all of a sudden froze. The ball coming at him started to look squiggly and he was seeing dark shadows around the ball, like he was going crazy or something. When the ball finally lands it hits Dongwa in the forehead, then coincidentally he fell down.

"What was your excuse this time Dongwa?" said Lik Lik. "That's how you smack talk, Shang."

"You mean like you smacked that wall earlier?" said Shang.

"Better watch it, kid!" said Lik Lik.

"Guys, Dongwa doesn't look so good" said Han Han.

"He looks fine, Han Han. Just because he's your boyfriend, doesn't mean that you have to baby him!" said Wing Wing.

"I'm not, he really looks bad!" said Han Han.

"We should help him back into the palace" said Shang.

"Guys, really I-I'm fiiiiiiiine" said Dongwa as he started to feel dizzy.

Han Han and Shang helped Dongwa back into the palace, where Sagwa and Sheegwa had been playing with Sheihu and Fufu.

"Guys, Dongwa isn't well!" said Han Han. "He got bit by some bug then all of a sudden he started getting dizzy!"

Sagwa, Sheegwa and Fufu took over as they helped Dongwa walk to his bed. They put him in Sagwa's bed for now, since it was easier to get to.

"We have to tell Mama and Baba" said Sagwa.

"I'll go, I'll go!" said Sheegwa.

"Hurry!" said Sagwa.

Sheegwa ran down the stairs and down the hallways until she found Mama and Baba, who had apparently finally finished the scroll.

"Mama, Baba, Dongwa's not feeling good, come see, come see!" said Sheegwa.

While she was yelling a bug, just like the one that got Dongwa, landed on her forhead and bit her too.

"Ow!" said Sheegwa.

"Are you okay?" said Baba.

"Yeah, it only hurt a little bit" said Sheegwa.

Sheegwa led Mama and Baba back to the study room, where their beds were. But on the way back up the stairs, Sheegwa started to get dizzy and fell down. Luckily Baba caught her.

"This looks serious, dear!" said Mama.

"Indeed it does, I'll notify the Cook immediately!" said Baba.

The Cook made his way up to the study room to look at the cats.

"Oh, no! They've been bit by a green tomatoe beetle" said Cook. "It isn't fatal, but it can be bad if left untreated!"

The Cook looked through his medicine bag for ingredients for the antidote. "Oh, No! I don't have all the ingredients!" said the Cook! "I'll have to go up to the mountain to gather them up! But I'll need someone small to come with me.

Sagwa volunteered her services with a meow.

"Okay Sagwa, you can come, but be carefull about those bugs! I'll go get ready to leave!" said the Cook.

"Don't worry guys, I'll help you feel better soon" said Sagwa.

"Be careful, Sagwa!" said Mama Miao.

"I will, Mama! I'll ask Fufu and Sheihu to come too" said Sagwa.

Sagwa ran down stairs to ask Fufu and Sheihu to come with her and the Cook.

Dongwa and Sheegwa are both sick, can Sagwa and company get the ingredient? Find out more in the next chapter!