OC, slight OOC, bit of AU


Bryn: O.o I forgot what I was going to say… I hope it wasn't important… probably just the warnings mwaha. Anyway, enjoy.


"Well, THIS is a fucked up mission," Duo whispered to Wufei. Heero slapped Duo upside his head, "Shut up baka!"

Trowa shook his head and continued his walk/craw in the air vents. Quatre chuckled and followed behind, recalling in his mind the mission.

"ONE OF OUR ALLIES HAS BEEN CAPTURED. YOUR MISSION IS TO FREE HER FROM THE OZ BASE AT THE FOLLOWING COORDINATES." Wufei had fallen over when he had realized his "ally" was a "she," and then Heero had to hack into Oz's system to find where in the base e they were keeping the girl.

"Only a little further," said Heero in his usual monotone, "Then we'll have to use the hallways. Trowa and I will find this "ally" and the rest of you cover us." The others nodded in agreement.

When they reached the end of the vent, Duo dropped down and quickly disposed of the two guards. He went ahead while the others silently followed behind.

Once they had the door in sight Trowa and Heero slipped in and Duo, Wufei, and Quatre took up their guard positions. Inside the room they found a girl covered in wires on a bed, with a computer next to her. Heero got onto the computer to figure out if the wires were needed for the girl's survival. Trowa headed towards the bed to see if the girl was conscience or not.

Her eyes were glazed and half shut. Most of the blood had drained from her face except for a small line that fell from her mouth. There were wires connected to every inch of her body.

"She's alive, but barely. She doesn't need the wires, but it looks as though they're pumping something into her," announced Heero, reading off the computer.

"Do you know what?" Trowa asked as he began to pull the wires, tubes, and needles out.

"Knowing Oz, probably different poisons. Watch out for that beg one, I'm not sure what it's for but I know it's nothing good."

Trowa nodded and pulled out a large wire from the back of the girl's head. She gasped in surprise and her eyes flew open for a moment before closing again. Heero shrugged at Trowa's questioning glance and started towards the door. Trowa picked up the girl and followed behind.

Bryn: Oh yeah, I remember now. The big wire thingi is NOT supposed to be stolen from the Matrix, so I'm sorry if it turned out that way.