Again thank you so much for all the readers who started LT:P-EYE and went through all three cases with me. It's been a blast. Thank you to all my readers who jumped on and added your comments and alerts. As my first fic, it's been an absolute pleasure! Thank you! Thank you! :D

XIX. Grad-ification

"You know." Santana started to say. Her left hand held her cell phone. She flipped it open for about the five hundredth time since that bitch, Jenny's roommate, had locked them in the room to nowhere at Hogwarts School for sneaky conniving girls.

Room of Requirement? Fuck that and fuck that bitch for locking them in this place with the most cryptic message ever. Like what the fuck did she mean that she had to lock them up and not only lock the door, but also barricade them in.

"We wouldn't have been in this room for this long if LT was useful for once."

"Aww, lay off him, San. This is like the fifteenth time you've brought him up." Brittany sat across the dark room playing with some crumpled up pieces of paper on the floor. They had been sitting on the floor for the past hour. The first hour, Santana had beat at the door until Brittany was sure that it would break off or the hinges would loosen, but it never happened. Finally they had both given up trying to break out of the room. Then they tried to find an alternative route, but that had failed too.

Santana was not taking her incarceration well.

"If Lord Tubbers was called Lady Lassie and a dog, we would have been out of here by now. All I'd need to do was yell really loud and say 'Help! We're stuck in the well of shame and stupidity falling for the oldest and dumbest trick in the book at Crawford Bitch School and Lassie T would come running up and dig us out of here!" Santana was definitely not taking their imprisonment well.

Brittany frowned across the room. They had chosen to put some distance between themselves in order to spread out and search for a way out, but they had ended up remaining like that. It turned out to be a good thing since Brittany now scowled in the dark at Santana's latest jab towards her feline companion.

"Santana, do I need to remind you again that Lord Tubbington is not a dog and will not be able to rescue us because he is enjoying a lovely night with Tim. Second, you've been very mean to him recently, so I don't even know if he would use his powers to come and save us anyway."

"His powers..." Santana scoffed in the darkness finally allowing her phone to close. The Latina shifted on the floor still huffing about their predicament. For the five thousandth time since they had been trapped, she flipped her phone open again. It was now 10:29pm and her cell phone was losing power. They had been trapped for what seemed like forever. She slammed the phone back into the pocket of her skirt and stood up. It was still incredibly dark, but her eyes had adjusted to the lack of light. There were some old desks, chairs, a few filing cabinets, and miscellaneous other things scattered about the room. She felt trapped.

And yes, she knew she was literally trapped.

But this was worse. "B…"

Brittany looked up from the floor where she had been pushing at that piece of paper for minutes. A certain heaviness hung in the air between them. The blonde knew Santana better than she knew herself. So instead of answering, Britt just looked up waiting for her girlfriend to let whatever was bothering her off her chest. It had to be more than being locked in an old storage closet.

Santana saw Britt's eyes turn towards her and she felt a lump in her throat. "I really thought we were going to solve this case and get out of Ohio together. I wanted to solve this for you. You deserve better than to not graduate. And it makes me so angry that nothing worked out. I really thought we could fix it, Britt."

The dark haired beauty felt the passion and anger she had been pushing down start to rise again. "It's just so stupid that we are stuck like this. Like why? And why would anyone care if you graduated or not! It's so stupid."

She turned away now and kicked at the desk. Her fists balled up as she took a swat at an old lamp. It clattered to the floor; pieces chipped off and the old bulb cracked and broke. If they couldn't yell loud enough, Santana was determined to tear Crawford down from the inside. She picked up a book and threw it at the door then another lamp. But as she raised it, the girl felt fingers wrap around her wrist and still her arm.

Brittany had gotten up from the floor and now stood up against Santana. Their eyes found each other's in the dark and met with such intensity that Santana lost her breath. Breathless, the Latina allowed Brittany to move her arm so that she could place the lamp back down on the desk without causing any more damage.

"Hey…" Those crystal blue eyes caught hold of her and Santana felt her body melt at the soft words spoken.

"Britt, I don't even know how we're going to get out of here. And I can't lose you for another four years or whatever…" Santana whispered finally letting go of her show of bravado and rage. Her shoulders slumped as her body rested comfortably against her girlfriend's. She never liked to admit defeat, but this situation seemed pretty hopeless.

"You're not losing me, San. I'm right here and I know we are going to get out of this mess. We'll just think of a new plan. And don't worry. No matter what, we're going to be together." Brittany whispered back as she leaned forward. Their foreheads touched softly, but their eyes were the central point of contact. In that moment, or really any moment that Santana looked into those eyes, she believed anything Brittany said. "I love you."

Santana finally released the last bit of tension from her body and allowed Britt to completely take her over. "I love you too."

"I always wanted to have 'we're-going-to-die-trapped-in-a-basement-during-a-case-sex'." Brittany said after a few moments just holding each other. She couldn't help herself. They had to take their minds off their predicament anyway.

Santana felt the heat rise in her cheeks at Brittany's brazen words. Now that she relaxed, it was just like her girlfriend to know the exact moment to work her back up again. At least this way was more productive. She couldn't help but smirk. "Oh yeah? What gave you that idea? Because I don't remember Freddy and Daphne getting it on during the cartoons?"

"That's probably because it was Scooby and Shaggy. They are always getting lost for strange amounts of time." Brittany winked. Her hands no longer worked as comfort, but as weapons. Her fingers danced across Santana's back over the blouse's thin material; thin enough that Santana could feel every ounce of pressure from Britt's fingers.

She couldn't help it. Her back arched at the touch. Her breasts jutted forward. Her ass and lower back curled pressing her tits into Brittany's front side. The lip of the table behind her caught the material of her skirt and drew the material up. Rough, old wood scrapped deliciously against her ass over her panties. The sudden change in sensations caused her to lose her breath suddenly.

Never one to let an advantage pass her by, Brittany took the opportunity to fill Santana's mouth with something better than the air. Her mouth leapt at the chance to capture her girlfriend's lips. Her tongue darted between Santana's luscious full lips. A soft moan rippled along their mouths and vibrated down Britt's neck, chest, down her stomach, and then lower into her burning core. The blonde couldn't help herself. Her hips thrust forward and her legs spread. They caught Santana's raised leg and she pushed herself up on the Latina's thighs.

Another muffled moan of appreciation spilled from Santana's lips. Not because of the pleasure her girlfriend was giving her, but because she could literally feel Britt's anticipation and desire. Underneath the tall cheerleader's uniform, her wet panties were already soaked and against her thigh. "Shit, B."

When Brittany turned it on, she turned it on hard. She smirked at Santana's enjoyment. She leaned forward making sure to grasp the underside of Santana's tanned thigh to hike it up Brittany's hip. Both their thighs slammed into each other's centers.

"Lean back all the way, San." Brittany's voice dripped with lustful intention. Santana's body shivered at the power and the way her girlfriend had taken control. Her body compiled. She easily lifted herself onto the table and allowed Brittany to push her back so she now had to lie down. Her legs were spread out and wrapped around the blonde's waist. Strong hands grasped her hips at either side and roughly pulled her entire body back. Santana threw her head back and arched her body as their clothed pussies made contact.

The brunette tried to lift her upper body from the table. But a strong hand on her upper chest forced her back down onto the flat dusty surface of the table. Britt threw her another wink as her fingers lightly paraded down her shirt fingering buttons with that devious look in her sapphire eyes.

Each button made a popping sound…well not so much a sound but a feeling. Santana's body squirmed under Britt's forceful hand and the other hand literally and mentally undressed her. Each button opened another part of the brunette until she was completely undone. Panting beneath her girlfriend, Santana's chest heaved up and down. Only Britt could make her feel not only physically exposed, but emotionally stripped. Breath caught in her throat, she couldn't look away from Britt.


"Shhh." Britt cooed back. Her fingers traced the valley between Santana's breasts pleased to see a thin sheen of sweat collecting in small droplets on her beautiful tanned skin.

"Fuck, B, you're killing me." Breathless words poured from pursed lips. Her hips lifted from the table so she could find some friction between her legs. The course material of Britt's borrowed Crawford skirt felt so good against the wet lining of her lacy black panties.

"Unhook your bra, San." The brunette on her back immediately complied.

No matter how fast Santana moved to obey her girlfriend's demands, it seemed that Brittany only slowed her own actions. Britt's finger traced along the top of San's breasts collecting the sweat droplets one by one at a frustrating pace. Santana's gyrations against Britt's hips increased now trying to break the dark intoxicating spell being inscribed upon her body with the lines of Britt's fingers.



Down. Brittany traced her finger circling the borders of her areola aroused to see nipples hardened by teasing pleasures and the change in temperature. Santana's hip jumped at the added contact.

"Mmm, please, please." Santana moaned. Her eyes lidded. Her tongue licked her bottom lip then bit down.

Even Brittany couldn't resist her own temptations. Her hips grinded down against the ones on the desk table. In one swift powerful motion, Brittany pulled aside the other girl's panties. Two fingers pushed slowly between Santana's legs. A soft hiss escaped from her lips as she felt Brittany push inside. Fire ripped through her whole body as Brittany readjusted their position. She lifted the brunette from the table still stroking in and out of her wet cunt. The other girl could barely function as she felt her girlfriend move in and out of her. But she reached down between them to pull aside Britt's blue duck underwear to push her own fingers into the blonde.

The taller girl's other hand wrapped around San's waist to lift her from the table. The short Latina instantly latched her legs around Brittany forcing their bodies closer and fingers to collide deep into each other's throbbing sexes.

"Fuck!" Santana yelled out. Their mouths closed the distance between pleasure and sound. Tongues darted in and out between muffled grunts of satisfaction and mounting orgasms. The momentum of their bodies pushed Britt back. She alone supported the weight of their fucking as Santana had literally rode her fingers between their bodies bouncing up and down while Britt held her with her free hand. She stumbled backwards taking Santana with her. Luckily a thick plank of wood against the wall stopped Brittany from tumbling backwards. But the blonde didn't notice. She could only feel teeth nipping at the skin on her neck and fingers tangled in her long locks. Santana forcibly pulled her neck to the side to expose even more skin to play with. Luscious lips parted to suck sensitive skin leaving dark marks peppered up and down Brittany's neck.

But that wasn't what was making Brittany's hips buck up as she sought leverage against the plank in her back and the Latina fucking the shit out of her. The wood scraped the back of her legs and shook behind her, but she continued. Finally she flipped their bodies.

Santana gasped at the hard contact of her back on the wood, but she didn't care. The switch made Britt's fingers go deeper into her. Her back arched as she felt her muscles clench down around penetrating digits.

"Britt. Britt. Britt, baby." She mumbled incoherently into golden hair as she buried her face into the crook of her girlfriend's neck. Wave after wave of pleasure throbbed through her body. Her eyes shut tight as they rocked together in the basement dungeon of Crawford. She could distinctly feel Britt's pussy tightening around her own fingers before they both started to breathe again.

Santana could barely suck enough air in to remain conscious. Her whole body felt like it was on fire. Everything was so sensitive. Her skin rippled with electric tremors while her mouth opened trying to gulp in breaths of air. She shared stolen oxygen from her lover's lips unable to move from her position straddling Brittany. Finally, she opened her eyes to see bright azure ones staring back at her. Santana felt like her heart could have burst from the emotions flooding her body.

"I love you…" The brunette whispered meaning every word. But before Brittany could respond -

The room that had held them prisoner began to shake with their final pants. The girls had no time to relish the sensations they had just experienced or to calm down. Their already slowing hearts jumped at a loud crash from across the room. Something must have been jarred loose from their activities. In fact, the whole room groaned as if the counter weight to some ancient trap had been triggered. A clipboard flipped up in the air and arced over their heads.

"That was clos-" Santana began to say.

"Watch out, San!" Britt pushed the half naked girl from her as they both rolled to safety in the middle of the room. The brunette let out a grunt at the impact of her body on the hard floor.

"Ouch." She said looking up just in time to see the wooden planks they had been fucking on had been precariously holding up a section of the ceiling. If Brittany hadn't thrown them a few feet away, they would have been crushed by half the ceiling and the large pieces of wood. "Thanks babe."

They both reached out to help each other off. Brittany's hand patted Santana's ass to remove the large dust bunnies and splinters of wood while the brunette smoothed down the blonde's hair. After they had doctored each other for a few seconds their hearts started to slow.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Britt asked.

"I wouldn't have been. Fuck, I knew we were good, but I didn't know we were good enough to bring an entire building down."

"San, do you feel that?" Their hair was gently swaying around their faces.

"Feels like a draft? It's coming from over where everything fell." Santana stepped over some of the debris towards the pile of wood and plaster that had rained from above. A small grate hung swinging by only a hinge above the mess. Its bars were bent and looked strained to the point of snapping from the weight transfer that must have occurred during the avalanche in the Crawford basement. "Looks like an old ventilation duct or something."

Britt joined her girlfriend standing at the pile of rubble and looked up. "We could definitely fit up through that with the diet coach has us on."

"Damn straight we could, but we have no idea where this leads. Besides there could be rats or something. I don't want any diseases."

"Well you know what Lord Tubbington always says."

Santana held in a groan, but asked anyway. "What does he always say? The early cat gets the tub of cheez whiz?"

"No, silly. LT always says that sex solves everything."

The shorter girl snorted, despite her aversion to all things related to the falsely lorded pussy Brittany insisted knew everything. "So LT and I agree on something. Maybe we will solve this case after all since the sky and the ceiling is falling and Lord Tubbs and I are agreeing. In fact, we might be riding out of Crawford on flying pigs. I still don't know if this is the answer to getting out of here."

"Flying pigs? More like unicorns."

"Unicorns don't fly, but I will ride you out of here, if you want me to." Santana winked. Brittany, who never blushed about anything, felt the heat rise to her cheeks at her girlfriend's brazen remarks. But the heat didn't last. A light breeze brushed against her face.

"If we had LT, we could send him up first."

"First, you'd have to lift his fat ass up there."

"San." Britt shot her girl a disapproving stare.

"What?" Santana shrugged then lied. "I only say stuff about his weight cause I'm concerned about his health."

The blue eyed girl narrowed her stare. Not because she didn't believe Santana, but because she knew her girlfriend. And no matter what Santana said or tried to make herself believe, Britt knew that Santana and LT shared a special relationship. "We'll be fine. Besides, I don't think there's any way out besides the ceiling and I don't want to wait for Crazy Cindy to lock us back up or come back with a chainsaw or something. You know how these things work."

"B, we run an investigating business, not a horror movie crew. No one ever has a chainsaw in crime solving. Guns and like knives, but no chainsaw."

"Fine, but when she comes with a chainsaw-" Brittany's sentence was cut off prematurely by Santana's lips. The girl stopped talking as she relaxed into a soft, but sweet kiss. When San finally pulled back, Britt had completely forgotten why she had been worried to be begin with. They both started to redress themselves. As much as Brittany enjoyed seeing Santana unbuttoned, it did seem smarter to be fully dressed and clothed when gallivanting all over the school through the ceiling.

"Give me a boost." Santana said as the two girls automatically fell into position. Years and years of Sue Sylvester meant they could scale just about anything as a team. Nimbly, Britt lifted Santana up so the other girl could grab a hold of the metal ledge to pull herself up into the duct.

It was full of cobwebs and dust. Santana tried to hold her breath. Disgusting.

"San, give me a hand up!"

"I got you." Santana leaned over and reached down. Easily, the smaller cheerleader pulled the blonde up to the ventilation duct. Once they were both safely inside, Santana flicked open her phone to shed some light into the area. It seemed sturdy enough. But she was still unconvinced this was the best idea. "What now? This could be a dead end for all we know."

"Like being stuck in the basement isn't a dead end?" Britt raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow towards her girl.

"Fine. Whatever. You lead because I'm sure as hell not running into any spiders."

"You don't run into spiders, San. They land on you quietly. Everyone knows that!" Brittany shouted back with an amused laugh as she started to crawl down the duct in darkness.

"At least I'll have something to look at." Santana whispered under her breath before she reached out and flicked up the back of Brittany's skirt. The blonde yelped swatting at the air behind them.

Santana had a feeling they were going to get lost and end up in Narnia. Yup. It was going to be one of those nights.

Good thing she was following a unicorn.

"B, I love you, but this vent looks exactly the same as the last one we turned into!" Santana whined from behind her girlfriend's posterior. "Can't we just knock the vent and see where we end up? I'm sure we can jump to the floor from the vents. They aren't that high up. Obviously we're out of the IT room so wherever we end up is automatically an improvement."

"Yea, but what if we are in a vent above like an auditorium or something? I haven't learned how to fly yet."

"But you're a unicorn. I know we'll be fine if we just get out of the fucking vents, love." Santana said through gritted teeth. It was taking everything she had not to knock out the vent ducts and jump. She was covered in webs, dust, and dirt. They had been crawling for what felt like hours. Not only were they hopelessly lost, but it felt like they were going in circles. And for some reason they couldn't see anything outside of the narrow passageways.

To top it all off, whenever they were in situations like this, it always resulted in some steamy hot sex. But had that happened yet?


And Santana did not want to get it on in the ducts. The amount showers she was planning to take after – if they ever—escaped was an already daunting and climbing number.

"San, I know you missed my lecture on the differences between pegasi and unicorns, but I mean how many times do I have to tell you. I can't fly. That's not my power. Maybe next time I am Dr. Thomas, I bring you as my pussy holding sidekick instead of Tim."

"I'd prefer that…" Santana grumbled as she pushed aside more webs. "Come on, B. Let's kick this shit out and at least see if we are still in the state of Ohio."

"San!" Britt started to scold her girl again.

A strange noise echoed throughout the vent system.

"Shhh!" Santana tugged on Britt's skirt to stop the girl from proceeding any further. "What is that?"

Britt froze up ahead and squinted into the distance. Their cellphones had been dead for awhile now so they didn't have any light to judge where they were going or what was ahead. It had been fine, until now. Again the noise echoed throughout the duct. Chills ran up and down her body. It was such a strange sound sparkling and clawing around the metal passage followed by thunking on the sides, the top, and the bottom of the ventilation duct. Whatever was coming towards them was definitely big.

"B, maybe we should kick the vent out and take our chances wherever we end up." Santana tugged on Brittany's skirt harder this time, but she didn't budge. "Come on, baby. I don't want to meet whatever's living up here."

Brittany remained as still as a statue. Santana had never seen her girlfriend freeze up over anything. In fact, Britt had always been the one to lunge headfirst towards any danger or anything really. She tugged harder. "Please, babe. Let's go."

"Wait…" Britt breathed trying hard not to be loud.

Sparks exploded at the end of the passageway brilliantly lighting the duct for a second. Both girls covered their eyes quickly. Their eyes had grown accustomed to the darkness they had been crawling in.

"Britt Britt, grab my hand!" Santana yelled. The tunnel lit again sending a shower of sparks through the metal shaft again.

"I told you!" Brittany yelled back grabbing Santana's hand. "Chainsaws!"


Santana turned keeping a tight grip on her girlfriend's hand as she tried to back down from the way they had come. Light flashed all around them. For the first time, Santana thought she could actually see in the darkness. Something caught her eyes up ahead. If only they could reach it. But she only made it a step forward. Pressure followed by a large amount of weight toppled onto her back from behind.


"San, are you okay?"

"What's going on here! And who are you people!" Another voice added to the confusion. An older man's face. A familiar voice.

Santana grunted pushing Britt off her while the blonde worked at getting the other body out of the pile. Again the tunnel sparked up in light. It illuminated the mess of bodies; most importantly, it showed the girls a face in the darkness.

"Tony? Andy? Whatever your name is?" Santana asked now even more confused as she remembered the security man who had let them into Crawford. They had a special connection … well that was what Tim had called it. Really the two exchanged some head nods between each other.

"TANDY!" Britt called out excited that it wasn't a man with a chainsaw coming to kill them. San could barely contain her smirk at the nickname Britt had given the security guard. It was better than always calling him two names.

"The name is Tony."

"Whatever. You're Tandy now. It makes my girl happy." Santana turned her body around so she could face the dark body in the tunnel. "Now explain what you're doing here."

"I'm sorry, but do I know you?" The man's voice came out of the dark again. This time he sounded angry and suspicious. Which made sense considering the circumstances.

"Of course you know us, Tandy."

The light flickered again sparking out. Santana sucked in her breath. No wonder the noise had been so strange and the light sporadic. Tandy was lighting up a taser in the middle of the ventilation duct.

"Dr. Thomas?" Tandy asked incredulously. "Dr. Thomas, what are you doing in that outfit? And what are you doing up here?"

Brittany looked down at the skirt and the button-up. Shrugging, the girl smirked. "Research?"

"Research never looked this hot, baby." Santana couldn't help herself.

"Aren't you the driver? Oh Jeez, please tell me you guys aren't like lady ninja assassins or something. That would just be my luck. Of course I would lose my one sweet love to a chick that looks like The Bride."

"Wha?" Santana tilted her head now even more confused as the older man hung his head in defeat. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Oh don't play. My heart has already been tangled up and mangled enough for the day. Don't think I didn't see you and the dean with your cheesy seduction tactics!" He glared now at Brittany pointing the unlit taser in her direction.

"Hey! I'm not cheesy! If anything, I am a smooth operator. So I don't know what you're talking about." Britt shot back.

"No! No! Literally! That cheese stunt you pulled with the cat could have only been pulled off by a master of seduction and now you're in the vents right above her office probably stealing into her quarters like the master ninja you are to woo her more and have sex with her!" Tandy shook the taser at Britt even harder while his other hand brushed at his cheeks.

"Are you crying?" Santana asked venom dripping in her voice. She couldn't believe this guy. And he was threatening her girlfriend with that fucking electric thing. "Suck it up, asshole. You said something about the dean's office?"

"San, leave Tandy alone. He's hurting. I didn't seduce your lady love, the dean. In fact, I am just trying to talk to her. You see, I think she can help me and then we can leave and never come back to Crawford again."

"You mean that you would never come back to the school again? No more cheese/cat massages in the dean's office?"

Brittany nodded kindly. "We just need some help and then we can be out of here forever and you can tell the dean how you really feel about her."

"Once again… you mentioned the dean's office?" Santana interrupted the little love fest going on. She could gag.

"Well as long as you promise, I can show you where we are." Tandy said with trepidation.

"Okay, but first," Santana held a hand in the air. "Why the fuck do you have a taser in your hand? You're not planning on zapping us, are you?"

"Oh this?" Tandy set it to spark in the air again.

"It's like a sparkler…" Britt went to touch it, but Santana gently took her hand.

"My flashlight batteries died so I only had this left. I wasn't expecting anyone else to be up here." Tandy sparked it again before he started to crawl over both girls towards the small sliver of light that had caught Santana's eyes when they had thought a chainsaw was behind them. He pushed very gently on a small grate on the side of the duct. It let in a whole lot of light.

After their eyes adjusted, both girls peered through the opening.

"Hey, that's the dean's office!" Britt whispered excitedly.

"Yeah and there's that Cindy bitch who locked us in that room." Santana practically growled.

"And Jenny!" Brittany pointed through the small opening.

Down below, three figures were arguing quite heatedly exchanging words with the dean. But their body language indicated that they knew each other. Cindy walked around the room touching anything she wanted while Jenny purposely was pointing at both Cindy and the dean.

"Cindy?" Tandy asked now even more confused. "I thought that was your name, Dr. Thomas. Dr. Cindy Thomas…"

Both girls blushed, but the man continued. "That's not Cindy. In fact, that's Dean Armanda as you should know and Jenny." He pointed to the girl wearing a t-shirt with the school mascot of McKinley, the titan, but they knew her as the vice president of the student council. "And that's Jenny too."

He pointed to the girl that had called herself Cindy before leading them into a trap.

"What?" Santana's head shot up in surprise so fast she hit it on the top of the duct. "What? She told us her name was Cindy!"

"And you told me that you were Dr. Thomas, but I am starting to have my doubts…" The man responded back as he flicked the taser for a second so they could make suspicious eye-contact like in the movies.

"And I said that your name was Tandy!" Brittany jumped into the conversation. "So now we all have fake names. Perfect!"

"Wait…" Santana thought back to the room they had unlocked with two schedules for Crawford and McKinley. It would be impossible for Jenny to attend two schools at once, but it would be easy for two Jennys to go to different schools. But how did they connect? "So you're telling me they are both called Jenny? Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure! I've been a guard here for the past twenty years. Not only that, I have been watching the dean personally for all those years too. So I would know what her niece looks like."

"Her niece?" Britt looked down. "Which one? The one that goes to Crawford or the one that goes to McKinley?"

"Oh the one that goes to Crawford of course. But the other Jenny used to go here too! I am pretty sure they are dating each other because the girls call them JenJen. Or something like that."

"Are you fucking kidding me? Why the fuck would they go after my girl then?" Santana growled. "We are joining their little party right now! You ready, B?"

"Ready to fly out of this vent." Britt gave her girl a wink and steeled herself. "You coming, Tandy?"

"Oh gosh! I couldn't. The dean would kill me if she knew I spy on her sometimes through the vents. Besides this seems like a matter between all of you. I'll just be getting back to my post."

"Whatevs." Santana shrugged. All it took was a sudden kick from the petite cheerleader to bust the grating out from the vent. She didn't hesitate as she nimbly leapt from the vent system above the office. Her landing was smooth and graceful. Her eyes were fixed on Cindy/Jenny but then shifted to glare at the McKinley Jenny.

"What the!" The dean screamed as the grate popped from the ceiling and landed with a loud clatter on the carpet. What scared her the most was the appearance of a girl jumping from the vent followed by another one. They were dressed like Crawford girls, but the dean had never seen them before- "Dr. Thomas?"

"Brittany?" Jenny from McKinley asked. She pulled at her braid nervously and unsure what to do. Santana stepped into her path.

"Jenny One and Jenny Two." Santana growled pointing at them both.

"Wait! I can explain!" Jenny/Cindy called out, but not towards the intruders. Her plea was directed towards the other Jenny. "I was going to tell you about them! I promise! I just needed a little bit more time to figure out my plan! I didn't think they would show up here!"

Jenny/McKinley swung around now fuming towards Jenny/Crawford. "You promised me that you had nothing to do with McKinley! Or with my presidency. Or with Brittany! So why are they here! You promised me, Jen!"

Santana's eyes darted back and forth between the two bickering lovers. What was going on? Oh yeah, she was confused now because they had to be the worst mastermind duo of evil villains ever. They had barely acknowledged their badass jump from the ceiling.

"Umm, aren't you two working together to like ruin my life or something?" Brittany finally asked. "Because this isn't how I imagined this conversation going…"

"Dr. Thomas, I don't understand what you are doing here and dressed like that and how you know these girls. Also why, pray tell, did you come out of the duct?"

"I think I can explain." Jenny/McKinley stepped forward. "You're talking to the former student body president of McKinley High School until a few days ago when all her grades and school records mysteriously vanished like she had never attended. I didn't think anything of it at first, but I have been working with Brittany for the past year on executive board and she spends quite a bit of time studying and doing her work … because of her girlfriend, Santana."

"I'm still very confused why a student from McKinley would dress up like an illustrious professor and invade Crawford?"

"I'm confused why you aren't trying to tie us up and feed us to the sharks, Jenny! I trusted you as my vice president!" Brittany said stepping forward.

"That's what I am trying to say, Brittany. I didn't betray you! My girlfriend…Jenny…she…well…"

"Stop! Fine!" Jenny/Cindy stepped forward. "I admit it! I erased all your records! It was child's play. Your school is so archaic with such old programs, it was easy to hack. And because Jen works for McKinley, I stole her keys to the filing room and I took all the physical copies of your files too."

"I knew it had to be you! But why, Jenn? Brittany has nothing to do with us!" Jenny/McKinley turned back to her girlfriend.

"Nothing to do with us! Are you kidding me! She has everything to do with us! It's because of her that we won't be able to attend Cornell with me in the Fall! We had everything perfect! After your parents transferred you out of Crawford, we knew it would be okay because we could apply to the same school and be together. We worked so hard every year! Then this bitch!" Jenny/Crawford pointed at Brittany. "She comes out of nowhere senior year to take the presidency that you had been working for for the past four years!"

"Jenn…" Jenny/McKinley stepped forward. "Just because I didn't get the presidency doesn't mean it was Brittany's fault. We couldn't have expected to both get into the same program."

Brittany thought about the dorm room and the two sets of schedules. It all made sense and seemed so familiar. Santana kept her schedule at school too. In fact, her girlfriend probably knew more about Britt's classes than she did her own.

"We could have if we were able to give them practically the same application and tell them about all the obstacles we made it over together at different schools! They would have never said no to us!"

"You have to give Brittany back her grades. It's not fair to her."

"Jennifer!" The dean finally realized what her niece had done. "I can't believe you! You will return her records at once and I will have to call Principal Figgins to apologize and explain what happened. I'll probably have to expel you now."

"No! You can't! I was going to give them back! I just wanted Jenny to be able to put on her applications that she was the president and then maybe they'd accept her and we could be together. I was going to let them out! I promise! I was." She looked from the dean to Brittany and Santana.

Santana huffed unimpressed, but Brittany sighed.

"I know what it's like to want to be with your girlfriend no matter what. I still don't even know what I am doing next year after I graduate, but I know it will be with Santana." Brittany smiled casting a quick glance to the girl standing next to her. "I do know that Jenny has been the best vice president I could have asked for. For these last few weeks of the year, I don't need to be the president and I don't want anyone else to not graduate. So if you could just return my grades to McKinley, I will gladly let Jenny take over the reins to finish out the year. I just want to make sure when I finish, it will be this year and not four years from now."

"Brittany, you don't have to do this." Jenny/McKinley said softly, but she glanced at her own Jenny.

"Nope, I would never want to split apart two people." Brittany stepped forward and took Santana's hand. The Latina tried her hardest not to look completely whipped, but her heart was pounding at the contact of their hands. No matter what anyone said, Brittany really was the smartest and kindest person. She always knew what to do and what to say.

"Well that's settled then. I will still give Principal Figgins a call to tell him there was a mix up. Jenn will send back your grades and you can all graduate. I will give a quick call to the front gate to see if someone can escort you back to your car." The dean started to make for the phone on her desk.

"Don't bother calling the front desk. I am pretty sure the man you are looking for is closer than you think." Santana smirked as she looked up towards the vent they had jumped from.

"Tandy! Come down!" Britt called up.

A distinct sizzle came from the vent followed by a series of yelps, thuds, and then a grunt came from the vent. The next thing, a very large body rolled out from the vent and landed on the carpet with a thud.

"Oh shit." Santana said under her breath. "I think Tandy must have shocked himself!"

The man lay twitching on the ground with the taser still in his hand.

"Oh my! Officer Tony! Are you okay?" The dean rushed forward brushing back the man's hair from his face trying to see if he was bleeding or hurt.

"We should probably go." Santana said watching the woman nurse the man back to consciousness.

"Yeah, but look at Tandy getting some hardcore loving from the dean right now. We are so good! LT:P-EYE here for all your mysteries, crime solving, and matchmaking in the love." Brittany giggled.

"Yeah, but do you think we should tell Mr. Loverboy over there that he peed himself?"

"Nah. We'll just throw off his game." Brittany laughed as she waved to the Jennys, the dean, and the beaming Tandy, who was just loving all the attention the dean was giving him. He even gave the two girls a thumbs up as they walked out the office doors.

"Case Closed?" Santana asked softly as they approached her red car.

"Yea, I think so. We found my grades. I get to graduate and we did it together with some help from LT, Tim, and even Tandy."

"So do you think we're done forever then? Our last case?" Santana unlocked the car doors, but lingered on the passenger's side.

"I don't know. Do good things always have to end? Because I love LT:P-EYE and I love being with you." The blonde turned into Santana's body. They were so close now that their lips brushed with every word.

"Good things don't have to end. We'll always be together." Santana whispered softly feeling heat rise in her cheeks at her words. Sometimes she felt so corny, but she meant every word said.

"If we'll be together forever then there will always be mysteries to solve and adventures to get into. Besides, we are finishing high school, I'm sure the adventures only really start now."

"So we'll keep the name? We can always be LT:P-EYE on the side?"

"As long as we're the ones in the middle. Thanks, San, for being the best partner."

"I try."

"I love you." Brittany finally closed the gap between their lips to seal their promises with a kiss.

"I love you too."

They got into the car hand-in-hand and started to make their way back home. Brittany reached over to the consol and turned on her IPod. The Siamese Cat Song thumped through the speakers. Santana groaned, but couldn't help herself as she started to sing the lyrics along with her girlfriend. It would be a long trip back, but she wouldn't have it any other way.

Oh goodness. I can't believe that was the last chapter and case for LT:P-Eye! I can honestly say I never expected to have written this much for the story, but your comments, reviews, alerts, and adds really encouraged me to keep writing! It's been an absolute pleasure! I would love to hear your thoughts now that it's over!

Please any comments, criticism, or anything you want to say – totally welcomed!

Thank you! Thank you!

Don't forget I will be posting Sirens which is kinda a spin-off of LT:P-EYE and takes places years later. We shall see if their promise to always be together is true and what type of adventures await them in the world after high school. As a teaser (I love teasers ) I will post a few more paragraphs of the first chapter of Sirens! If you're interested please add me to your author alert so you don't miss out. I will also be writing a few one shots during Sirens.

Once again, thank you so much and have a lovely week!


Chapter 1

Teaser Part 2

"I don't think it's one of your friends, but-"

"What! Did someone get hurt? Shit! Who is it?" Puck flew the few feet that separated him and grabbed his commander by the collar of his shirt and yanked at him. Despite the older man's weight, Puck was able to lift him an inch off the ground in his fury. A few bodies shifted towards them, but didn't touch the two. Puck realized what he had been doing and slowly lowered his boss to the ground. Luckily, Macklin didn't retaliate, but pretended the incident had never happened as he smoothed down his collar.

"Like I said, I don't think it's one of your friends, Noah, but we can be sure of one thing. The Midnight Strangler is back." Macklin shook his head. Then looked off into the distance not wanting to meet Puck's eyes. Even saying the name after all these years sent shivers through the seasoned police chief. Shivers of anger, fear, and shame. He had always hated what the media had dubbed one of the most notorious and disgusting killers he had ever seen. One that had gotten away.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." Puck walked away from Macklin unable to release his frustration. The only solid object he could find was a parked cop car. He drove his fist into the side panel of the car and yelled. "Fuck!"

Macklin rushed over and pulled him away. "Keep it together, Noah. I can't have you causing a scene here with the media swarming. And I can't have them knowing that this asshole is back. At least, not until we can brief the department and go over the body with the coroner and forensics team to confirm. And for all we know this could be a copy cat since the killer hasn't surfaced in the past four years. I need you to keep your shit together, alright, son?"

His large hand pressed down on Puck's shoulder applying just enough pressure to comfort and yet subtly remind the younger man to keep himself in check. Panting hard and heavy, Puck eventually allowed himself to simmer back down. He could do it. He didn't have to freak out. It would be fine. "Got it, chief."

"Good." Macklin pulled his hand back and stroked his salt and pepper beard for a few moments. The sound of the sirens washed over them. The crowd still murmured, and both men's eyes turned towards the stretcher that held the body.

"You're sure it wasn't anyone I know?" Puck asked finally his heart feeling instantly heavier. So many of his friends had made the trip to New York to live out their big dreams. Last time…

"I had the station run the name. But the girl wasn't from Lima, in fact, she wasn't even from Ohio so I doubt it was one of your friends."

"Thanks. I don't know if I can go through that again…" Puck said softly under his breath not wanting Macklin to hear his admission. All he could remember was the body.

Her body.

Her body and the cold sinking feeling that he would never be okay again. That day had torn his whole world apart, but he tried not to think about it. He couldn't afford to think about how he had failed, how everyone had failed.

"Look, Noah, I know this is going to bring up some bad memories, but I need to you bring her into the station. You are one of her oldest friends so I don't want to send anyone else. Besides you know she's been a reckless cannon since the whole ordeal." Macklin said lighting up a cigarette for himself. He still couldn't look Puckerman in the eye.

"I thought you said she wasn't allowed in the station anymore."

"I know what I said and I had meant it at the time. If it wasn't for this mess she still wouldn't be allowed in the station. I would have had her investigator license revoked if I knew she wasn't capable, but the bitch somehow keeps finding work and until…" He trailed off looking for better words. "…that whole thing happened; she was one of the best. You know her best so she if you can rouse her from her drunken stupor and get her down to the station, I would be grateful. I don't want her finding out about this through the news. She'll be a mess as it is."

"Chief, you know what this case did to her the last time she worked it. I don't know if it's a good idea. I mean she still isn't herself and she's worse now that she's alone." Puck ventured carefully trying not to sound challenging. "Besides we have all the case notes from the last time these sprees started. Maybe it would be best not to bring in anyone else."

"No. We tried to play it cute last time and too many people died. This time I want no mistakes and pussying footing around this shit. I want everyone who ever worked on the case back in my office going over statements, witness accounts, and victimology. I'm even thinking about calling the feds in right away this time. I don't want to give this asshole a chance to getting going like last time." Macklin flicked the cigarette to the ground and finally turned to Puck. "This will not be a repeat of last time. Do you understand me, Puckerman?"

Despite his commander's harsh tone, Puck actually felt reassured at the sound of his last name spoken like a threat. It made him feel like for a half second that this would be a regular case and everything would be alright. Macklin nodded and shook Puck's hand before walking away. Puck repeated the last statement again and again in his head like a mantra.

This will not be a repeat of last time.

This will not be a repeat of last time.

This wouldn't be like last time.

This couldn't be like last time.

Yet the tight ball of feelings knotting in his core caused the man to give into dark thoughts as he slammed the door of his car. What if this would be like last time? What if they couldn't catch this guy again? What if another of his friends died? What if? What if?