New fic! :) After the amazing responses to my previous JJ fic I decided to do another multi chapter story. Again this is based on previous experience so sorry if it doesn't always seem in character. No Henry or Will. I do not own anything. Lyrics are from the song Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift. If you haven't heard it, go listen to it, it's amazing.
This story will contain mentions of drug abuse, alcohol abuse as well as abuse in general. So mature rating all the way through. You have been warned!
Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You'll be alright
No one can hurt you now
Come morning light
You and I'll be safe and sound
The persistent banging emitting from her front room had woken her and she was not amused in the slightest.
JJ turned and groggily wiped her eyes whilst they adjusted to the current invasion of red light shining from her alarm clock.
What the hell..
The banging continued.
Groaning loudly, the sleepy blonde resentfully dragged herself from her bed and made her way to the offending sound. Her bare feet patted rhythmically as she made her way across the chilly, wooden floor.
As she approached her front door, she hesitated. No one in their right mind would be banging on her apartment door at 3am, especially not without calling first. Grabbing her gun from the kitchen sideboard, she silently tiptoed over. As she approached, the banging ceased.
Closing her left eye tightly, she strained the right to see clearly through the peephole.
She could make out a hooded figure standing in her doorway, but the lack of light allowed no other insight as to who the stranger was behind her door.
JJ stepped back, unsure of what to do next.
The banging returned.
She knew that if she didn't do something soon her neighbours would also be paying her a not so welcomed visit.
Flicking the safety off her gun and checking the latch was securely in place, she opened the door ever so slightly.
Peering through the gap in the door, JJ wasn't expecting the sudden rush of emotion that suddenly barrelled into her.
Her breath hitched in her suddenly dry throat and her mouth dropped open.
"Well hey there gumdrop. Fancy letting me in?"
Very short I know, but this is just the opening chapter to get the ball rolling. It gets far more exciting I promise. xox