A/N: This is something I had on my PC for a very long time. And I mean a very long time, like 2 or 3 years. Anyway, one day I coincidentally listened to "The Wind Cries Mary" by Jimi Hendrix and thought the parallels between each verse and each series/season of Doctor Who was interesting. So I got to writing and finished the first three chapters in quick succession but the fourth and last chapter didn't come. Until today. Therefore, there is probably a slight change in style. I took the liberty of slightly changing the lyrics to empasize my point. But nevertheless, have fun reading this and tell me what you think afterwards, will you?

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything related to Doctor Who. Moreover, I also don't own "The Wind Cries Mary". Everything belongs to its respective owners.

Chapter 1

"After all the jacks are in their boxes
And the clowns have all gone to bed
You can hear happiness
Staggering on down street
Footprints dressed in red
And [Time] whispers [Rose]"

They met when both of them had been in a delicate time, a time of needed change.

He was about to get lost in his loss and she in the boredom of her mundane life.

But one night it all began to change. They saved each others life. And so they were bound from then on. They didn't know, but the universe did. They were destined to be with each other, to make each other happy.

But then came the end. Almost.

For she saved him, risking her own life. Giving part of her life, because she altered. Not visibly, but something in her got changed.

And he saved her, giving his life. He also changed. Not inside, but his appearance changed.

But throughout their whole time together something in the back of their minds tugged. Something wanted to tell them something. Something important. But it wasn't loud enough.