Chapter 4 is up! Enjoy!
Heraclues sighed and layed Kiku back down on the bed. Placing a wet cloth on Kiku's forehead, he patted Kiku down, looking for his cell. Taking it out, he went to Kiku's contacts, calling the house number.
"Kiku! Where are you, aru?" Heraclues heard Yao yell at the other side.
"No, it's me…Heraclues."
"Huh? Where's Kiku? Why do you have his phone?"
"He…has a fever. You can't talk to him right now, he's unconscious."
"Aiyah! Do you need anything?Do you want me to pick him up?"
"Uhhh… no. I don't want to move him. I'll send him back when he's better, is that okay?"
"Yeah, Kiku has his own keys."
"Kay, bye" Heracules hung up and placed Kiku's phone at the table. His cat rubbed against his leg, so he picked it up and started to pet it. He sneezed and walked to the kitchen. He looked around, wondering what to do then he started on soup.
When he was finished, he went to check on Kiku.
Kiku layed in the bed with a slightly pained expression. Sweat rolled down his forehead and the cloth fell slipped out long ago. His chest rose up and down, his breaths came out as ragged pants. Heracles rushed over to his side and placed the cloth on his forehead again. Kiku groaned slightly and turned his head away. His eyes fluttered opened and he saw Heraclues leaning over him.
He shut his eyes when he felt the cool cloth on his forehead. "H-Hera… what…happened?" he groaned. Heracles looked up. "You fell unconscious. Do you feel okay?" he asked. Kiku shook his head. He whimpered when he felt a wave of nasusa hit him. Heracles remembered the medicine in the cabinet, so he rushed to get it. "Wait here!" he called and ran to the bathroom.
Kiku looked around the room. Deciding he did not want the cloth to fall off, he did not move. The cat jumped up on the bed and started randomly meowing. Kiku smiled. It was like the cat was holding a conversation with him. Heracles came a minute later, holding some water and a bottle. Kiku flinched. Why did it have to be liquid of all things?
Heracles smiled and placed some of it in a tablespoon. "I see you don't like medicine." He chuckled. Kiku nodded. "But, the sooner the better, so say ah" he said.
Kiku opened his mouth and drank it. He wanted to spit it out, but refrain from doing so. He looked at Heracles. He blinked, before asking, "Why do you care?"
Heracles pulled away, confused at the sudden question. "Huh?" Kiku frowned, looking at the floor.
"You... you're always nice to me. Why? Why me of all things? I'm not special, beautiful, charming, or even brave." Kiku muttered.
Heracles looked away, uncertain if his answer would satisfy Kiku.
"Umm, you're my friend." He answered. Kiku frowned. I sounded like a question more than an answer, so he was a little hurt by that.
Heracles noticed it but said nothing. He did not want to tell the answer at that moment. Kiku looked away. "I tried to kill myself but you…" he looked straight up at Heracles.
"You stopped me." He finished. He looked down again. Shaking his head, he rested his head on the pillow.
Heracles placed a soft kiss to Kiku's forehead before leaving. Turning around, he muttered, "Good night."
Four days later, Kiku returned home. He went back to school and pretended nothing happened. Heracles still walked him home, and sometimes, he would stay for a while.
It was fine like that, but something was always missing.
There was now this awkwardness between the two. Kiku would barely talk, and Heracles was always asking questions. Like, how are you feeling, or have you been doing fine. Kiku felt embarrassed by those, but Heracles was only being a little protective.
Saturday, Heracles knocked on the door. Yao answered.
"Hi, Heracles." He said. He yawned. "If you're looking for Kiku, he left a while ago. I don't really know where, but it's not my business."
Heracles tensed. "Do you have any idea where he went?" he asked.
Yao shrugged. He heard a scream from upstairs and sighed. "Listen, aru. Hong placed firecrackers on Mei's closet, and I think they went off. Gotta go." He said and closed the door.
Heracles thought of where Kiku could have been, and then started to run to the source.
Kiku sat at the grass, watching his favorite scene; the sun set at the lake. He took out his blade, angling at his wrist. He pushed down at it, making a drop of blood appear.
But instead of feeling relief, he felt pain this time. He flinched, stopping right in his tracks. He thought of Heracles, feeling guilty for doing this.
Throwing the blade to the water, he wiped a tear from his eye.
"I don't want to do this…" he cried out softly.
Suddenly, he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. Gasping, the person nuzzled his head to Kiku's neck.
"Then don't do it." Heracles muttered against Kiku's neck, causing Kiku to shiver.
Kiku leaned to Heracles touch. "…" he said nothing. Heracles turned Kiku around, staring right at his eyes. "Promise you won't…" he muttered, leaning closer. Kiku could only nod his head, softly closing his eyes.
Their lips captured each other in a sweet kiss, lasting a good amount of time before they both pull away from each other. Heracles lightly holded Kiku's cheek, leaning again for a more passionate kiss. Kiku kissed back lightly, tilting his head a little.
Kiku pulled away, leaning is head on Heracles's shoulder. Heracles kissed the top of Kiku's head, nuzzling to the scent of Kiku's hair. Kiku sighed. "Can we…stay like this for a while?" he asked quietly. Heracles replied with a "Mmm…" meaning yes.
"I love you." Heracles murmured. Kiku let his eyes flutter close.
"…love you too." He softly replied.
Ha. Ending is suckish D: I know, I know, but I started a new story, so I had to get this one done or else updating will take a long time. But whutevah. I hope you guys kinda-sorta like the ending. I was planning on a lot more, but with my other stories waiting and school… I decided to finish this earlier.