Hola everyone! I am updating as soon as I can! I have a lot of the story already written so it's nice to just add a quick author's note and post as soon as I can! So you all know, I wanted to add to the story by having Sam speak his native language, but I have had a really hard time trying to find any phrases in Quileute. I speak a bit of Choctaw since I am half native, but I don't want anyone to think that Choctaw and Quileute are the same because they are definitely not, but I am going to use Choctaw as 'Quileute' in this story. Thank you so much for sticking with this story!

The Beach

Sam POV:

The coffee date with my beautiful Bella was incredible. We had quietly drank our coffee and had been timidly observing each other. I know that sounds like it would be really awkward and weird for a first date, but like everything with Bella so far, it felt completely natural.

I know that is because of the imprint but I do think that it would have been like this anyway had I ever gone on a date with her and without the whole wolf thing.

The whole wolf thing, it had truly screwed up the rest of my life. I was now leading four other teenagers-turned men and killing vampires. I could never leave LaPush and before the imprint I was going to marry Leah, whom I had loved, but things had never been the same since I had started phasing.

Turning into a giant ball of fur did have a few advantages though, like running extremely fast, and it brought me to Bella Swan, but you think that I would have gained more confidence in myself, and in some ways I had, but when it came to Bella I was a blubbering fool. I completely stuttered throughout my entire date with her. I am just glad that she thought it was cute. I am the alpha of a dangerous wolf pack, I really need to get it together and start acting like one when I am with her. It was not so easily done though. Bella is my entire world and my life, how could I not be nervous?

Right now, I am on my way to the Swan house right now and maybe I can redeem myself and be a man!

When I got to her house and parked my truck I made it to her porch in just a few long strides. I knocked on their front door already smelling her delicious scent. My Bella smelled of fresh fruit and rain, I would never get enough of it. There were times though, such as out intense make out session in the coffee house parking lot, a new smell of peaches and cream was added to the mix, and nothing could smell more sexy and enticing.

Bella opened the door and smiled brightly. God, I love her smile, and the way that her eyes light up so brightly when she sees me.

"Hello Sam," she greeted me before asking, "So what's planned for today?" As she held the door open, welcoming me inside her home.

I couldn't help but smile back at her and kiss her cheek before replying.

"I was thinking that we could walk on the beach for a bit then have a picnic. After that some of my friends from the Rez, who are all dying to meet you by the way, are going cliff diving before having a bonfire tonight if you would like to join them." I told her, partially wanting her to meet the pack and partially wanting to keep her all to myself all day.

"That sounds like a blast!" she said before turning to the stairs while saying, "Just let me change and grab a few things, you can sit if you want, I'll be quick."

I sat down on the couch and waited for her to return. As I did so I looked at all of the pictures they had on her walls and the fire place mantle. Bella was really cute as a kid.

My favorite picture was one of her dad, Charlie, Billy, before the accident, Jacob, and Bella . It was taken when Bella was maybe seven or eight. She was holding up a fish, as was Jake, but hers was at least three times the size. Jake had a pouting face while Bella had a shit-eating grin, it was a funny picture.

"That's my favorite picture." Bella told me as she walked down the stairs in a blue tank top and some jean shorts. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she had never looked more beautiful to me.

"Um… yah me too…" I stuttered, wanting to smack myself in the head for letting it happen again. Dammit, I really need to fix this problem.

"Well I am ready whenever you are!" Bella stated smiling. It was only then that I noticed she was carrying a big of things she would need at the beach.

"Let's head out then!" I grabbed her bag and threw it over my shoulder and offered my hand for her to hold.

The ride to second beach was quiet and comfortable as I held her petite hand in my over-sized one, and I couldn't help but think about how stunning the woman next to me was. I already love her so much. I can't help but think about how little I actually know about her though. Hopefully that will change dramatically today.

I parked the truck about 15 minutes later and helped my angel get out of the passenger side. Bella tripped a nit and fell into my chest. She gasped and looked as if she couldn't decide whether to run away from me or burrow her head further into my open arms.

"You're really hot." She stated, looking at me with furrowed brows.

"Oh well, you know, I do work out." I replied, smiling. She blushed and began giggling, insisting that that had not been what she meant as we walked hand in hand to the peaceful beach.

We found a place next to a large piece of driftwood and put all of our things for the picnic, along with Bella's bag, down in the sand for later. Then we started walking along the water's edge, heading nowhere in particular. Our feet were getting wet when the waves would get closer and closer along the sand. The water moved in and out, in and out, in a steady rhythm like the ocean was breathing peacefully.

I looked out at the world around me and realized that a beautiful as it was it could never be nearly as breath taking as the woman walking beside me with her hand resting in mine.

The wind was blowing softly causing her auburn tresses to float in front of her, the sunlight was dancing off of her alabaster skin and her perfect pink lips were in a gentle smile as she stared at the ground before her. This woman would be the death of me, I could already tell.

"Sam?" Bella asked suddenly looking up at me with her beautiful eyes. I simple nodded and waited for her to continue.

"How old are you?" she finished. Shit! I didn't think about that, what happens if she thinks that I am too old for her? I wouldn't survive without her now that I have her, I couldn't go on if she turned away from me now.

"I am 21, Bella" I said as calmly as I could manage. On the inside I was freaking out. She's only 18, what if she really does think that I am too old? She nodded but didn't really give me anything that would let me know how she was feeling about this new information I had given her. The man in me was about to shit a brick and the wolf inside me was whimpering fearfully.

"Well, that's better than I was fearing." She spoke up, chewing on her lip sexily before continuing, "I was scared that you were like 25 or something. Age doesn't really matter to me much, I mean it is all relative, but Charlie would have had a conniption."

I released a breath I hadn't been aware that I was holding in. I was glad that she didn't care about my being three years older than her. I am overjoyed that she had accepted at least that part of me. My heart hurt at the thought of her not wanting to be with me.

"No, I am not 25! Let's not rush things!" I laughed, fully aware that I would not begin aging again until I quit phasing, which would be a very long time from now.

She laughed along with me quietly for a moment before asking me something I was definitely not prepared to answer.

"Why do I feel like this?" She said so quietly that even I almost mistook it for the breeze. "I don't even know you, really, and yet I feel like I have known you my whole life." She finished, still looking at me with innocent doe eyes.

I couldn't tell her about the imprint yet. I wanted her to choose to be with me. I don't want to force her to love me with the weight of the imprint. I wanted her to fall for me completely naturally, well as naturally as she could with me being a mythical creature.

"I feel it too Bella." I settled on saying because I wanted to be honest with her but I know that I am not ready for her to know the secret of my tribe.

Bella just nodded quietly and sat down next to me in the sand. I wrapped my arms around her and felt her lean into my torso, laying her head onto my shoulder. I could see her inhale my scent softly and a small smile formed on her lips.

"Ok, well how about we get to know one another?" I suggested. She smiled widely, warming my heart, and waited for me to continue. "How about we play favorites?"

"You start!" she announced while nodding her pretty head in agreement.

"Favorite color?" I asked, saying the first thing that came to mind.

"Black." She responded with a look on her face that dared me to disagree that black was a color. Today must be her lucky day though because I think that black is definitely a color. I decided to just let it go and continue with the game.

"Green." I told her. "Your turn."

"Hm…" she thought for a moment, biting her bottom lip again. "What is your favorite movie?"

"The Boondock Saints." I stated simply. I truly doubted that she had ever even heard of it.

"Oh my gosh! That's one of my favorites too! I really love V for Vendetta though!" She responded surprising me. Wow. She might not like chick flicks, which would work out well for me! Poor Jared, Kim has him memorizing the shows she watches; she has shown them to him so many times. V for Vendetta is a pretty awesome movie too so I wouldn't mind watching it often.

"Remember, remember the fifth of November." I said smiling. This made her laugh happily in recognition.

"So you're not into chick flicks?" I asked her

"I mean I do like to watch them sometimes, and I love a classic, tragic romance, but I guess there are just better things out there." She shrugged. I guess I could deal with that I thought as I smiled at her.

I was just about to ask another question as it was again my turn, but when I opened my mouth to speak both of our stomachs growled simultaneously. This made us both laugh heartily.

"Let's go eat our picnic!" I offered, standing and helping her up along with me.

"I am so starving!" She blushed prettily.

"Good! 'Cause I am too!" I responded. I could eat an entire cow. Actually, thinking about it, with my wolfy metabolism, I probably could literally eat an entire cow. We pulled out all of the food after lying out on a blanket. I had packed several sandwiches, chips, potato salad, some warm sodas, and strawberries for desert.

Upon seeing all of the food Bella's eyes lit up and I was extremely happy that I had gotten it right.

"Mmm, this is so good, Sam!" Bella moaned as she took a bite of her potato salad that I had made myself this morning. Then she proceeded to stare at me as I shoveled food down my throat. Thinking about it, I must look like a mad man, but hey, I am hungry!

After a moment she just rolled her eyes and laughed at me lightheartedly before she finished eating her lunch. After we were done eating that I fed her some strawberries, but that had to be put to an end real quick. Watching her pop the red fruits into her mouth proved to be too much for my control to handle. It was completely mesmerizing and I could only hope that she would not notice the nearly painful hard on that I had attained from just watching her.

Even though I stopped feeding her the strawberries, I had to lean in and kiss her. Her lips were so soft and gentle against mine that I literally couldn't stop. Instead I ran my tongue along her bottom lip, asking for entrance into her sweet mouth that now tasted like strawberries.

While this kiss was just as intense, it was not like the urgent, horny kiss that we had shared previously, this one was sensual and languid as we took our time tasting one another. It was the sexiest kiss that I had ever experienced.

I pulled away and watched her pout slightly until I showed her that I had only pulled away so that I could sit up against the piece of driftwood and pulled her up to straddle my lap. After she got settled, I returned to the enticing task of kissing my imprint.

I could tell that I was not the only one turned on by this kiss as I could smell her delicious peaches and cream arousal. I moaned into her mouth, wanting nothing more than to taste those peaches.

Bella was driving me crazy. She laced her fingers through my hair and was grasping at it lightly. I had one hand on her waist and one hand on the back of her neck, pulling her to me. She moaned quietly, a sound I would relish forever. My Bella was beautiful and sexy and perfect. She was an angel.

I guess kissing wasn't quite enough for her anymore as she started to awkwardly squirm against me, whimpering lightly. I helped her out by drifting my hands down to her perfect ass, pulling her impossibly closer to me, placing her over my manhood. Then, as I held her down on me I shifted my hips upward, causing her and I both to moan loudly. I continued to rock against her and she against me.

I pulled away from her lips slightly, going to move to her neck, but when I saw her face I was entranced. She had her beautiful brown eyes closed in a mixture of concentration and pleasure, her hair was wild from my hands being tangled in it earlier, the ponytail almost completely fallen out. Her lips were parted slightly and she looked absolutely delectable. I couldn't help it, I just watched her as I continued to push my hips into hers.

I can't describe the moment that took place when she opened her eyes and looked back at me, there was just something very intense about it, even stronger than when my eyes first met hers and I imprinted on her. Our hips stopped their movement and we just stared into each other's souls for I don't even know how long. This continued until I broke the silence by whispering in Quileute softly.

"Achuffa chi mismiki." I told her in my native tongue. She leaned in and gave me a gentle, innocent, but loving kiss before asking,

"You speak the native language?" her eyes were wide and she looked oddly hopeful.

"A" I responded, kissing her sweet lips once more.

"Ok so I am guessing that "a" means yes, but what did you say to me before that?" she blushed slightly.

"I said that you are the beautiful one." I told her honestly.

"That's so amazing! I always wanted to speak another language, other than English" she exclaimed, clearly impressed. I wonder if she would be interested in learning my first language. I could teach her if she wanted me to.

"Right as I was about to ask her, Jacob walked out of the woods and gave a (literal) wolf whistle, seeing the position we were still in from our make out session. Bella blushed a dark red and put her head into my chest, hiding. I just smiled and wrapped my arms around her and asked Jake what was up.

"Yah, I was just wondering if you guys were coming to go cliff diving with all of us?"

"We will be there soon." I told him, Jake just snickered and walked slowly back into the forest, heading to the cliffs now, no doubt.

Bella got off of my lap and began packing up all of the stuff that we had brought for our picnic. Yah, our picnic was definitely a success, I thought.

When I finished loading everything into the truck I took in my surroundings. There was sand a rock path that lead to the beach from the grassy area we were currently parked in. The trees of the thin thicket were spread out around us, the sun was shining, and the cliffs surrounded the whole scene on either side of us. I knew this was the place that was perfect for everything that I had planned out. I grabbed Bella's hand and lifted it to my lips, giving it a little kiss before asking her my question.

"Isabella, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her, while staring deeply into her chocolate orbs.

"Hm… do I have to?" She asked, clearly joking. She did realize though that because of the imprint, I truly was afraid that she would feel forced to be with me. I guess that she read the emotions on my face though because she grabbed my face between both of her tiny hands and pulled me down to her level to kiss me.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Sam. I would love to be." She spoke after pulling away.

I smiled, a very happy wolf.

A/N: Well that is it for this chapter. Thank you so much for reading! I will keep posting quickly if you all can give me 12 Reviews I will have another chapter up by Thursday night! I really would like to know your opinions on what you think I am doing well on and what you all think I still need to work on! Thanks!

With lots o' love,
