**Author's Note: Ok, and here's a funny little conclusion to the story. It kind of explains a little bit of how things came about and hints at Cibby :)

***One Hour Earlier***


Carly turned around on her stool to face her tall friend coming in the front door, announcing his presence as always. "Shh!" she said hurriedly and pointed to the stairs.

"She's here?" Gibby asked.

"Yeah, she just headed up. Is Freddie up there? I tried to stall as long as I could for him to get over here," Carly asked, "but she was so pissed she didn't even want to stop for smoothies." Gibby nodded, going to get some Wahoo Punch out of the fridge. "Yeah, he's here. I just got off the phone with him about ten minutes ago. I told him about the 'complaints' to the site and he seemed relieved to have an excuse to come over," he said, pouring him and Carly a glass, "he was pretty upset about everything..."

"But its worth it right?" she questioned, unsure about this now that both of her best friends were so upset.

"Yes," Gibby said firmly, handing her the cup. She didn't drink any though, just looked down at it, running her finger around the rim. "Hey," he said, "you said you wanted them back together..."

"I do," Carly said quickly, "they're miserable being apart. "

"Alright then," he said, decidedly, "then don't act so mopey."

"I'm not... This is just so... devious," she said, finally taking a sip from her cup.

"I figured devious would be second nature by now with Sam as a best friend," Gibby laughed.

"Yeah, well... I think this above even Sam's level," she admitted. She sighed and rested her chin in her hand. Gibby drank some more of his punch. "I just wish I knew if the plan is working," he said, "maybe I could go upstairs, sneak a peek..."

"No!" Carly said quickly, "what if they see you and you ruin the moment. You just gotta wait..."

"I can't wait," he groaned, "come on... You know you wanna know. They could be beating each other up... Or worse... They could be just sitting up there, not talking at all..." Ok that got Carly's attention. She definitely didn't want them to not be talking. She got a thoughtful look in her eye. "I see the look. That's your thinking look," Gibby said, "whatcha thinking...?"

"The iCarly cam," Carly said, reaching for the keyboard, "I used it to spy on you guys during the whole N.E.R.D. camp confrontation..."

"And we can use it to spy on Sam and Freddie now!" he said as though that weren't completely obvious. Carly rolled her eyes and continued getting logged in so she could get access to the camera. An video feed of the iCarly studio popped up on the screen. It was dark except for the random dancing lights and there was music. Freddie moved over to Sam sitting on the bean bag chairs. Carly smiled when Sam took his hand and he pulled her to him. "Is it working?" Gibby asked.

"Oh its working," Carly said as Sam and Freddie started to kiss, "its working gooood..." Gibby came around the counter where he could look for himself. "Alright!" he exclaimed, then did a cat call, "that's what I'm talking about. I told you this would work!"

"Yeah... who would have thought pointing out that they are both... innocent... while nobody else is would work," she said in disbelief, sipping her punch.

"Never doubt the Gibster," he said, "I'm not as dumb as I look." Carly looked at him in amusement. "No you're not," she said shaking her head. On screen Freddie started moving Sam toward the car. Carly quickly pressed the exit button. "Hey!" Gibby protested, "it was just getting good!"

"We are not watching our two best friends... you know..." she hissed, "that's private!"

"You mean after all my hard work and effort, I don't get to watch the show?" he pouted.

"Hard work?" Carly scoffed, "all you had to do was spread some rumors and brag about how many girls you've ... been intimate with."

"And your job was that much harder?" he questioned.

"Yes! I had to get the whole conversation started at lunch about ... the stuff," she stammered, "and then I... I had to lie to my BEST FRIEND and imply that I ... I..."

"Got freaky, did the dirty..." Gibby finished for her, tired of hearing her girly ways of saying sex.

"Yes, that," Carly interrupted, "...eww..."

"...got laid, screwed, did the bump and grind, fu..."

"Gibby!" Carly exclaimed, trying to get him to stop. He just grinned at her. She grabbed her glass and headed over to the couch. Gibby followed after and sat down beside her. She turned on the tv and turned it to a rerun of Girly Cow. They watched for a few minutes before asking. "Are you sure that this will make them get back together?" she asked.

"Yes," Gibby reassured, "trust me. Sex is a powerful thing. Its gonna make all those suppressed feelings come to the surface..." Carly nodded, hoping he was right. She hesitated then looked over at him nervously. "So... It's really that great?" she asked curiously.

"Yes... why? You getting curious about the subject?" he asked. Carly blushed and looked back at the tv screen. Gibby grinned in that cocky way he had. "Well," he said, "I'm here... you know... if you ever just wanna get it over with..."