**Author's Note- Ok, so this is only my second fanfic I've ever published, the first being a Harry Potter one YEARS ago, and I'm really nervous to put this out there. Please review and let me know if I should continue to write more seddie fanfics. And please be gentle lol. I worked really hard on it. I know there are a lot of stories out there with a similiar premise and this is just my take on it. It takes place some time after iLove You, though I'm sure you'll get that by reading it. Ok, so anyways, I hope you enjoy it.

Sam shifted uncomfortably in her seat as it was handed to her. Glancing around, she saw she wasn't the only one weirded out. She looked over at her best friend, Carly Shay, and nearly laughed at how bright red her cheeks were as Miss Briggs handed her a condom. Sam started to ask the raven haired girl if she was ok but she quickly held up one hand with perfectly manicured nails. "Don't talk about it," she said in that normally frantic tone when there was something she considered "icky." Seeing her friend be her normally prissy self was definitely worth taking sex ed and was making Sam feel less uncomfortable about being here. Carly looked at the condom on her desk like it was a disgusting insect that would bite her if she got too close. Sam had already tucked hers into her back pocket for safe keeping. It wasn't like she needed it though. She and Freddie had been broken up for just over a month now, not that they had been having sex when they had been together. It never got that far. The night of their break up had actually been the furthest they went, touching each other through their clothes on bean bag chairs in the iCarly studio, but midnight had rolled around and it had been time to call it quits.

Thinking of the tech-nub, she glanced over her shoulder to the back of the room where the boys were sitting. Mr. Howard was passing out condoms to all of them. Gibby had already gotten his and was examining it with everything from sniffing it to licking the foil wrapper which made Sam shudder. He was one weird kid. And then her eyes landed on Freddie. Her heart did a little dance in her chest and she scolded herself for it. He was just her friend now. She had to remind herself of that for the millionth time. She couldn't count the number of times she had almost kissed him since their break up. It had come so naturally just to give him a quick peck in greeting. It was hard habit to break... especially considering she was still in love with him. That was no secret though he knew it just as she knew he was in love with her. But... love wasn't enough, at least that's what they had agreed on. They weren't compatible, they were a nightmare... they were complete opposites, so there couldn't be a successful relationship, right?

Freddie took the condom Mr. Howard gave him and fidgeted with it, slightly nervous. He glanced up and met Sam's eye. He gave her a sheepish smile and there was a hint of a blush on his cheeks. She gave him a small smile in return. He gave her a little wave then realized the condom was still between his fingers and blushed even more. She fought the urge to laugh. She knew he hadn't meant anything by it despite how it looked, him waving a condom at her. "Sorry," he mouthed, putting the condom in his shirt pocket. For a moment she felt sick on her stomach, thinking of Freddie needing and using that condom with another girl. She still felt fiercely jealous over him, like he was still hers. But none of that showed. She rolled her eyes in a playful almost flirty way and mouthed, "sure..." She realized that Carly was looking at her and had been watching her shamelessly flirt with her ex. "What?" she questioned, as though there was nothing out of the ordinary. Carly shook her head. "Nothing," she said simply, but her eyes darted to Freddie then back at Sam. Sam turned around and faced the front of the class, away from Freddie. The last thing she needed was Carly's meddling in their friendship now. She already caused their break-up, not that she meant to. "It's nothing Carls," she said, "Fredweird was just being his nubby self... Stop the wheels from turning. This isn't The Notebook, or one of those other gushy chick flicks you love so much where people end up back together..." Carly gave her a disappointed, slightly hurt look. "Just turn around and pay attention to Miss Briggs while she tells us all about..." Sam started but Carly cut her off. "Don't say it..." Carly replied frantically, causing Sam to snicker.

"So... who was your first?"

Sam's eyes shot up from her lunch tray, a French fry dangling out of her mouth. "What?" she asked in surprise, the uneaten part of the fry falling back on the tray. She'd not been listening to the other girls at the lunch table as they talked, too busy and focused on scarfing down as much food as she could. "Who was your first?" Wendy repeated, casually sipping some of her lemonade.

"Wha... Why do you wanna know that? Why are we even talking about this?" Sam stammered, busying herself with opening a mustard packet. She looked at the other girls around the table who were looking at her expectantly. "We were just talking about sex ed and it got us talking about who's done it and who hasn't," Wendy replied, as though it were no big deal, "come on Sam, we all answered." Sam made a frustrated face. Why the hell hadn't she been listening? This totally caught her off guard.

"It's Freddie, right?" one of Wendy's friends, Diana, asked.

"No!" Sam said, a little too quickly.

"It wasn't Freddie?" Wendy asked, "I didn't realize... Wow... Pete...?"

"God no!" Sam snapped out of disgust.

"Then who...?" Wendy prodded. Sam had half a mind to tell her to buzz off but she didn't want people making rumors about who her first might be, which Wendy was most certainly would do. She was such a gossip. "I don't have a first, alright," Sam muttered, taking a bite of her hamburger. She chewed, obviously irritated by the way the other girls were looking at her like she was some kind of circus freak. "Ah come on," she said with her mouth still full, "I know I'm not the only virgin at this table..." The other girls diverted their eyes. Why the hell hadn't she listened? They had all had sex? Who had her all friends been sleeping with?

Then she remembered Carly was sitting beside her. "Carls, come on kid," Sam said with a grin, "get me off the hook here. Tell the people you're a virgin too, Miss Priss..." Carly looked down at the table. "I... uh... I can't do that..." Carly mumbled before taking a bite of her grilled cheese sandwich and not meeting her best friend's eyes. "What the chiz?" Sam exclaimed, "you too? The girl who can't even say penis?" Carly's dark eyes grew wide. "Don't say that Sam!" she muttered, "that's gross..."

"Well its gross that I had to find out that my best friend had sex at the lunch table with half a dozen other girls," Sam said grabbing her tray and getting up. She wasn't sure if she was more annoyed with Carly not telling her or Carly losing her virginity before her... or the fact that she had been the only virgin at that table when she was the only one who had maintained a stable relationship. None of those other girls had dated a guy for more than a couple weeks.

She glanced back at the table and saw that the girls had been looking at her, a couple whispering. She narrowed hers eyes at them, two seconds away from going full on banshee them when someone tapped her shoulder. "What?" she snapped, turning around to come face to face with Jeremy. He looked at her, completely terrified. "Ahh... Principal Frank..ah ah...choo... Sent me to... Ah..ah.."

"Yeah, I get it. Save your breath Germy," she sighed, moving past him to dump her tray before heading to the principal's office, wondering what they had figured out that she had done this time...

To say Sam was in a bad mood when she went into Carly's apartment was the understatement of the year. Principal Franklin had found out from an anonymous tip that she had been the one who had put blue dye in the shower heads in the girls locker room, thus giving all the cheerleaders a blue tint that still hadn't washed off their skin or hair two days later. She tried to play it off that she was just trying to give them some school spirit, but he didn't buy it and gave her detention for two weeks. On top of that, the annoying gossip that she was a virgin, a fact Wendy had undoubtedly spread, had followed her around in hushed whispered, snide comments, and snickers behind her back. She didn't think it was that big of a deal, but apparently the fact that big bad Sam Puckett was still holding on to her "V card" was shocking, making her not as badass as she thought. She knew people were only focusing on it because it was the one thing they could pick on her about, but it was annoying none the less. And she was still irritated with her best friend, to the point of not talking to her. She didn't want to be at Carly's apartment, but she had nowhere else to go. Well she could go home with her mom. No... scratch that, she had nowhere else to go. She threw her book bag down near the door and went straight to the kitchen to get an after school snack. She'd ended up throwing half her food away at lunch so she was starving.

"Will you please talk to me?" Carly begged.

Sam looked up at her, knawing on a cold fried chicken leg. "Oh so now you want to talk to me?" Sam questioned, "where was all this wanting to talk to me when you did something huge like lose your virginity? I looked like a total idiot today because I didn't know..." Carly gave her a sad face. "No... don't give me puppy dog eyes," she told her, "they don't work on me..." Well not true. A certain geek's puppy dog eyes nearly always worked. But those of Carly Shay had no effect on her. Carly sighed and sat down on one of the stools by the computer. "What do you want me to say, Sam?" she asked, slightly exasperated, "I'm sorry..."

"Sorry for not telling me, sorry for letting me find out with everybody else, sorry for not defending me when everybody started whispering behind my back... Or maybe you're sorry for making me feel like the worst friend ever because I didn't tell you about one little kiss between me and Freddie and then turn around and keep the biggest secret possible from me..." she shook her head in frustration, taking another huge bite of her chicken. She started to get on the elevator to go up to the iCarly studio so she could get away, but she realized what she was doing and started up the stairs. She might be a lazy blonde, but it was worth the added effort of climbing the stairs to not have to get in the elevator. She had been avoiding it since her break up had taken place there. She didn't like being trapped in there with those memories.

Sam hurried up the stairs, just needing to get away from Carly and take some time to clear her head, by herself. She charged into the studio and slammed the door behind her before flopping down in one of the bean bag chairs. She let out a frustrated groan and laid her head back with her eyes closed.

"That bad, huh?"

Sam jerked her head back up and her eyes shot open when she realized she wasn't alone. Standing by his tech cart was the love of her life, looking at her with a mixture of his own frustration as well as concern for her. "I didn't realize anybody else was here..." she said, chewing on her now meatless chicken bone, "I just needed to get away... from everything... What are you doing here?" She had wanted to be alone... but, well, she didn't mind Freddie being there. But she was curious as to why he was here.

"Well... I'm having a bad day too..." Freddie said, as though that should explain it all. It did. She knew him well enough know to know what he was doing. He was burying his problems in his nerdy habits as always. Updating the server was a lot easier than dealing with whatever was bothering him. Where she buried her problems in food, he buried his in computers, or model trains, or Galaxy Wars, or whatever other geeky thing he was into the most at the moment. She gave him a curious look. "Why are you having a bad day?" she asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it," he mumbled, tinkering with his computer some more for a distraction.

"You sound like Carly," she teased, then did her best impression of their best friend and her classic "don't talk about it" line. That got Freddie to smile. She sucked some of the marrow from the now cracked chicken bone as she watched him go back to work. "Come on b..." she started to call him baby like she had for months but quickly recovered with barely a stammer over her words, "Benson, tell mama what the problem is." He just glanced at her for a brief moment before doing a few calibrations with his camera. He could be quite infuriating at times.

"You... failed a test...?" she questioned when she realized that he wasn't going to come out and tell her what happened. He shook his head.

"You... uh... got detention...?" Again, he shook his head.

"Your mom caught you looking at porn again?" This time she got a "seriously?" look along with a shake of his head. She fought back the urge to laugh. That look was priceless.

"I got hassled at school, ok?" he muttered, when he realized she wasn't going to stop. He got hassled? Well that was nothing new. He was a nerd after all, even if he was 1/3 of the famous iCarly. If anything that made the teasing worse because guys were jealous, so he should be used to it. She clasped her hands together and asked in her best mocking baby voice, "are da big bad buwwies as schewl picking on my wittle Fweddie? Does mama need ta beat 'em up for ya?" She hoped it would make him realize he was over reacting and smile at her again.

Instead, Freddie glared at her, his dark eyes narrowed, and she realized this wasn't the normal "Freddie's a nerd" "Freddie's a mama's boy" teasing. Whatever had happened, it was enough to completely rattle him. "Talk to me Freddie," she said, dropping the act and talking to him seriously, "tell me what's wrong..." He shook his head again, eyes going back to his computer. She had the urge to throw the damn thing against the wall to rid them of the distraction, but they needed it for iCarly... plus he loved the blasted thing and she wouldn't hurt him like that ... not anymore at least. She stood up from her spot on the floor. "Don't make me beat it out of you, Freddison," she warned as she tossed the chicken bone in the trash and walked over to him. She hadn't hit him, really hit him, since before they had dated, but she wasn't above using physical force to get some answers out of him.

"Sam..." he sighed, not meeting her eye, "its embarrassing..."

"All the more reason to tell me," she said with a slight smirk. He sighed again and closed his laptop. "Let's just say you're not the only one who's been effected by Wendy's gossip," he said, walking past her and flopping down into a bean bag chair in frustration, much like she had only moments earlier.

"Oh..." she said quietly, leaning back against his cart. She hadn't thought about how Wendy telling everybody she was a virgin would effect him. It was pretty much confirming that he was too. Who else would he have had sex with? He'd only dated her... well and Carly for like a few days. "Well Carly isn't a virgin. You could have been the one she had sex with," she said in a slightly sarcastic joke. She knew he hadn't, not even close, but he could have claimed it and saved himself the trouble.

"Carly isn't a virgin?" he asked in surprise.

"Nope," Sam replied, popping the P for emphasis. Freddie shook his head in disbelief. "Carly too...?" he muttered to himself.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked, " 'Carly too' ?"

"Gibby isn't a virgin either. He told me today when all the teasing started," he said, "I mean, I know he's a womanizer, but..."

"He's so weird..." Sam and Freddie said together, causing them to look at each other and grin, blushing slightly. They had a habit of completing each other's sentences or saying the same thing at the same time. They had been doing it for years, even when they supposedly hated each other. Sam looked down at the toe of her shoe, suddenly feeling like she and Freddie were the only virgins left on the face of the planet, which was crazy, she knew, but it still felt that extreme after all the teasing and whispers all day. "So... that's what's got you so upset?" she asked, "that people were picking on you about being a virgin? That's what was so embarrassing?" If so, he needed to join the club.

"Yes... and no," he replied, not wanting to look at her.

"What then?" she asked, "come on Fredifer, I dealt with it all day... It sucks, but..."

"It's not just being a virgin Sam," he blurted in exasperation, "its what they were saying. You didn't have to deal with guys implying..." He stopped again and looked away.

"Implying what?"

He looked at her with anger in his eyes but it died down when he caught her gaze. He blushed and looked back down, picking at a loose string on his shirt. "That I'm... less of a man..." he mumbled.

"Less of a man...?"

"Yeah Sam... Like I wasn't man enough for you, so that's why we never... That... I... I'm..." he looked up at her and she read it in his expression.

"Gay?" she practically screeched, in total disbelief somebody would think that about him. They might not have ever had sex, but she could testify to the fact that he was most definitely "attracted" to the opposite sex.

"Could you say it a little louder?" Freddie replied his cheeks burning redder.

"Oh relax, it's just us," she told him, "the place is sound proof, remember..." She moved over to sit in the bean bag chair beside him. "Freddie... you know you're not..." she started.

"I know I'm not," he cut her off, "but that's what I heard some guys joking about behind my back. First the whole never kissed anybody thing, both of my best friends are girls, the whole mama's boy thing, apparently I'm sensitive or something, and now I never slept with my 'smoking hot' girlfriend... So that all adds up to me being gay, according to them at least."

"Well you are sensitive..." Sam teased. Freddie kicked her foot. "I'm not in the mood Puckett," he groaned, "this is just..."

"Fucked up..."


"I don't know why people make such a big deal out of sex. I mean, not having it I guess. Is it wrong to want it to be special?" Sam said quietly, "I mean... its not like we hadn't wanted to do it... we just didn't have the right time or opportunity..."


"And... then... we just broke up before we could," she said, looking away. Now she didn't want to look at him. She didn't like talking about the break up. The wounds were still open and raw and talking about it just felt like pouring salt into those open sores. "I mean... I don't want to lose it to just some random guy," Sam sighed, "I want it to be special... with somebody I care about... with somebody I..."

"Love," Freddie said for her, "yeah, I know. I feel the same way. I don't want it to be completely random either. I want... something I won't regret..."

"Yeah," Sam said, nodding, distractedly playing with the ends of her hair. They both went silent, their words still hanging in the air as though the solution was obvious but neither wanted to say it. Freddie laughed nervously, as though he were thinking, but too afraid to say it aloud. Sam looked over at him.

"What?" she prodded, nudging his foot playfully with her own.

"No... it's stupid," he said.

"Say it," she said with a little smirk. It all felt very familiar. Had they not been in this situation only a few years before? He looked over at her. The moment wasn't lost on him either. "I was just thinking..." he said.

"That WE should have sex?" she questioned with a raised eyebrow and a sly grin. He grinned back and looked down, almost shyly, confirming what he had been thinking. Sam's heart raced in her chest at the thought. She wanted to. She had wanted to for a long time. She had regretted it since their break-up that they had never been together. There was nobody else in the world she trusted like Fredward Benson. She cared about him... she loved him... And she thought he was the sexiest guy alive. But could her heart handle it... having sex with Freddie? Knowing it would be nothing more than sex... just two friends doing each other a favor, just to get it over with, just like their first kiss. Then the stress wouldn't be over their heads anymore of worrying about their first times and there would be no regret that they had lost it to the wrong person.

"Well... should we?"

Freddie's voice punctured her thoughts back to the here and now. "Just to get it over with?" she asked quietly, speaking those familiar words.

"Just to get it over with," he confirmed.

"And things won't get weird or change between us?" she asked. He shook his head. "Never," he said, and she knew he meant it. This was something to be shared, just between them. It was more than the teasing from their peers and not wanting to be virgins anymore. That had only prodded it to the surface. This was about giving into the desire they had both felt for so long, even if it was only for one time.

She looked over at him and looked at him expectantly. "Well... get over here then," she said playfully.