The Thought of You

Welcome to my new story all about Charlie and Brax.

This is a different outcome from the shooting (because Charlie dying is just not an option for me).

I hope you like it.

Please take some time to review at the end so I will have the inspiration to keep writing.

I do not own or claim to own Home and Away, I write for fun.




There is nothing worse than a hospital room.

Correction, there was nothing worse than watching the woman you love in a hospital room, hooked up to countless machines with the sole purpose of keeping her alive.

There was an abundance of beeps of different pitches that filled the room. Brax was immune to them now. He noticed them when he was first allowed into her room after her surgery. They bugged him the second day when he re-entered her room after grabbing a coffee, now, 3 days later, he was numb to the noise.

Every day he looked for a sign that she was improving, he kept telling himself that there was more colour to her cheeks or that she was starting to grip his hand as he held on to her tiny one. But in truth, nothing seemed to change, and it terrified him.

Sid had warned that if the next week was critical in her recovery.

Four days later Charlie began to stir.

Brax, Ruby and Casey were all in the room. Ruby was at her side instantly.

"I'll go get Dr. Walker," Casey raced out.

"Ruby?" Charlie asked with a groan and she tried to sit up and look towards her daughter.

"Yeah I'm here, oh God Charlie, you had us scared."

Hearing the word us made Charlie look to the other side of the bed.

There she saw a man, a very tired and worn out looking man who held onto her hand.

"You have no idea how good it is to see you awake." He said to her in a soft husky voice, squeezing her hand.

She didn't squeeze back.

There was a look in her eyes that Brax hadn't seen before. She was confused or scared. She'd never looked at him that way before.

Slowly he could feel her pull her hand away out of his grip and for a strange reason, he let her.


"Who are you?" Charlie asked in a small, scared voice that he hardly recognised.

Who are you?




"What's wrong with her?" Brax asked Sid flatly, no emotion to his voice.

Sid Walker led Ruby, Brax and Casey into a private room after he had examined Charlie.

"It appears Charlie is suffering from Stress Related Amnesia, in most cases it's only temporary-"

"Most cases?" Brax asked, raising his voice.

"Brax." Ruby tried to calm him down slightly. "How bad is it?"

"I wouldn't label it a severe case, I have seen worse. Charlie remembers her name, date of birth. She remembers you," he said to Ruby. "She remembers where she lives and what she does for a living. She even remembers being shot. She just-"

"Doesn't remember me." Brax finished.

Charlie didn't remember Brax at all. She didn't know is name and she didn't recognise Casey either.

"How long is temporary?" Ruby asked gently, she felt terrible for Brax but was relieved her mother came out of the shooting alive.

"To be honest Ruby, I don't know. She could regain her full memory at any time. However she could be without it for days, weeks and even a few months. Each case is individual."

Brax took a deep breath.

She didn't remember him.

"What do we do? I mean is there anything we can do to help or make it come back?" Brax asked.

"I think the best thing for Charlie will be treating her normally however I can see where this may cause a problem." Sid finished looking at Brax.

"So what do I do?"

"As hard as it might be, you need to let her find things out for herself. Don't be tempted to tell her what her life is like. Let her find out on her own."

"Can we go back and see her?" Ruby asked.

"Of course," Sid said opening the door.

"I'm gonna head back and uh, have a shower, change my clothes."

"Brax-" Ruby started.

"Nah, Rubes, it's all good. I don't want to freak her out again, she was pretty spooked before. Might be good for her to have some time alone with you, yeah. I'll be back later."

Brax had already left the room before Ruby could reply.

"I might um-" Casey pointed towards Brax's retreating figure.




Brax heard footsteps fall into step next to him and didn't have to look to know it was Casey.

"It'll be ok," Casey said when they were almost at Brax's ute.

"Casey, she doesn't remember me!" Brax yelled at his youngest brother. It was unlike him to lose his cool but he couldn't help it. The woman he loved, didn't remember him.

"Now." Casey finished for him. "She doesn't remember you now Brax, but she will. You just need to wait it out. You're lucky she's alive."

"I fucking know that."

"Well what's the problem then?"

"She doesn't remember me!" Brax boomed again.

"Brax, she fell in love with you once, she'll be able to do it again."

"Yeah, look how long it took Casey. How much shit did we go through?"


"And?" Brax asked incredulously. "And what if this time she decides it's not worth it?"

"Don't be stupid. She loves you."

"No! No she doesn't love me, Charlie loved me. Right now, she doesn't even know me." Brax roared.

"She will, you just need to remind her."




Well that was Chapter 1

I always think the first chapter of a story is important. If no one reads or reviews the first, why bother in writing more.

Do you want more?

Please, please take a minute to let me know what you think so far.
