Shorter than last time. Sorry! Been busy screwing up life...

Karma had a way of screwing things up for Shirley.

First, she overslept, then woke up to a giant raccoon-like furball (Karupin, you silly cat), and kept Ryoma waiting. And now this.

She just had to be the cause of Ryoma's holdup. And, through that, made him miss most of morning practice. Which would explain the angry Ryuzaki striding over to them right now.

Ryuzaki, she thought. She knows who I am, but... the last time she saw me was when I was in first grade. I don't look like that at all anymore... She peered at Ryoma. Unlike this person here.

So yea, Karma was wonderful. Not.

Ryuzaki stopped in front of the two. "Echizen. You better give me a damn good reason on why you're late for practice before I give you double the 50 laps you're already due..."

Knowing that Ryoma wouldn't break the trust of his sister by revealing who she was (I bet he still doesn't know why I'm doing this still), she took the risk of trying to cover for him. "Excuse me..."

Ryuzaki turned. "It's my fault. I'm touring the school today, but I got lost on the way here. He helped me get here."

Shirley seemed taken aback. Did she recognize me? It doesn't seem like it. I think she's more taken aback that Ryoma actually helped someone...

And that seemed to be the case. "I've never seen you before, so I'm assuming that's actually a legitimate excuse... For once." Ryoma shifted uncomfortably; Shirley wondered what his reputation in the school was. "If so...

"I'll let you off this time, Echizen. You-" she pointed to Shirley "-can visit the administration office inside the building, and work out what you want to do with them. I've never heard of touring this school during the school day, so I don't know if you'll be allowed to do that." She paused a moment, then a smile crossed her face. "If they do let you, please check out the tennis team here. They're a fine part of the school, unless they're late." She glared at Ryoma. Shirley had to contain a laugh.

Shirley bowed. "Thank you very much." And then she turned to Ryoma. "And thank you for helping me get here." She could see Ryoma's face, clearly amused in a wtf look. She turned away and entered the school, while Ryoma and Ryuzaki went to the tennis courts.

Well... Looks like she doesn't recognize me. Thank god. Now how do I get the main office to let me tour without a name or anything? Shirley entered the office, went up to a secretary, and asked. "Um, excuse me..."

The secretary looked up. "Ah! You must be Echizen-san. Your father called earlier to tell us that you would be touring the school. I have a temporary schedule all ready for you." What?

Stumbling around for a moment, Shirley managed to barely get words out of her mouth to form a sentence. "He... what... called? But... why... huh?"

The secretary laughed. "Don't worry, Echizen-san. Anyway, here's your temporary schedule. Your father told me that you would be a third-year., so your touring classes are all third-year or high school subjects. And no, your name is not on the schedule, if you were wondering about that."

"Uh... Thanks." That bastard, how many people know here?

And Shirley departed the office. She decided to look for the tennis courts before the school day began.

"Oi, Echizen! Why are you running so much?"

Momoshiro just stared hopelessly as Ryoma began his 30th lap around the courts. "What is going on with him?" he thought. Besides him, Fuji was wondering much the same thing, while the rest of the regulars were busy playing. Inui was nowhere to be found.

Just then, Shirley rounded the corner...