Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia or Pokemon. Only the random OCs like the Nurses, Sally, etc. Izuna and Alli belong to Valkyrie99 and FallingDown98 respectively.

A/N: Hey guys! I have been alive, if you were wondering. Sorry for the VERY LATE update. I was overwhelmed by so many projects, I was sidetracked. XP Anyways, This may be a longer chapter because of... well, honestly, I'm not sure. And thank you all who reviewed, favorited, and followed! You guys were my main inspiration for actually getting up and updating! *laughs* (Especially HetaWriter - HetaReader, because I read his newest chapter of his Hetalia/Pokemon crossover... If you haven't read it, go read it! It's awesomer than Prussia!)

Anyways, I hope you guys don't kill me because I was late before you actually read. I hope you enjoy this!

"This Gym is so… pink," Kiku murmured softly as they stepped inside the Goldenrod Gym. Feliciano, who was the most nervous, was twiddling his thumbs, worrying Chikorita as well.

"Ja, it is…" Ludwig nodded in acknowledgement, a little bit disgusted by how pink the Gym was. It caught him off-guard.

The three of them hurried forward past the guy waiting near the statue, stopping for a moment to examine the layout of the Gym. "Ve… it's another maze!" Feliciano pouted sadly, crossing his arms. Chikorita indignantly cried out, puffing his cheeks out.

"Well, don't worry. I think we can figure this out," Kiku comforted, smiling a bit. "Let's just climb these stairs…"

The trio did just that, deciding to go left first because they figured the stairs would be on that other side. Too bad they ran into a Beauty Trainer there…

"Oh, you are a cute little Trainer!" Victoria giggled happily, addressing this to Feliciano. She licked her lips and stood in a battle stance. "But I won't hold back!"

"This might take a while…" Ludwig sighed as Feliciano and Chikorita prepared themselves.

"Toto," Totodile agreed, nodding like Ludwig did.

It didn't take very long for Feliciano to beat Victoria's Sentret; with her reaching for her belt at the end and not realizing she lost. "Let's see… oops, it's over?" Victoria asked, making Ludwig sigh.

"Ja, it is. Come on, we have to keep going!" Ludwig urged his friends, urging them to leave. They soon kept on, climbing down the stairs and soon running into another Beauty.

"Give it your best shot, or I'll take you down!" Samantha threatened fiercely, addressing this to Ludwig since he ran into her first. Quickly, he and his Totodile took Samantha's Meowth down. Samantha wailed as both of her prized Pokémon were taken down, crying, "No! Oh, Meowth! I'm so sorry!"

The trio soon kept on going, with Kiku realizing, "This maze is shaped like a Clefairy…"

"Does that mean it has something to do with the Gym leader?" Feliciano asked curiously, drawing connections. He didn't really know what a Clefairy was, but he knew very well that it was a Pokémon.

"Maybe," Kiku shrugged, only running into a Lass Trainer… literally. He bumped into her, pushing both of them to the ground. Blushing, Kiku got up, helping the Lass to her feet as well. As soon as she stood up, she shoved him back a bit, making him stumble for a while.

"You shouldn't let your guard down just 'cause I don't look tough!" the Lass, Carrie, yelled, taking out her Pokéball with Snubull and challenging Kiku.

"Well, then, I guess I should put my guard up," Kiku remarked back, taking his Cyndaquil out and fighting against Carrie. He, like the other two Trainers alongside him, defeated the Lass quickly, leaving Carrie shocked.

"Gosh… I thought you were weak…" Carrie whispered, wide-eyed at Kiku. Looking down shamefacedly, Kiku led the way out of there.

"Please do not tell anyone what happened back there," Kiku stuttered, still blushing from running into the girl earlier.

"We won't~!" Feliciano chirped, giggling after recalling the earlier incident. He wondered if this was better than Sally hugging Kiku back at Cherrygrove…

Soon, they ran into the last amateur Trainer waiting to battle them before they face the leader. She was another Lass, and with three Jigglypuffs in her possession, she had a determined spark in her eyes. "I like cute Pokémon better than strong Pokémon. But I have strong and cute Pokémon!" the Lass, Cathy, fiercely announced, taking out her Pokéball and releasing Jigglypuff.

Before Feliciano could step up to bat, Ludwig stepped in and challenged Cathy's Jigglypuff with his Totodile. Feliciano was about to protest, but Ludwig simply stated, "We need to save your Pokémon's energy for last."

Ludwig soon took down the Jigglypuffs, leaving Cathy wailing, "Oh no, no, no!" As soon as she stopped wailing, the trio left, stopping a bit at the doorway. Just ahead would be where the leader is.

"Are you ready for this?" Ludwig asked Feliciano, who was breathing steadily. "You have to check if your Pokémon are healthy, remember?"

"Ve…" Feliciano murmured, patting Chikorita a bit. He replied with a happy cry, and Feliciano patted his Pokéballs that were hanging on his belt as an assurance. "Si, they seem alright to me!"

Ludwig nodded seriously, knowing that Feliciano was just as nervous as he was. "Well then… I guess we better get going," Ludwig mentioned, gesturing for the two others to go ahead of him. Kiku and Feliciano followed suit, Ludwig following behind them. They all stood shocked suddenly, wide-eyed and jaws hanging agape.

"Is that… Lili?!" Feliciano yelped in surprise, eyes wide and open.

Lili giggled quietly, waving at Feliciano. "I see we've met before," Lili softly said, "so I guess you're not as stranger as my brother tells me. You were the one at the Radio Station, right?"

"Si…" Feliciano nodded, surprised to see Lili there. He knew Ludwig was talking about a seemingly frail Gym leader named "Lilly" (or at least, that's how it sounded to him), but he didn't know it would be the gentle, shy girl who helped him win the Radio Card.

"Well, I'm glad that we came to meet again!" Lili cheerfully stated, her smile a contagious one. Feliciano smiled back, wondering how she was a strong one… not that she seemed weak, but she just seemed like the one that would… never mind. Feliciano couldn't sort his thoughts about her.

"Well, I guess you didn't just come here to talk about Radio Cards," Lili sighed, eyeing her Pokéball. "You're a Trainer, too?"

"Si! I just started…" Feliciano paused hesitantly. How long ago did he start? It seemed like long ago…

"Well, I started a long time ago, too," Lili recalled quietly. "My brother got into Pokémon, so I thought that I should be like him, and I did! I'm so happy that I'm like him… but I just wish I can see him now." Lili sighed sadly, thinking about her brother. She quickly stiffened up. "But that doesn't matter now. I know you want to challenge me, so we'll battle! But my brother says I've been improving a lot, so I better warn you now. I'm pretty good!"

"I'm up for it!" Feliciano announced confidently, knowing that this battle will be the most memorable one.

Lili smiled again, and then quickly changed her expression to a determined one as she threw out the Pokéball. "Clefairy, I choose you!"

The Pokéball's flash soon morphed and transformed into a pink Pokémon that Feliciano never saw before. His eyes widened as his Pokédex began to beep, but he just ignored it. He knew that Clefairy was a Normal-type, and that Clefairy can easily damage Chikorita. Oh well. He just has to beat Clefairy in the best way he could.

"All right, Chikorita! Let's show her how we go!" Feliciano yelled out in a motivating tone, lightening up Chikorita's spirits. "Chikorita, use Razor Leaf!"

"Chiko!" Chikorita chirped, dashing forward and hurling sharp leaves Clefairy's way.

"Clefairy, dodge it and use DoubleSlap!" Lili commanded firmly.

Clefairy did as told, but was caught in a crossfire of leaves before it actually carried the command of DoubleSlap forward. Chikorita dealt very little damage, and was still as vigorous as ever.

"OK, Clefairy, Mimic!" Lili yelled out quickly as Clefairy nodded.

"Mimic?" Feliciano questioningly whispered.


"Feliciano-kun, you have to move quickly!" Kiku suddenly yelled out. "That Clefairy will be using Razor Leaf on you!"

"Uwah! How?" Feliciano wondered, before becoming serious. Razor sharp leaves were headed his way. "Chikorita, Quick Attack! And quickly!"

"Chiko!" Chikorita agreed, dashing ahead at full speed before ramming into Clefairy, shoving the Pokemon backwards into the other side of the wall. Clefairy began to see stars before blacking out completely, making Lili gasp.

"Oh no, Clefairy!" Lili gasped sadly, bringing out her Pokeball. "You did good. Return!" Soon, the limp body of Clefairy turned back into a red flash and returned into its ball. Lili smiled at Feliciano as she switched for another Pokeball. "You're pretty good, too. I also fought a Trainer who looks kind of like you, and he was a good strategist like you are."

"Grazie!" Feliciano thanked, before Lili switched out Pokemon.

"Now, Miltank, go!" Lili cheered as she threw out a Pokeball, revealing a pink, cow-like Pokemon with a somewhat cute face.

"Feliciano! Remember what I taught you!" Ludwig shouted as motivation towards Feliciano.

For some reason, Feliciano was able to catch a slight glint in his eye. Why was that...?

"Right!" Feliciano nodded, his confidence wavering a bit, but still strong. "Chikorita, use Tackle!"


"All right, Miltank, let's show him what we've got!" Lili motivated cheerfully. "Miltank, use Stomp!"

Miltank complied, barely being affected by Chikorita's Tackle as it stomped its heavy foot down onto the Chikorita. Ludwig and Kiku looked on in shock as Chikorita chirped weakly, dealing a heavy loss of damage.

"Chikorita!" Feliciano gasped dramatically. "Are you OK?!"

"C-Chiko," Chikorita chirped flatly, trying to get up.

"OK, then Chikorita, use Razor Leaf!" Feliciano commanded hastily.

"Miltank, Attract!" Lili shouted out.

"Attract?!" Kiku and Ludwig yelped at the same time.

"Wait, is Chikorita a boy?" Ludwig questioned, hoping it doesn't affect the dashing Chikorita.

"Honestly, I have no clue," Kiku sighed as Miltank winked and blew a kiss towards the Grass Pokemon, little hearts floating around the cow. Chikorita immediately stopped in its tracks as it fell in love with the cow. It just stood there in the center of the battlefield, refusing to even lay a finger on Miltank.

"Ve?!" Feliciano gasped, gulping in fear. OK, just relax... Remember, this is all part of the-

"Miltank, use Rollout!" Lili yelled out.

"Oh, goodness," Feliciano groaned. "Chikorita, move!"

"Chiko~" Chikorita swooned, refusing. Before the Pokemon knew it, a boulder of rock collided into him and sent him hurtling into the other wall, knocking him out. "Chikorita!" Feliciano gasped sadly, hurrying over to the Chikorita. Taking out his Pokeball, Feliciano smiled softly, saying, "You did great, Chikorita. Take a long rest." Chikorita soon went back into its Pokeball as Feliciano stood up. Taking out another Pokeball, Feliciano sighed as he thought, I hope this actually does work. "OK then, Machop, go on out there!" Feliciano yelled out, revealing his Machop named Muscle.

"Machop?" Lili uttered softly in surprise, knowing how much damage Machop can deal against Miltank.

While training, Feliciano surprisingly caught another Pokemon: a Drowzee. Kiku then mentioned that, while in the Department Store, he overheard some guy asking someone to trade a Drowzee for a Machop. Ludwig then recalled that Machop could probably be a better Pokemon up to challenge against Miltank than Chikorita, so they stopped by the Department Store again and traded. Of course, Feliciano had to train Muscle more first in order to get the Machop to get used to Feliciano. Even better was the fact that Feliciano decided to buff up Muscle by giving her (yes, her) a couple of X Defends "just in case."

"OK then, Muscle! Use Karate Chop!" Feliciano commanded firmly. The Machop nodded in agreement and dashed towards Miltank, his energy pumping with every step.

"Miltank, use Rollout again!" Lili directed her Miltank seriously.

Before Miltank could actually send a boulder Muscle's way, Feliciano yelled out, "Muscle, watch out! Dodge it and move faster!" Muscle agreed hastily, getting out of the boulder's way and karate chopping Miltank at least three times, dealing half of Miltank's damage.

"Miltank, Milk Drink, quick!" Lili commanded, giving Miltank enough time to heal itself a bit.

"I knew she would do that," Feliciano sighed in exasperation before continuing on and saying, "Muscle, use low Sweep!" Muscle quickly kicked Miltank with its Low Sweep, bringing down Miltank's health again.

"Miltank, use Stomp!" Lili gasped in shock. This wasn't very good. There is a big chance she might lose!

"Quickly, Muscle, dodge it!" Feliciano shouted out to Muscle, who rolled out of the way before Miltank could stop. "Now, Muscle, Karate Chop!"

"Machop!" Muscle cooed before karate chopping Miltank pretty badly. The cow Pokemon crashed against the same wall Clefairy collided against. Miltank began to feel dizzy as the wall's impact hurt it. "Muscle, Low Sweep, now!" Feliciano yelled, taking up the chance to deliver one final blow.

"Ma..." Muscle cooed again as it rushed towards Miltank. Jumping up to reach Miltank's head, it screamed, "Chop!" as it gave a nasty low sweep into Miltank's head. Miltank was knocked out unconscious, proving Feliciano was victorious.

"Miltank!" Lili gasped in shock, hurrying over to the cow. Sighing sadly, she looked at it as she took out a Pokeball, whispering, "You did well. Take a break." The Miltank soon returned back into the Pokeball that Lili began to pocket. Lil looked back up at Feliciano, a little bit disheartened at Feliciano beating her. But knowing that she was strong, Lili stood up and smiled softly at Feliciano. "That was a very good battle," Lili congratulated Feliciano warmly. "Even though I'd usually win, this was a very thrilling battle. You're really a good strategist."

"Well... I couldn't have done it without Luddy's training," Feliciano chuckled nervously, scratching his head as he remembered that this was Ludwig's strategy after all. Ludwig blushed lightly as Feliciano credited him, making Kiku chuckle.

"Ludwig, that was a great plan, though. You've got to admit that," Kiku told him softly, smiling at him a bit.

"D-Danke..." Ludwig sighed softly, overwhelmed by the credit. Quickly, Lili gasped as she recalled something.

"I almost forgot!" Lili remembered suddenly, taking out two things, a TM and a badge that seemed rather plain. She handed Feliciano the ™ first as she informed him, "This is TM45, or Attract as others know it. It attracts the opponent's Pokemon if it is the opposite gender and can affect that Pokemon by having it fall in love with your Pokemon and stopping their attacks."

"Wow! That's neat!" Feliciano laughed happily, thinking it would be perfect for one of his Pokemon to use. Lili nodded cheerfully in agreement as she handed the Italian a badge that was white and diamond-shaped, with the only design being the line that bordered near the outer edges of the badge.

"This is the Plain Badge," Lili continued explaining softly. "If any of your Pokemon has Strength, this badge will allow that Pokemon to use Strength in order to destroy boulders."

"Cool~!" Feliciano chirped cheerfully, placing his new badge where he placed the other two badges. Feeling proud of achieving his third badge, Feliciano felt as if he was ready for anything. In fact, he didn't feel as if he was useless anymore!

"Anyways, I know you will go pretty far if you're going to continue training," Lili continued. "So if you do go as far as to challenge my big brother, please tell him I said hi for me."

"Don't worry; we all will be sure to tell him your greetings," Kiku assured her fondly, making Lili squeal with delight.

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate it," Lili acknowledged gratefully. Soon, Ludwig announced that they better get going before the Pokecenter closes down, so they left with Lili gladly waving them goodbye. Feliciano grinned at Ludwig proudly, saying, "That was some battle, huh?"

"Ja... it was," Ludwig agreed.

Done! Wow, uh... probably was not the best ending written, but I didn't know how to end it. Yup.

Next Chapter Summary: Feliciano, Ludwig, and Kiku hit the road again, but are faced with a dancing tree blocking the way! What is that thing? Along the way, they also hear of something called a Pokeathlon Dome. Sounds interesting! Will they participate? Knowing Feliciano, probably!

See ya next chapter!
