A/N:HEY THERE! COMPLETE. COMPLETE. COMPLETE. DO NOT ask for me to continue. I had so much fun writing it though:)

CFO of Hank-Med:Sick Day

Divya walked into the home of Hank and Evan with a quizzical expression on her face. Hank was pouring himself a cup of coffee, "Hey Divya." He greeted her with a warm smile.

"Hank?" She questioned, "Don't you find it strange?"

Hank raised his eyebrows and looked around, "What?"

"It's Tuesday. I thought I'd be bombarded by Evan with the staff meeting."

"We have a meeting today?"

"Eerie isn't it?" Divya asked.

"He's not even around to tell us fifty times…" Hank said quietly.

"Evan?" Hank yelled.

There was movement from upstairs and then Evan came down the stairs slowly. He was quiet and Hank noticed right away the paleness in his cheeks and his glassy eyes.


"The CFO of Hank-Med is taking a sick day today." Evan said, somewhat dramatically yet tiredly, "Sorry to disappoint but no staff meeting today."

Hank put down his coffee mug, "You look awful."

"I feel it." Evan said.

Hank walked up to him and reached his hand to touch Evan's head but the younger man ducked and plopped himself down on the couch.


"You're a baby."

"Go away."

"You're expecting your doctor brother to not check you out?"

"If you even think of giving me a full exam I'll kill you." Evan threatened weakly.

"I wasn't." Hank protested but Divya gave him an amused stare. "Ev, c'mon." Hank nudged softly.

Evan groaned and Hank saw that as the opportunity to approach slowly. Evan flinched at Hank's gentle touch. The back of his big brother's hand grazed his forehead and then both of his cheeks. Evan closed his eyes and let his head fall back onto the pillows.

"How's that feel Ev?"

"It's feels nice." Evan commented, "Cool."

Hank let out a heavy sigh and then his phone rang. He went to answer and a few minutes later he hung up.

Divya looked at him. "Emergency?"

"As always." Hank said.

He looked at Evan and pointed his finger, "Your ass better stay on that couch!" He grabbed a blanket from the loveseat and threw it at Evan.

"I'm a grown man." Evan sniffed and coughed, "I can do what I want!"

"Sounds like the flu." Divya said.

Evan groaned and looked up at Divya, "Really? You can tell just by that?"

"Well it's just a theory, Hank or I would have to do a full exam…" She sounded amused and exchanged a look with the doctor.

Evan huffed, "Fine on one condition!"

Hank crossed his arms, and looked amused, "Okay what?"

"On your way back can you pick me up some ice pops?"