La Corda Horror

Chapter 1

"Tsukimori-kun, Tsuchiura-kun! How long are you going to sulk? You didn't have to come if you didn't want to" Hino said walking off ahead to the girl's cabin.

Tsukimori and Tsuchiura were boiled in anger and suspicion "there's no way I'm going to let that Kiscen guy and Hihara spend a whole week with you." They both said at the same time "even if I have to spend a whole weekend with this guy!" they said in their mind, glaring at each other.

Flash Back 4 Days Ago

"Kaho-chan" called Hihara who was sitting next to her.

She opened her eyes and realized she had felt asleep "Sorry! I dozed off a bit" she said drowsily. Hino sat up straight in her chair and looked around the class room.

"It's cool; the meeting is just starting anyway, so relax Kaho-chan" said Hihara cheeringly.

Everyone in the class room remained silent as an unfamiliar person walked in the room "hey I know I'm not who you expected to walk in, but Kanazawa had to take leave. So for the next couple of weeks I will be your adviser in the concurs." Said the man writing his name on the chalk board for everyone to see.

"Kiscen Cien" Hino thought to herself, reading his name in her mind.

There was a dull silence in the air for seconds; Tsukimori broke the ice first "are you going to tell us why you called us out of our class rooms so suddenly? Kiesen sensei." Said Tsukimori coldly as always, Hino snickered briefly. Tsukimori's nerves shot up at the sound of her snickering "Did I say something funny hino?" he asked icily, his eyes pieced her to halt her snickering in an instant.

"Sorry Tsukimori-kun, it just you pronounced his name wrong" she said getting up from her seat. Hino walked down the steps making her way to the chalk board. "It's pronounced K-i-sken right? Not Key-sen, Am I right?" she said writing it down on the chalk board.

"That's right, I'm sorry but what's your name?" said Kiscen holding a hand out to her in greeting.

Hino was about to return the greeting but Hihara grabbed his hand instead "she's Hino Kahoko! And I'm Hihara Kazuki! Nice to meet you!" He said shaking his hand endlessly.

Hino laughed at the sight "Hihara sempia? Don't you think you should calm down a b—" said Hino pausing her sentence at the sound of a shutter and flash going off.

"Hi-ya! Nami Amou on the scene, Hihara shakes good looking adviser's hand to death! What a horror!" she said snapping pictures of them.

"Amou what are you doing here?" Tsuchiura asked

"That's what the meeting was for" butted in Kiscen "We're all going on a camping trip! It's by a nice lake owned by the school. It's a reward for giving the school the gift of music, well-so-they-say." He said

The class room went dead, so dead that Shimizu was the upbeat one, out of all of them "It-sounds-interesting" Shimizu said half awake.


Said Tsukimori and Tsuchiura at the same time, boiling to a T just at the horrid thought.

Kiscen scratched his head in frustration "So I take it you two don't like each other munch" said Kiscen in an understanding tone. "Ok then, I won't force you" he said.

With that said Tsukimori and Tsuchiura were about to leave the class room "But, that just means hino and Iwill have a relaxing time without you. Isn't that right? Hihara" said Kiscen with a twinkle in his eye. Tsukimori and Tsuchiura both froze in there steps "and that's how you reel the fish in" Kiscen said laughing inside.

End Of Flash

Tsukimori and Tsuchiura were shoved forward "You boys better get a move on, come on, it's a vacation! Loosen up a bit!" Kiscen said walking ahead of them.

"I hate that guy!" said Tsukimori and Tsuchiura as they made their way to the boy's cabin to join the others who were inside.

Tsukimori placed his violin case on a nearby table, then he through his luggage bag on the top bunk bed. "Sorry Tsukimori but I get top bunk bed" said Tsuchiura grabbing Tsukimori's bag and tossing it back to him.

Tsukimori flinched in aggravation, he throw his luggage back on the top bunk bed "no I'm sorry" said Tsukimori in a cold tone.

Tsuchiura and Tsukimori were about to start a fight over who gets top bunk bed, seeing this Hihara decided to put the fire out. "Wait! Come on guys, no fighting! This is supposed to be a relaxing fun vacation. Not a who murdered who vacation" said Hihara getting in-between the two to stop any further problems.

"Yes, yes. I can see it now, Corda Horror! Tsuchiura is found out to be the murderer, who knew that this piano playing jock could be capable of such a thing!" said Amou appearing out of know where.

"What are you doing in the boy's cabin? And why make me the murderer!" He said angrily 'first Tsukimori, now her.'

"Because you're the dumb piano playing jock, that's why" said Tsukimori taking his things out his luggage bag.

"Tsukimori!" Tsuchiura said at the raise of his voice.

"No that's not why; between you and Tsuchiura I don't think you would have the strength to be a murderer. I mean, he would over power you! No matter how much nut strength you try to gather up!" Amou said laughing.

Tsuchiura joined in laughing too, Hihara let out a tiny snicker but quickly cut it in half "Sorry Tsukimori, it was a little…..Funny!" Hihara said not being able to hold it in anymore.

The only one that wasn't laughing was Shimizu "I've had enough" said Tsukimori grabbing his violin and leaving out the cabin door.

Tsukimori walked and walked until he heard a familiar sound coming from the nearby lake. He followed the sound until it became fully clear "hino?" he said to himself listening in on her practice.

Hino POV

"I think I finally got the hang of it" she said playing the piece the best she could.


Hino's violin let out a loud screeching sound, on that last horrible note she stopped playing "I guess not" she said putting her violin in its case. While she was doing so she heard ruffle sounds coming from the bushes behind her. She walked slowly towards the bushes and then it happened.


Thank you for reading my La Corda Effect 3 week break story!

Next week on La Corda Horror

"Hihara have you seen hino anywhere?" asked Tsuchiura.

"No I haven't" responded Hihara.


"What was that!" Tsuchiura franticly said.

"It sounds like Kaho-chan! And it's coming from the nearby lake, let's go!" Hihara said running in the lake's direction.

Tsuchiura and Hihara ran as fast as they could down the path leading to the lake "GO BACK!" Shouted a voice.

"Look its Tsukimori, what is he running from?" said Hihara pointing towards him.

Tsukimori ran behind them, but stopped running to warn them "you shouldn't stay here! That thing! Is trying to attack me!" he said warning them of the danger he faced.

"What thing? And where's Hino?" asked Tsuchiura trying to get a straight answer out of him.

Tsukimori was about to answer him until he saw the thing "oh no! That thing followed me all the way here?" he said running off.

"Run!" said Hihara and Tsuchiura, running away from their worst nightmare.

THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN! Hope you liked it! Till next time!

Updates Every Monday For The Next 3 Weeks!