Dear Diary,

I was so scared for Apple Bloom, I don't know what I would do if something had happened to her. When I finally made my way to the school I saw the smashed window and the blood stains on the gravel path. I'm not ashamed to say my heart jumped straight into my throat. When I saw Cheerilee leading her foals out and I saw Applebloom with them, it was a mighty powerful weight pulled off my chest. I'd been told that none of the foals got seriously hurt, but a sister's gonna worry. Not seriously hurt could still mean hurt.

Now it ain't the pony way to resort to violence, and definitely not to that level, but I can't lie to my heart. It was sure satisfying knowing it was Alex who put that blood there keeping Apple Bloom safe. Family takes care of family and my brother is no exception. He sure didn't go by half measures.

Yet when I saw him later, it tore my heart. Both of his forelimbs must've been broken, seeing they were covered in some weird green casts. Even then, he still was smiling. I don't think he spotted me and it weren't the fake smile of somepony who didn't want to worry you.

Rainbow was with me when we fought off the Diamond Dogs and I never saw her fight so fiercely to get to her kin. It made me proud to know she was my family. I'm sure she was hurting about Alex, I could tell. It ain't right for your stallion to get hurt. I love Alex, but he is as stubborn as any Apple. It's about time to tell him he needs to slow down. He's got a family to worry about now.

Mighty hypocritical of me I know, but family has to look out for family after all.

Well, anyhow, I decided to leave him in Rainbow's hooves and went off to check on Apple Bloom. When she saw me, she bolted towards me, much to Cheerilee's concern, and gave me the longest hardest hug. She must have held on for a full minute without a word, then she told me all about what happened.

According to her, three huge diamond dogs crashed into their classroom and the janitor, Dusty, tried to kick them out. They knocked him out of their way like a rag doll. Even that little colt Steelskin got between them and the rest of the class. Of course, being so small, he got smacked down too. That was a brave and foolhardy thing to do. I'll have to give him an apple pie. After that, Alex comes in all slick as you like, big 'ol smile, asking them to give up.

When they attacked him, he showed 'em what for, but then the big one hit Scoots. I could tell little Bloom was real scared. That done pushed his buttons right awful. He got real scary, not that she was afraid he would do something to her, but what he would do to the dog. He snarled like some furious mother bear and he tackled it through the window. Cheerilee kept all the kids away from the window and from seeing what was happening, but they could all hear the horrible yelps from the dog get weaker and weaker. Scoots pushed past Cheerilee and ran outside. Apple Bloom didn't see much after that, but could hear Scootaloo shouting, then things got real quiet.

In all this confusion with all the young 'uns, I didn't notice a pony slide up beside me and with a deep voice he whispered in my ear, "Hi, apple dumpling,". I smiled and kissed that stallion as fierce as I could. My Elusive was safe and sound. I didn't realize how much I was worried about that darn foolish unicorn until that moment.

I held him until I heard Trixie talking in that over the top way she does when entertaining folks. "Well, well, well. The Great and Powerful Trixie is pleased to see her friend Applejack has found her special somepony. Tell your stallion to move so I may allow you to hug me." Elusive backed away and that crazy mare hugged me tight. That Trixie, she always knows how to make a body laugh. She talked normally after that, telling us about the ponies she kept safe. She also let me know she checked on Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy and they was all fine.

Before she left, she said something odd, but sweet. She said, "It is my belief that we Paladins need to help keep you Element Bearers safe, so that you can save us all."

Don't quite know what to make of that.


Just happy everypony is okay