Yep, I'm doing another Darkest Powers story. This is sort of like an alternate dimension.
Just some notes: Simon isn't Asian, Rae doesn't exist yet, Tori and Simon have the same mother and father, Chloe only has her father no Aunt Lauren.

Oh yeah, I don't mean anything bad by the suicide jokes. I'm sorry if they offend you, just look over them please.

I was sitting in my drama class when someone knocked on the door and requested Mrs. Henry's attention outside. Once the door shut I turned to my best friend Jonah and asked, "I wonder what's happening this time? My money's on another failed suicide attempt on Mia's part. She's not good with ropes or knives."

He smiled before replying, "No, that can't be it she's in the hospital right now for her last wrist slitting attempt. Someone probably got caught fucking in the corridors again. I bet its Matt and Hanna, they go at it like rabbits in heat, constantly."

I covered my mouth with my hand as I giggled. Suddenly the door opened and Mrs. Henry walked in with three kids behind her. I leaned over towards Jonah and whispered, "Looks like we were both wrong, broski."

He raised his eyebrows and nodded his head before turning his attention back to the front of the room. Mrs. Henry was nervously running her hands over her mess of curls as the principal introduced the kids to the class.

"Children these children are very important to this school. Their father is a very important benefactor to our arts department so welcome them warmly," he said, gesturing broadly to the three kids. "This is Simon, Tori, and Derek. They're the children of Kit Bae."

The blonde one waved confidently. "I'm Simon, visual art student."

The girl with the insanely curly brown hair gave a pageant wave and said, "I'm Tori, I'm a fashion student."

The really tall boy with the beautiful green eyes said, "Derek, physical art student."

I figured one of them was adopted seeing as they didn't look alike in the slightest bit. I mean one of was blonde while the other's had dark hair but I could see the resemblance between the blonde guy and the girl, they had similar facial features. The other boy looked nothing like them and he looked like he wanted to be anywhere other than the center of attention.

"There are two seats over there at Chloe and Jonah's group so two of you can go over there. Then there's an empty seat right there with Riley, Alex, and Xavier," Mrs. Henry said, nervously glancing over at the principal and rubbing her hair again.

The girl made a beeline to the all-boys table and I figured she was a flirt. I leaned over and whispered to Jonah, "I bet she's gonna be just like April and her sluts."

He nodded but before he could respond the boys sat down in front of us. Simon's eyes raked over my body in a way that made me tingle slightly but I chose to ignore him. I figured he was a player like most attractive guys so I just continued to sit in silence.

Once the principal left I turned to Mrs. Henry and smiled, "You owe like twenty bucks to the hair jar."

Everyone in the class busted out laughing along with her. She smiled before taking out two dollars and placing them in the elaborately decorated jar on her desk.

When Tori, Simon, and Derek turned to me in confusion, I explained. "Mrs. Henry has a tendency to rub her hair until it starts to get greasy and fall out. We noticed this at the very end of last year and said that if she didn't stop we were going to make her put a dollar into the jar every time she did it. Then she didn't so we decorated a mason jar and made it happen."

They nodded and Mrs. Henry smiled. "I've had Chloe in class since she's been here so she's had a while to notice the little things that I do. She's sort of like my baby and then there's Jonah, he's the son-in-law I can't get rid of."

The class laughed and I elbowed Jonah in the ribs. He was always the butt of her jokes but I knew that it didn't bother him, he was used to her as much as I was if not more seeing as she was his mother. I was the only one that knew that so don't go running your jaws.

After everything settled back down Simon turned to Jonah and I to ask, "Are you two together or what? I've been trying to figure it out since I walked in and set eyes on you, Chloe."

I turned to Jonah and we both started laughing at the same moment. "We're totally not together; I'm too good for Chloe."

I rolled my eyes, "Yep, but I'm pretty sure he's secretly got a shrine dedicated to me in his closet like on Hey Arnold. But seriously, we're best friends; I mean I love him but I'm not in love with him. He's my brother from another mother."

Simon's face broke into the biggest smile I'd ever seen. I couldn't help but steal a glance at Derek out of the corner of my eye but he was only looking at the wall out of boredom. I sort of felt a pull in my chest when I realized he didn't care about me.

I shook it off before turning back to Simon. "Why do you care about mine and Jonah's relationship? It's not like you have a chance with me either way. I'm not into players, baby doll."

The bell that dismissed us decided to ring at that moment. I smiled and pulled my backpack onto my shoulders and took Jonah's hand in mine before running out onto the quad. We ran until we came to our tree at the back edge of the grass and I plopped down.

He sat in front of me and placed his elbows on his knees. "What's up with you and the new boys? One of them seems to be really into you and you seem to be really into the other one. I saw your face fall when he didn't care that we weren't a couple."

There was a reason Jonah and I had been friends for so long, we could basically read each other's minds. Jonah was a shaman and I was a necromancer, we had these powers from birth until now. I could see spirits, conjure the dead and make them do my bidding; not that I'd ever do that or anything. In my opinion, Jonah's powers were so much cooler than mine. I mean he could read people's minds, astral project; he could even talk to spirits like me.

"I sort of got a feeling from them, it was like the feeling I got when I first met you," I said, twirling a curl around my finger. "Didn't you get one too?"

When he didn't answer me I turned to look at him and I saw that he was just staring at me. I raised my eyebrows and waited for him to respond. When he did I realized that he'd been having a vision.

"They're supernaturals as well. The girl's a witch, the blonde one is a sorcerer, and the tall one is a werewolf," he explained, tugging his beanie further over his hair.

I felt the tension rolling off of him so I crawled back behind him and pulled his head back into my lap. I took the beanie off of his hair and started to run my nails along his scalp. We'd started this when he'd first gotten his visions and realized they came along with massive headaches. I would rub his temples and run my fingers through his hair until they passed.

Once it did he pushed up and pulled his beanie back on over his hair. "Thank you, boo. It means a lot that you're always here for me. You know that I'll always be here for you too, right?"

I nodded quietly before standing up and holding out a hand to pull him up to me. When we were both up I put both of our backpacks onto my back and jumped up onto Jonah's. He let out a laugh before making his way to our next class.

Yep, it's really different but I sort of like it. Review if you do too.