"Tethered" is defined as either: a rope, cable etc. that holds something in place whilst allowing some movement or (by extension) the limit of one's abilities, resources etc. And let's just say Ethan needs to be "Untethered". WARNING: this story contains [vampire] rape, torture, narcissism, and sadism involved. NOT for the squeamish.

For those who like my MBAV fic, "Clueless", well, I decided to take it up a notch, one big notch. I've been wanting to do this gory story lately, and to pair Ethan and Benny. You have been warned, for those who don't care, enjoy and hold on to your chairs.

Chapter 1: Snatched

One day Ethan Morgan was walking home after school, lonely, angry. He was angry because Benny went off on one of his usual "girl chasing" pursuits, Della. "She barely pays attention to him." Ethan grumbled. Rory typically being his goofy self never stayed anywhere long and Sarah and Erica were having a GNO, girl's night out, so hanging with Sarah was out. Ethan was to himself that evening, or so he thought. Ethan was having a weird few days, his visions weren't exactly normal, but then again, having visions at all isn't really considered "normal".

Ethan was having weird and creepy visions in his bathroom, in his bed, at school, with Benny; but Ethan didn't have a clue what any of it meant. His dreams were even worse, he had these nightmares that you would see in a horror movie. He hadn't told anybody about them, not Sarah, Rory, or Benny, little did he know, he would wish he had. Ethan then walked under a tree where a branch broke and fell in front of him, causing him to jump back, his backpack falling on the ground. "Ahh!" Ethan yelled, looking up in the tree, he didn't see anything, "Rotten tree trying to kill me." Ethan grumbled, he reach back to pick up his back and noticed it was gone.

Ethan looked around on the ground frantically, "Now my back pack didn't just fly away."

"Not like you were about to." An evil-yet-familiar voice said behind Ethan, sending a sharp chill up his spine.

Ethan then turned around to see Jesse standing behind him, an evil smirk on his face, holding Ethan's back. Ethan immediately took a number 2 pencil out of his pocket, "What the hell are you doing here Jesse, I thought you skipped town." Ethan waving the pencil around, as a weapon.

"I did, I came back." Jesse answered, "Tsk, tsk Ethan, you really expect a pencil to stop me?" Ethan pointed the pencil in Jesse's direction, as if it were a knife. Jesse then threw Ethan's back pack at him, causing Ethan to drop the pencil for his bag and that's when Jesse struck; grabbing up Ethan and his bag in a flash.

Ethan yelled as loud as he could, "Let go of me, let me go! HELP!" Ethan shouted, "HE-" Ethan was about to yell for help again until Jesse knocked Ethan's head into the tree.

"Oops." Jesse said noticing Ethan fell quiet, "You're more trouble than you're worth." Jesse stated looking at the wooden pencil on the ground. Jesse chuckled, "I can't believe he actually thought he could try to "stake" me with a pencil... the tree branch I made fall in front of him is more of a threat." Jesse scoffed and took off with Ethan over one of his shoulders, his backpack on the other.

End of chapter 1. I tried to think of a better prolouge for this story but I couldn't so I just decided to jump right into it. I think in the fanfiction world we all see Jesse as the main antagonist or something and Ethan or Sarah are usually always the victim of his actions. Anyway, what do folks think so far, hated to stop so abruptly, I just didn't want the first chapter to be one of the more gory chapters that are to come. To see what's about to happen to Ethan, I gotta get reviews.