A/N: Most of the story is AU, in a "what if" sort of way, still very canon, and as such some dialogue has been pulled heavily from the movies and novels. All material belongs to its respective owners, and above all George Lucas.

Attack of the Clones AU: Part 1 of the Pure Influence's series.

Chapter 1 First Reunion:

"Relax. You're sweating."

Anakin's normally calm facade was visibly shaken; the upcoming reunion with Senator Padme` Amidala had reawakened emotions that could be dangerous.

"It's just; I haven't seen her in ten years Master, what if she doesn't remember me?"

Obi-Wan shook his head. His padawan clearly underestimated the effect he had on people, including certain Senators.

He hid a grin,

"Don't worry. Over the next few days, she'll be certain to remember you, if she doesn't at first sight."

"Annie? Is that you? My goodness you've grown!" Padme couldn't believe her eyes. The little boy who'd won the podrace so many years ago, causing circumstances that helped bring about the end to the blockade of her planet had turned into a handsome young man.

He ducked his head, a slight blush appearing on his still boyish face.

"So have you, grown more beautiful I mean, well, for a senator I mean. And much shorter." He grinned at this and she returned his smile.

"Oh Annie you'll always be that little boy I met on Tattooine." It was true, he would. If she dared to allow herself to see him any different, he could become a dangerous distraction.

It was as if his legs had been cut from beneath him with a lightsaber, such was the pain that statement caused. As if he was insignificant. He followed Obi-Wan to sit across from Padme` as he relayed their orders.

He remained silent, nodding when required and only objecting after Padme` had retired to her room, when Jar-Jar insisted she'd been enthusiastic about him joining her security.

"You're only focused on the negative, be mindful Anakin, she was pleased to see us. She's got an awful lot on her plate, especially with these assassination plots going on."

"I've not been sleeping well."

"Bad dreams?"

"About my mother. I always see her getting attacked. I wish I could do something about it."

Obi-Wan frowned; it wasn't good for Anakin to be so distracted.

"Dreams pass in time."

"I'd much rather dream about Padme`, just being around her is...intoxicating."

"Be careful of your thoughts Anakin, these emotions could lead you down a dangerous path. If you're so worried about Shmi, perhaps it could be arranged, with the Council's permission, for you to visit her, before you'll be needed to help search for the person behind these attacks on the Senator."

Obi-Wan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

His padawan clearly cared for Padme` more than was healthy, perhaps if his worries about his mother were assuaged, he'd be able to focus better. He hated to admit it, but the advice he'd given his padawan was somewhat hypocritical. He'd been nearly as nervous about the reunion with Padme`. Just the sight of her, in attire much plainer than her Queenly regalia, and he'd almost stumbled over his words. It was no great mystery why his Padawan seemed unable to let go of his childhood crush on her.

He had sworn he'd marry her one day, even as a child.

He watched Anakin's face for signs of an argument, but found none.

Anakin merely bowed his head, thankful for his Master's wisdom.

"Thank you master. I believe that would be of great comfort to me. I-" at that moment he paused, the Force whispering a warning,

"I sense it too!" Obi-Wan's eyes widened in realization.

They rushed from the balcony and threw open the doors to Padme`'s bedchambers,

Poised, inches from her neck, crawled two deadly Calhoun's, poisonous worms from the planet Corellia. How they'd gotten into the Senators room was quickly revealed, as Anakin swiftly sliced them in two with his brilliant and deadly blue lightsaber, Obi-Wan glanced to the left window to see an assassin droid beginning to turn away.

"Anakin look!" He shouted, before making the split-second decision to catch it.

He jumped through the window, shattering it, but managing to grasp the back fin of the droid.

"Stay here!" Anakin told a stunned Padme`, perhaps a bit harsher than needed.

"Keep her safe." He ordered a handmaiden who rushed past him to the bedroom.

He needed to find a speeder and catch up to Obi-Wan. The Force told him his Master would need a safe place to land.

"Thank-you Council."

Obi-Wan bowed to the Masters and quietly left the room, only once reaching Anakin in the main hallway downstairs did he allow a smile to break across his face.

Anakin's face broke into a larger grin, his blue eyes twinkling.

"They said yes?"

"Of course. I'm not the 'Negotiator' for nothing you know." Obi-Wan grinned a little at the nickname he'd been given by fellow Order members. He grasped Anakin's arm in a brotherly gesture,

"Now, go back to the apartment and pack, and tell Senator Padme` you'll see her soon. After a week or so, you'll meet up with us on Naboo."

"Yes Master."

Padme` stood, gazing into the clumsy Gungan's eyes, making sure to impress the fact that he held her position only temporarily, and was not to act without consulting her first.

"Very well Representative Binks, I trust you have a lot to do."

The Gungan bowed to her,

"Of course, Milady."

She turned to meet Obi-Wan, who stood inside her outer bedchambers, holding two heavy black suitcases for her.

"I do not like this idea of retreating; I didn't work toward all this, to not be here when the Military Creation Act is put forth, to not be here when its fate is decided."

She frowned and put her hand to her temple, and Obi-Wan sighed,

"Sometimes we have to follow difficult orders Senator. I didn't like sending Anakin away, I would have liked to have him here, helping me protect you, but it was necessary. His emotions have been, unstable, the last few days."

She looked at him, her brown eyes full of something he couldn't quite decipher,

"I am sorry. I shouldn't be complaining. I understand how difficult it must be for you to be apart from your Padawan. I must seem childish to you. Reckless even."

"Nonsense. You're passionate about your politics; you stand up for what's best for the people, just like when you were Queen. If anything, you've grown up and become wiser." He gave her a warm smile and she felt herself relax a bit inside. The way Anakin looked at her made her nervous, but Obi-Wan's quiet and gentle comfort disarmed her. Either way, she could be fighting a losing battle, with herself.

A/N: i'm so nervous about this. it's my first return into the land of writing. please be kind!