Addison's Butt Stung

Disclaimers in Chapter One, let's get started.

Part Two

As night fall came Addison was having trouble sitting comfortably her bottom had failed to

The lady doc felt a rush of blood to her vaginal lips the center of her core pulsed and dampened her panties, but why? Plus there was the accompanying heated flush and she was fully aware the feelings were a result of the way Derek had so masterfully taken her in line when she had acted foolishly.

"Phew, you stink, Addison why don't you take a shower and I will lay out some clothes you can change into." Meredith suggested.

Meredith formulated a plan to intercept the arriving paddle Derek had sent Amelia for at the shop spanking. Amelia returned on her bicycle with a 15 inches long (3/8 inch thick), wooden paddle from the nearby Space Needle Gift Shop.

Capriciously Meredith made the unwise decision to spank, that is pop and swat the proffered bottom in front of her over her lap.

She entered the room tossing her brown hair back giving a little sob and said, "But I am too old! Grown women don't get spanked!"

"I can't stand this I am so embarrassed" The pretty long brown haired coed woman cried, as her colleague pulled Addison's tight blue jeans down off her round shapely hips.

"Grown women who act like teenage brats get spanked."Now let's get you back over my knee and prepared to get a sound ass blistering from me missy."

Meredith hauled her face down again.

Raising the wooden paddle high above her ear and brought it down with a loud cracking sound. This was quickly followed by a rhythm of hard paddle spanks right between the visible panty lines provided by Addison's sloth dressing habits.

"Yeow OOO! Ow! Wee-Ouch!" squealed Addison
arching her bottom up and stiffening out straight with shock. She swung her right arm back to rub a frantic hand on her right ass cheek.

Spank! CRACK! WHACK! Spank! Splat, Pop!

You have, "Spank! Spank! To earn, "spank! spank! Just because you

Drinking and driving the car into the side of the barn, "spank! swat! "pop! spank! Nearly hitting my daughter," Meredith fumed

"I got really good wood on that swat." Meredith rubbed it in.

Addison remembered that line from the spanking story! The story was descriptive relating the results of her paddle spanking. Her bottom cherry red with a splattering of purple marks resembling smashed blueberries across both her lower cheeks. This was the result of cumulative spanks bruising her bottom purple. The story was fiction and though it was not true it still bothered her.

"You think it's funny, well, missy you won't laugh when I tell the board about your driving drunk and crashing into the side of my barn endangering my daughter." Meredith hotly said.

"You really need someone to take you in hand, acting like an irresponsible teenager. It's time you put on your big girl panties on!"

He smiled, though she couldn't see it.

"As Amelia's mother it's up to me to point out areas that I see you need improvement in.

She was so rigid in her fury it hurt her mouth.

"Get away from me!" She had the gall to laugh and that's what put her over the edge. Her hands were flying at her in no time as she let out a scream of fury.

Meredith's hand had her trapped against him in a flash. "Settle down,'re in enough trouble as it is."

"I'm in trouble? Me?" Addison struggled to break free and then kicked back at him when she couldn't.

The firm, hard swat that landed on her bottom echoed in the room as did Addison's surprised yelp. The lady doc stepped back and she stood stoically in front of her, determined not to reach back and rub at the unwelcome sting.

It was three hours since Derek had left for the emergency at the hospital showed up unannounced back at home and confronted Meredith for what she was doing to Addison.

Derek was furious with Meredith who had spanked Addison with the souvenir paddle he had asked for and had planned to proceed to further blister the hind quarters of his naughty miss, but without an audience.