Being bored to death can be an advantage. I think. But then, schoolwork should have first priority. Fatefully, it hasn't. So, here it is. My first fanfic containing only conversation. Please leave a review. I might be moved to do more of those :) They're fun to write, honestly. I do take requests… :D Now, if you're all sitting comfortably, I'll begin. :D
"My skull is gone."
"I didn't take, if you think that."
"Well, it's gone."
"I see."
"It was here 15 minutes ago."
"Was it? I didn't notice."
"Well, I'm sure you did."
"I didn't take your skull."
"Someone did."
"I relocated it."
"You relocated it? What's that supposed to mean?"
"I took it and placed it somewhere else."
"Why did you do that?"
"It was staring at me, Sherlock."
"Of course it was, it's a skull for goodness's sake!"
"So I relocated it."
"Tell me where."
"I can deduce it easily."
"Be my guest."
"Yes, Sherlock?"
"Why did you place the skull in the bowl with acid?"
"It's an experiment."
"What for?"
"Well, for some very interesting chemical effects and such…"
"What results do you have?"
"None. The skull had disappeared when I returned 1 minute later."
"Yes, Sherlock?"
"Do you know what happens when wool meets acid?"
"Don't you dare."
"I do dare; the pattern is hideous."
"But it's my favourite jumper, Sherlock! Give it back!"
"Catch me if you can!"
"Sherlock! For the sake of law and order, give it back. Now! I will run after you all the way around the flat if I have to."
"Can't you run any faster, Johnny boy?"
"Sherlock, sto-stop it!"
"Oh, look! It melts! And it steams!"
"Why did you do that?"
"It's an experiment."
"No, it wasn't."
"Yes, it was."
"No, it wasn't."
"It was. And I can do this much longer than you."
"No, you can't."
"Oh, yes I can."
"Great. Fine. Sherlock, I'm going out."
"What for?"
"I need some air."
"But it's raining."
"You might catch a cold."
"Well, I do need a new jumper, don't I?"
"John, I told you; you would catch a cold."
"At least I have a jumper now."
"It's even more hideous than the next one. Oh, no. Don't touch that."
"John, fingers off! It's mine!"
"NO! Don't! Put that down!"
"John? What the hell are you doing? Put that down!"
"Well, I always thought that purple shirt could do with some airholes."
"You SHOT my purple shirt!"
"Looks much better now, doesn't it?"
"Sherlock… Don't even think about that. No, stay away from me. Don't touch me. Don't you dare!"
"Shumphlock humphshumphsjis lungksh sjhath."
"And? What d'you think?"
"Ouf.. well… that was a erm.. experiment I liked… Where did you learn to do that?"
"Don't tell me. I think we need more data."
Please don't kill me for killing the purple shirt. I think the purple shirt is overrated xD Okay, I don't. I'm in love with the bloody thing :(