I adore Alvittany so much! I might try to update this story more quickly than my other in-complete stories. It depends on how many reviews I get and also if I get more positive comments/criticism.

So for the pure cuteness of AxB, I give you all…Starships! And yes, the title of this story was named after a Nicki Minaj song. Read on and enjoy!

Side note: The Chipmunks and Chipettes are sixteen in this story.


Chapter 1: Pink Is My New Favorite Color

Simon, Theodore and Dave were stumbling over things whilst rapidly trying to get there things that they needed for specific places that they all had to be, as they were already late. Simon was, of course, in Science curricular skills, which was held at the library. Theodore had to go to cooking lessons; and Dave had to go to a very important meeting.

Alvin just sat on the couch with his eyes glued to the TV, as Beyoncé and her back-up dancers were performing "End of Time" onstage in Roseland, unaware of his scattering family.

Simon was beginning to panic because he couldn't find his microscope, which was very important today at the curricular. He desperately ran over to his eldest, though immature brother to ask if he had seen it.

"Alvin, have you seen my microscope!"

Alvin was still staring at the TV with his mouth hanging open, not even hearing his brother.

Simon impatiently rolled his eyes, and waved his hands in front of Alvin face. "ALVIN!"

Since Simon interrupted his "TV time," Alvin narrowed his eyes at him. "What," he sneered.

"Have you seen my microscope?" Simon asked impatiently once more.

Alvin raised his eyebrow and scoffed. "No."

Simon groaned frustratingly. He was just about to hurriedly search for it again, but as if on cue, Theodore came running up to him with his brother's microscope in one hand, and also carrying all the stuff that he needed for his cooking lesson.

"I found your microscope, Simon. Oh, and I also got all my things, too," Theodore added, handing Simon the microscope.

Simon sighed in relief and smiled. "Thank you, Theodore."

Dave finally came downstairs while fixing his tie in the process. He quickly grabbed his suitcase that was nearby and asked, "Does everyone have everything they need?"

"Yes, Dave," confirmed Simon and Theodore.

"Good," Dave replied, then he turned to Alvin. "Okay, Alvin, I'm only going to let you do this once."

"What once?" Alvin asked.

I can't believe I'm saying this… "I'm going to let you stay here…by yourself." It was hard for Dave to get the last part out.

Alvin's blue eyes grew instantly, as he couldn't believe his ears. "Really! You'd let me stay here all by myself!?"

Dave sighed. "Unfortunately, yes, Alvin," he answered. "But, if this house isn't exactly the way it is by the time we all get back, you're going to be in big trouble…"

"Don't worry, Dave. Everything'll be fine…" Alvin said with a small smirk.

"I'm counting on you, Alvin."

"Sure, Dave. Bye!" Alvin said, smiling innocently and waving.

Simon rolled his eyes. He, Dave and Theodore were now out the door and left the mischievous chipmunk in the house alone.

Once they were inside the car, Theodore looked back at the house and said a little uncertainly, "Dave, are you sure we should leave Alvin home alone?"

"Yeah. This is 'Alvin' we're talking about," Simon reminded.

"Yes. I trust Alvin to not cause any trouble…somehow," Dave replied.

Alvin locked the door and ran to the window to see Dave pulling out of driveway and driving off.

"WOO-HOO! FREEDOM!" he shouted happily as he took off his hoodie, revealing his toned chest, and then proceeded to take off his pants, cap and shoes before running to the snack cabinet and took out all of the snacks he could carry and set them on top of the coffee table that was in front of the widescreen TV.

He plopped himself on the living-room couch and began eating some marshmallows while watching VH1 on TV.

After only ten minutes of eating and watching TV, Alvin was already getting bored.

He looked back at his clothes he had taken off and laughed to himself at his silliness. "Why did I even do that in the first place?" he asked himself bluntly.

He suddenly heard someone talking in the distance and raised an eyebrow in curiosity. He sat up and walked over to a window and looked over at a pink house that was next door to him and saw a moving van and the moving-people carrying just the last few things inside the house.

Someone must've just moved in, Alvin thought.

When the moving-people were done, one of them walked over to someone that Alvin couldn't make out and let the person sign a sheet of paper that was on a clipboard. After the person signed it, the moving-people waved goodbye and drove off in their van.

Alvin was getting more and more curious. Who had just moved next door?

He let his anxiousness get the better of him and put his red hoodie that had a big yellow 'A' on it, blue jeans, red cap and black and white Converse back on. He looked at himself in the hallway mirror and fixed any flaws that he had, which he hardly had any. He also sprayed some cologne on himself, just in case there were girls that had moved in.

He grabbed the extra house key that he knew Dave had kept underneath the couch and headed out the house, locking the door behind him.

While walking across the lawn to the house next door, he hummed a tune to himself until he was right in front of the door on his neighbors' porch. Alvin had to admit that he was a little nervous when he was on their porch. He didn't know what or who to expect to answer the door. Quickly clearing his throat and taking a deep breath, he lightly rang the doorbell.

"I'll get it!" Alvin heard a voice faintly from behind the door. The voice had sounded like it had belonged to a girl.

Alvin stuffed his hands into his hoodie pockets while looking down and casually waited for the person to get to the door. When he heard the door open, he looked up and his eyes slightly grew at the beauty that was in front of him.

It was a girl that had long, wavy auburn hair that came to her mid-back that had complimented her face beautifully. Her eyes were a gleaming ice blue, and her eyelashes were thick and long. Her lips were glossed with candy pink lipgloss and were very cute. Her light-pink eye shadow had matched perfectly with what she was wearing. She wore a short-sleeved pink tank top that stopped right above her belly-button, dark blue capris, and pink and white Converse. Her tanned skin had looked so soft, and she had beautiful curves.

Now all Alvin would think about every time he thought about her was pink, because to him, she really looked amazing in pink.

The girl nervously bit her lower lip and stared at the gorgeous boy in front of her. God, he's cute.

She knew it was a little too direct in her mind, but all she wanted to do was fall into his arms because he was so cute.

"Um…hello," she finally spoke, breaking the silence.

Alvin smirked. "Hey, yourself," he replied flirtatiously.

The girl playfully rolled her eyes. I just moved in, and a boy is already flirting with me? Just great…

"Mind introducing yourself?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at him skeptically.

Alvin gently grasped her hand and kissed the top of it. "Alvin Seville," he told her with a smile. "Mind telling me who you are?"

She wanted to melt right then, but only rolled her eyes and withdrew her hand out of his grasp and replied, "Well, if you must know," she began playfully, "my name is Brittany."

"Well, hello, Brittany," Alvin said swooningly.

Brittany smiled and shook her head. "Did you come here for a reason?"

"Nope, not really," Alvin simply admitted with a shrug.

"Well, in that case, have a nice day," she said with a grin as she began closing the door, but Alvin abruptly stopped the door from closing.

"Hey! We just met!" Alvin exclaimed.

"Yes, I know… Nice meeting you!"

She began to close the door again, but unfortunately, it was stopped by Alvin again. Brittany sighed impatiently. "What do you want?"

Alvin fidgeted with his words for a minute until he asked, "Um…w-when can I see you again?"

Brittany's heart fluttered at thought of seeing the cute boy again. She knew she really wanted to spend more time with him for a while longer. "Um…well…UGH! Just come in!" Brittany finally decided.

Alvin smiled and followed Brittany inside her house. She's the most hottest girl I've ever met. I think I'm in love already! he gushed in his mind.

Was the first chapter good? Like I said, I'll probably update this story more faster if I get enough reviews. And again, if you have any criticism of this story, feel free to tell me. I'll follow the advice you give me to become better at writing stuff like this.

Tell me what you think in a review. Please review (if you really want to).
