The chill in the air stung her cheeks bright red, but the little girl refused to let it dampen her mood.

Looking out over the ice-made buildings of the Southern Water Tribe, she felt a proud, happy fluttering in her chest at knowing this was her home.

Pulling her fur-lined hood up to deflect the wind, her long Water Tribe braid fell over her shoulder, the heavy blue stone ring swinging like a pendulum as she ran further up the ice cliff.

The top came upon her in a rush, but instead of slowing down, the girl leapt off.

Swinging her hand forward, the snow spiraled after the girl and solidified into ice under her seal-skin boots.

Stopping a few feet past the original tip, she had a clear view of the ocean and the icebergs, which were slowly closing off the harbor from anything bigger than a canoe. 4

It was so beautiful...


Startled by the shout, the little girl looked down to see her sister there, a worried expression marring the woman s pretty brown face.

"What are you doing up there? You re supposed to stay in the house!"

"Sorry, Ty..." Dezzie apologized, bright ocean eyes darkening in sadness.

"I just wanted to see..."

Sighing, Ty molded the ice underneath her little sister into a slide, which Dezzie glided down with a squeal of joy.

Catching the energetic child in her arms, Ty hefted her up and smiled.

"I know, but it s not safe for you to be running around by yourself."

Turning back towards the village, she checked the horizon with a sideways glance.

"Is something wrong, Ty?"

Startled by the sudden question, she looked down at Dezzie's worried blue eyes.

"You keep watching the ocean like you're expecting something..."

"It's nothing." Ty assured.

"Just thinking. Mom s been looking everywhere for you. She wants some help making seal jerky."

Face brightening at the mention of her favorite treat, Dezzie began to bounce on her sister s hip excitedly.


"Yup. Why don t you run ahead while I get some groceries for dinner?"


Jumping to the snow, Dezzie raced to their home, clearing her path with a deft wave of her hand.

The smile on Ty's face dimmed once her sister was out of sight, and her eyes returned to the water.

'Please, let me be wrong...'

Fire crackled and popped across the snow, choking the air with steam and ash.

Blinded by her tears, Dezzie ran, the blisters along her legs screaming at the abuse.

Ty, seeing her sister lagging behind, ignored the pain from her own burns and hefted the child into her arms.

Looking back, she watched the grand wall and tall buildings of the Southern Water Tribe melt away into the ocean.

Fighting back the instinctive tears, she held Dezzie tighter and forced herself to keep moving.

Staring at the devastation over her sister s shoulder, Dezzie sobbed as the tears scorched her eyes.

'It's all my fault...'