Just thought I'd say this but, orignally I had to write an ode for my english class. Seeing as I'm a fan of Legend of Zelda I thought, 'hey, I'll write an ode to Link!' Thus this was created. Personally I think it's alright, but what do you think?

Ode to the Hero of Time


A boy clad in a garment of green,

had the strength of a tiger though it remained unseen.

With the heart of a lion, yet the spirit of a dove,

he showed courage in his stance of valor and right.

but later he'd battle unlike any other fight.


In hand he'll hold his loyal, and trustworthy sword.

She'll assist him without doubt in the inevitable war.

Trials, he will face, he must overcome them all.

Otherwise he will fail, and meet his downfall


Through resolve he'll travel 'cross the bitter desert

and with honed skill past spiced but sour, trees.

Vigorously he'll scale the dry towers of rock

and glide swiftly through rich waters of a river's shock.


Come one day two swords would shriek,

sounding that the hero has met the villain at last.

The clamor of panic from the world will cease,

to watch in quiet for their battle cries to silence.

So when his clear voice sang of victory,

the world cheered into harmony.


Now here he lies on smooth, soft grass,

finished with the razor-edged danger of traps.

He's completed his mission, though ragged he may be,

with determination and effort, he's reached success

and is happy to lie here, having fulfilled his quest.


True he may only be just a fantasy,

but this character is a model of modesty.

Now, being a hero is not as hard as it seems;

to reach our potential, our hero in the heart,

you must reach out a hand to help one another.

You can be a hero to the less fortunate other.


So who is this quiet yet brave young dime?

Why he is a hero, the Hero of Time.