
"We were unable to steal the lady away," a stout hobgoblin unhappily reported.

The Labyrinth, who was quite the mysterious entity, hissed in annoyance. It hated associating with mortals but unfortunately, the current circumstances were forcing it to converse with a mortal female, who, fortunately, was quite abnormal. Perhaps the mortal female's abnormality would more than make up for her mortality? For a minute, the Labyrinth entertained the thought but it was quickly dismissed before it could become a further hindrance. Mortals were nothing but trouble, the Labyrinth angrily thought.

"It was a simple task to complete," the Labyrinth ranted.

The hobgoblin remained quiet. Everyone knew that it was best to let the Labyrinth complain without being interrupted.

"How hard is it to kidnap a mortal?"

The hobgoblin nervously eyed the Labyrinth without replying.

"She is just a mortal!" The Labyrinth loudly complained.

The hobgoblin gulped when the Labyrinth focused its attention upon him. The silver eyes of the Labyrinth were considered mesmerizing by the hobgoblin.

"Listen to me," the Labyrinth firmly ordered.

The hobgoblin nervously nodded.

"Misfortune has fallen upon our beloved Goblin King," the Labyrinth silkily informed the creature.

The Labyrinth felt satisfied when the hobgoblin's eyes widened.

"The Goblin King is not dead, but during a... mandatory obligation, he became... lost to me and the whole kingdom," the Labyrinth continued, "Since Jareth is still among the living, I am unable to replace him. Without a ruler we will all die."

"What do we do?" The hobgoblin questioned the entity.

"Bring Sarah Williams to me," the entity bitterly continued, "I may not be able to replace the Goblin King but I can choose the Goblin Queen. The... rules say that Sarah Williams is the only acceptable candidate."

"We'll bring the lady," the hobgoblin eagerly replied.

"This time, failure will not be accepted. Death... will be rewarded to those that fail in meeting my demand," the Labyrinth informed with a toothy grin.

The hobgoblin quickly nodded.

"No one will fail," the hobgoblin quickly replied.

"They better not," the Labyrinth absentmindedly replied.

"May I leave," the hobgoblin hesitantly asked the entity.

"You may," the Labyrinth loftily replied.

The labyrinth felt no surprise when the hobgoblin quickly darted out of the room. Time to brood, the Labyrinth darkly thought. The mortal female would refuse to become the Goblin Queen if she knew what she would have to give up.

"Tricking her would take too much time but if she had no choice?" The Labyrinth thoughtfully murmured.

Author's note: Hi! Thanks for reading! XD

I do not own the Labyrinth or Once Upon a Time. I wish that I did. ;)

If you can spare a moment, a review would be nice. There is always room for me to improve and praise is always enjoyed. :)