This is the story of how I died.

Oh, don't worry. This is actually a very fun story, and the truth is, it isn't even mine. This is the story of a boy named Blaine. And it starts with the sun.

Now, once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight fell from the heavens, and from this single drop of sun grew a magic, golden flower. It had the ability to heal the sick and injured. Oh, you see that crazy meerkat-faced boy, over there? You might want to remember him. He's kind of important.

Well, centuries passed, and a hop, skip, and a boat ride away, there grew a kingdom. The kingdom was ruled by a beloved king and queen. And the queen, well, she was about to have a baby. Then he got sick. Really sick. She was running out of time; and that's when people usually start to look for a miracle.

Or, in this case, a magic golden flower.

Here's where that meerkat-faced boy comes in. I told you he'd be important. See, instead of sharing the sun's gift, this man, Sebastian Smythe, hoarded it's healing power and used it to keep himself young for hundreds of years. And all he had to do was sing a special song;

Flower, gleam and glow,

Let your power shine,

Make the clock reverse,

Bring back what once was mine.

What once was mine...

Alright, you get the jist. He sings to it, he turns young. Creepy, right?

But, unfortunately, the one time people are looking for his magical golden flower, Sebastian is in too much of a rush to hide it properly. Horrible timing, amiright? In any case, the palace soldiers found it, dug it up, and brought it back to the palace. Not knowing the magic song, they decided to brew it up in a broth, and feed it to the queen, destroying it. Betcha old Sebastian didn't like that.

Now, the magic of the golden flower healed the queen. A healthy baby boy, a prince, was born with beautiful curly hair. I'll give you a hint; that's Blaine.

To celebrate his birth, the king and queen launched a flying lantern into the sky. And for that one moment, everything was perfect.

And then that moment ended.

In the middle of the night, when the whole kingdom was asleep, a shadow stole across the castle grounds. It moved silently, making it into the baby prince's room before anyone knew it was there. I'd be jealous of Sebastian's skill, if it weren't for the fact that he's evil personified. He crept to the prince's cradle, leaned over the child and began to sing:

Flower, gleam and glow,

Let your power shine...

Sure enough, while Blaine snored softly, his curly hair began to glow with a soft, supernatural light. Sebastian touched it with a fingertip and immediately, the years that had fallen on him over the past few months melted away. I know, still very creepy.

Grabbing a pair of scissors from his cloak, Sebastian continued to sing. He cut away a lock of glowing hair.

And it immediately fell, hard and stiff, from his hand. Sebastian gasped in horror as the youth flew from him in a burst of dying power. He woke the child, who began to cry. Sensing that he was soon to be caught, Sebastian stole the baby and just like that, he was gone. The kingdom searched and searched, but they could not find the prince.

And deep within the forest, in a hidden tower, Sebastian raised the child like his own. He quickly found that by brushing Blaine's ever growing hair while making the child sing the special song, he could get a little bit younger, and make the youth last a little bit longer. Yet without Blaine's hair, Sebastian knew that he would quickly grow old and die.

Sebastian had found his new magic flower. But this time, he was determined to keep it hidden. He told young Blaine that the outside world was a dangerous place, filled with horrible selfish people. He told Blaine that the child had to stay within the walls of the tower, where he was safe. But the walls of that tower could not hide everything.

Each year, on Blaine's birthday, the king and queen released thousands of lanterns into the sky in hopes that one day their lost prince would return.