Hi everyone, this is my first full-length Inuyasha fanfic. ^_^

Disclaimer: I don't nor will I ever own Inuyasha, or the Left 4 Dead series. Sadly.

Chapter 1: Meeting of the minds

The dry air smelled of blood, sweat and decay as carnage reigned throughout the once populated city. At least that's how it seemed to the young twenty year old girl who was currently zigzagging through the desolated streets.

"Damn." she muttered to herself as more of the zombie like creatures began to catch up to her.

She turned swiftly on her heel running backwards as she tried to pick each of them off with her twin pistols. She came to a complete stop when her back hit a car full force. She breathed deeply and steadied her hands in order to get accurate shots.

"Shit!" she screamed as she quickly ran out of ammo.

She watched as the creatures moved swiftly towards her. She smacked two of the creatures with the barrel of her pistols, and maneuvered around the car swiftly. With eyes focused forward, and using her peripherals to watch for any infected coming from the side she moved quickly towards a set of townhouses. When she reached the doors of the first house, she turned on her heels gracefully and tossed a grenade to the horde that had been pursuing her. With the door closed behind her she took a deep breath.

"I hope this building doesn't fail me like all of the others." She mused to herself darkly.

She needed ammo terribly and hoped to find a good supply. Finding none on the lower level she moved up the stairs reminding herself to not get her hopes high. She searched the rooms thoroughly once again finding nothing.

"Oh well, looks like I'm going to die here." She muttered to herself pessimistically. "No ammo, no supplies. Who did I think I was fooling, thinking I could survive when no one else did."

Noticing one last set of stairs she climbed them sluggishly, all hope and faith having been drained from her. There was a single lone door at the top of the stair case and she reached for the knob turning it lightly. At that moment a bullet whizzed by her ear, and with a scream she jumped back.

The door then flew open and the girl was met with the barrel of a pump shotgun.

"Yasha stop!" a young girl shrieked as she grabbed the boy handling the weapon. "Can't you see that she's not one of them?"

The boy lowered the gun wearily and sapphire eyes met amber. The girl felt her heart stop; to say he was gorgeous would be an understatement: long black hair, beautiful eyes, and a toned physique. God she hoped that she wasn't drooling.

He stared back at her absolutely dumbstruck, she was beautiful. Large deep blue eyes, and long silky black hair to match, he really hoped he wasn't drooling.

"Hello!" the other young girl yelled. "Inuyasha, can't you see that she's inured, and needs to be treated, like right now!"

"Oh." Both of them replied now noticing the girl's injuries for the first time.

"Sorry." Inuyasha said hastily pulling her into the room and kneeling down on the floor to treat the injuries on her leg.

"It's okay Inuyasha, that's your name right?" she winced as he poured alcohol on her wounds.

"Yeah, sorry it's gonna sting a little. What's your name?

"Kagome. I came in here hoping to find bullets for my pistols."

"Well you're in luck Kagome." The younger girl replied. "Cause this place was loaded."

"Thank you, what's you name by the way?"

"Rin." The young girl replied simply

"There you go." Inuyasha told Kagome as he rose to his feet. "Now I may not be a doctor, but that should hold you for a while."

"Thank you." She replied with a smile

He smiled back, blushing slightly. At that moment the boards to the windows on the lower levels began to break.

"Um." Rin cut in "I hate to ruin fluffy time, but I think it's time to go." She picked up her lone pistol and turned towards the exit.

Kagome and Inuyasha complied turning their attention towards the door, and bolted to the steps. When they heard the floor creak on the level below, Inuyasha began to shoot madly at what he assumed were the infected.

"Stop, stop. Don't shoot!" they heard a voice scream.

Inuyasha shined his flashlight in the direction of the voice. They saw a young boy-back against the wall, a look of bewilderment on his face.

"God you've got to stop meeting people like this." Rin said, head shaking. "No wonder you don't have any friends."

Inuyasha ignoring her turned his attention to the boy. "Sorry kid."

"Kohaku." The boy replied. "And I am not a kid."

"Feh, whatever." Inuyasha replied moving to the next set of stairs.

"I'm Kagome by the way" Kagome told Kohaku as she followed behind Inuyasha.

"Sorry for my brother's rude behavior." Rin said approaching him. "You are not injured are you?"

"No I'm fine, and that's your brother? How do you do it?"

"Years of practice." She replied laughing

He laughed with her as they began to descend the stairs.

"What are you two laughin' at?" Inuyasha asked angrily

"Nothing" the teenagers replied still laughing heartily

"Shit" Kagome cut in, her eyes focused on the level below them.

Several of the infected had managed to break into the apartment and easily covered the entire bottom level.

"Get ready you three." Inuyasha ordered raising his shot gun.

Rin rose her pistol, and watched as the other two complied- Kagome raising her pistols, and Kohaku his Uzi.

"Move" Inuyasha commanded and bolted to the lower level firing easily.

The other three followed quickly rushing after him, firing at the infected he missed. The number of the infected individuals however began to grow, even as they each picked them off. Soon the number of them began to be overwhelming.

"It's too many of them." Kagome yelled fearfully

"We're going to die." Rin screamed

"Shit" Inuyasha mumbled pulling a grenade from his belt.

"Move out of the way kid." He screamed pushing Kohaku out of his way

"I told you I'm not a ki-"

"Run" Inuyasha screamed cutting him off.

The four of them ran quickly to escape the explosion. The force of the blast propelled the group off of their feet and onto the floor.

"Kagome are you okay?" Inuyasha asked helping her to her feet

"Yeah I'm fine." She replied with a small smile

"Yasha look out." Rin screamed

The two of them turned around to see a deranged infected attempting to slash at them. When at that second it was shot directly in its back.

"You lightweights need any help?" the boy who shot the infected asked smugly. "I'm guessing you do as you couldn't even handle one zombie."

"For your information" Rin cut in "We just took on an entire horde of them, and they're infected, not the walking dead."

"Whatever" he replied turning around

"Who are you?" Kagome asked with a raised eyebrow

Turning around and noticing her beauty the boy replied smugly "Kouga, and don't you forget it toots, cause you're gonna love it soon." With that he turned back around.

Kagome seething inwardly at his arrogance had to resist the urge to shoot him in the back of the head.

"Well Kouga" Kohaku began irritated "How did you get here?"

Before Kouga could respond Inuyasha cut in "Save it for when we're somewhere safe." He said opening the door. "Let's go"

"Hn, and with me tagging along, you all might actually survive, but knowing you pansies don't count on it."

"Oh joy he's joining us" Rin replied sarcastically.

Kohaku just shook his head and laughed at her.

'Hopefully we won't get mauled' Kagome thought to herself. 'That's what usually happens.'

The five survivors, guns brandished then proceeded out of the door into the world of fear and uncertainty.