Hey! So since my ABCat story got so many reviews, I'm doing an alphabet Jade story. Sound good to you? Review and tell me what you think!

Hollywood Arts was filled with sleepy students, ready for their first period Monday morning classes. It was drizzling out, and he fluorescent lights made even the students with Extra large Sky Store coffee cups need more sleep.

Jade West, the girl with the worst Monday Morning Moodswings (despite the fact that she had the most coffee) walked past a group of freshman, who were giggling into their Pearphones as they layered on sickly sweet bubblegum-meets-watermelon flavored lipstick. Never one for mincing words, Jade yelled.


The girls scattered in fear as Jade made her way to where her friends would be. Crowded around Tori's locker, their unofficial meeting spot.

"Oh hey Jadey," a petite redheaded girl who's IQ matched her tiny body size ran up to Jade. Monday's never really bothered her, which was one of the things that irritated Jade most about her.

"Hi Cat," she said wearily. "What's up?"

"Well, let's see…This weekend my brother went to the zoo and stole a pair of pants from a tourist…Today after school Sinjin and his friends invited me to meet them at midnight in the Blackbox…And I got a new pair of shoes!"

"What, what did you say?" Jade asked, her eyes snapping up to meet Cat's face.

"My brother took a tourist's pants…"

"After that."

"I got a new pair of shoes!"

"The one in the middle," snapped Jade.

"Oh! Sinjin asked me to meet him after school at midnight tonight in the Blackbox! He and his friends are making a movie and want me to be in it! Cool, right?"

"Not really," Jade said. "Your parents won't let you go though, will they?"

Of course Cat would be tricked into meeting creepy Sinjin alone at night. She was practically a weirdo's biggest dream. Innocent, much too innocent…

"Well, they're in Bora Bora for the week, since they don't have to watch my brother because after he took the man's pants he was sent to another special doctor, and he has to stay with this one for a little while but I'm sure-"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Jade sipped her coffee. "But Cat, don't go tonight. Sinjin's really weird."

"But everybody deserves a chance," Cat tried.

"Remember you said those exact words when you were going to play pirates with Robbie? And look how well that turned out."


"Whatever, Cat," Jade threw away her empty cup and stomped away. She called over her shoulder. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

The raven haired girl walked to her first class of the day, and it melted into the second, then third, then lunch and eventually the bell rang ending her day of hell.

School sucked.

As Jade walked to her car, thoughts of a coffee fresh from the drive through luring her closer, she noticed Cat and Sinjin talking. She heard the last couple of words.

"So see you tonight?" Sinjin asked, his mossy hair especially bushy and his gray eyes extra wide.

"Yeah," Cat giggled. "I'm so excited!"

"Me too," Sinjin said, walking backwards towards where his bike would be. His eyes never left Cat's face, and he worked his way onto his bike backwards. Jade shuddered at his disturbing atmosphere and climbed into her car. It wasn't her fault if Cat made a mistake.

She drove to the drive thru, got a coffee and made her way home. Since she and Beck had broken up, she never really had after school plans. She changed into a pair of pajama fuzzy shorts and an oversized sweatshirts, abandoning the thoughts of doing her homework completely. She sat in front of the TV with her coffee and a box of Cheez-Its.

Her parents came and went. Home from work, out to an early dinner…Home again, out with friends…

Jade stared at the flickering screen until it melted together before her eyes, and she'd eaten her way through three entire boxes. She glanced at the clock, feeling lethargic and fat. Eleven forty five.

Cat would be heading out to meet Sinjin about now. If she left in the next five minutes, she'd be able to stop her. Or at least watch her. She had nothing else to do anyway, and was entirely disgusted of the three empty orange boxes.

She got off the couch, and slipped on a pair of flip flops before making her way to her car. She drove through the dark to her school parking lot, where sure enough, a tiny figure was entering through the side door of the theater.

Jade parked silently and made her way into the school as stealthy as a prowling cat. She closed the door softly behind her as Cat called out into the darkness.

"Guys? Sinjin? It's me, Cat…I'm here. Hello?" Her voice was small and had the raspy edge in it she sometimes got.

This was Sinjin's plan. He wasn't here at all; he just thought it would be funny to get Cat alone in an abandoned theater at night so she'd be frightened. Well, it wasn't as bad as Jade expected. She was about to call out to her friend when something happened.

A bright green light shone from the stage, illuminating two tall figures making their way to Cat.

"Blargh," the first one said, the voice sounding robotic. "Bleep Blop Blarp."

"Oh," Cat jumped back in alarm, straight into the arms of another. The light shone a little brighter as smoke filled the air, and illuminated the face. It was green and scaly, with two antennae peeking out.

The little girl screamed, and Jade felt a pang of sympathy.

Aliens in Hollywood Arts? Maybe Jade would believe it if there wasn't a price tag sticking out of Alien Number One's neck…Or if she hadn't seen the boy holding the camera.

"Cat, it's just Sinjin," Jade's voice rang out sharp and clear through the green smoke. She felt her way to the emergency power switch and flipped on the lights. The smoke machine became evident under the brightness as did the seams on the alien costumes.

"Oh," Cat said again, trembling in fear. "Th-that wasn't a very nice trick."

Sinjin removed his mask, and so did his AV nerd friends.

"We needed to capture true fear for our Sikowitz class," Sinjin said. He didn't look ashamed of himself at all, even though Cat was about to faint.

"Well find another movie star," Jade spat. "Come on Cat, we're leaving."

She grabbed Cat's arm and pulled her to the doorway.

"Jade?" She asked, once they were outside.


"I hope they get an A!"

"Oh, Cat…"

Random Quote Of The Day: Sikowitz: The only thing I'm afraid of is fear…And the guy who installed my satellite dish. I know he wanted to hurt me.

So I'm doing this new thing where I put a random quote I like, wheather it's from a Nick show or a book or a song at the end of each of these chapters. So that way if my chapter sucks, at least you'll have that to look forward to! Review? 143!