Hey guys! Now I usually write robart but I'm also a spitfire fan, so please exuse my OOC-ness. Enoy and thanks for reading :)

"Team" Batman started, his voice monotoned
"You have been doing missions for many months now and the league and I think you are ready for a more a dangerous mission" Stated Batman
The Team stayed quiet, knowing full well that you don't interupt Batman

Young Justice have been doing many small mission and they all matured from their time together.

Of caurse, Artemis and Wally still fought but a certain speedster realized his feeling after some time. The Team already found out about Artemis's seceret so she was a lot more open then before.

Everyone in the team knew he had feeling for the archer except Artemis herself.

"The Shadows have been found in the Hease building, I want you to finally put a stop to them" Batman said and left the mountain.

As soon as the computer stated that The Dark Knight was gone Wally jumped for joy.
"Yes!" He yelled throwing his fists in the air.
Artemis smacked his arm and scowled at him.
Wally glared at her.

They all suited up and went to the Bio ship.

When they arrived they were immediately attacked by Sportsmaster, Cheshire and other Goons.

The team went into a fighting position and attacked.
It didn't take long for The team to defeat the Goons, now they all watched as Artemis and Sportsmaster battled, knowing that their fight was more personal and that they couldn't interfere.

Artemis threw a kick at his face which Sportsmaster dodged with grace.
"Is that the best you can do dear daughter?" He said, mocking her with every word
"It seems you need more training from me" He added throwing a punch.
But Artemis dodged.
"Is that the best you can do old man?" She retorted
"Be careful, I wouldn't want you to break something. I mean you are at that age now" She said smirking.

Their was a pause and Sportsmaster grinned.
"You're right" He said
"Thats why I have her" He said pointing behind Artemis

Before Artemis could even react she felt Cheshires claws rip her back and something hit her head hard.

"Artemis!" M'gann screamed. None of them saw Cheshire behind her because she was wearing an odd invisable suit.

Blood was gushing from the archers back as she went down. She didn't move and the team quickly grabbed her and ran to the Bio ship before any more damage could be made.

M'gann made a bed in the ship for Artemis, Supreboy put a reasurring hand on her shoulder, Kaldur and Robin contacted the League.
But Wally, he didn't move, he simply stayed in his chair and scowled at the floor.

How could this have happend? He thought bitterly.
The fastest teen alive couldn't even save her He added.

When they arrived at the Cave, Wally carried Artemis to the hospital wing. As soon as Black Canary saw Artemis she rushed her into a stretcher and into the Infermary.
Black Canary had to literally kick Wally out of the room because he refused to leave.

The Team waited outside the Infermary and after what seemed like years Black Canary Came out.
She looked tired and you could see the redness in her eyes.

"You can see her" Was all she said and she left

The Team went into the roon and saw Artemis, IV in hand. Her face looked paler but she was breathing.
They all huddled towards her and Wally held her hand.

All they wanted was for their Team mate to wake up.

As soon as Wally touched her, Artemis's eyes shot open and she looked around the room, eyeing each one of them.
Her face looked confused and scared.

They all gave Artemis and worried look.
Then she said something that killed them all inside.

"Who are you?"

First Chapter! I'll update as soon as possible. So what do you guys think about it? :) Thanks for reading!
