Author's Notes
Disclaimers: Nothing in here is meant to reflect any real-life events. I do use historical/statistical facts here and there but it is still inaccurate on various accounts.
No pairings intended. Platonic bonds only. Those tagged are not a complete list of who appears in here.
Intro/Prologue (China's POV):
Click! Next slide, next topic. Not many interruptions or protests made against my presentation, so it looked like I could end this smoothly. My stomach grumbled softly, but I cleared my throat and surged on. I glanced at my wrist. Just a couple more of these sentences, a short ten minute open question period and then, we could break for lunch.
Mmmmm...I wonder if Taiwan brought those pastries today. Maybe I could convince her to trade some.
Why is everyone staring at me like that? Oh, wait what was I talking about now? I shook my head and tightened my fist. My concentration must not stray like this...must keep focused...keep focused...must...
Yet, as I chanted this mantra internally, it did nothing to help me recall the topic that I had been on. What was it, again? Blurring in and out of focus, the words on my slide doubled and spun.
No luck. I raised my hand to massage my head as stylized bullet points performed acrobatic acts. For an odd moment, a flash of a performance that I had watched years ago floated into my mind. My train of thought spun right off its tracks. I stumbled a step forward. My heart pounded in my ears as I try to reach for something to keep me standing.
Why is the world tilting like that? Are those the stars? They look so prett-