A/N: Well I didn't expect I would end up doing another crossover story of this series, but after some collaboration with draconichero 20 (who had actually inspired the first one I did), and thanks to him for cleaning up and enhancing this chapter. It goes without saying he is co-authoring this fic with me and his help is very well appreciated. This fic is down to Earth surprising, which is a first for me and a challenge upon itself, but I should note that not every character from CG will not appear…but I did work in some of them so expect appearances from some of them.

You read the summary and that explains what will happen, so I hope you'll enjoy the fanfic draconichero 20 and I have thought up.

Chapter 1

The New Student

'Oh shit I am so going to be late…I can't be late for the first day!'

Those were the thoughts passing through the panicked mind of Kallen Kouzuki, a new student who was on her way to attend her first day. However due to a bit of carelessness on her part the redhead woke up late and was literally running out the door with her breakfast in her mouth which was a slice of toast. After being awoken by her mother the panicked girl wasted no time getting out of bed and hurried out the door.

To make matters worse she missed the bus that could have helped her arrive on time, but aware of the fact that it would be at least another hour before the next one came Kallen had to run clear across Haramihama to reach the Sakakino Academy. Kallen was wearing down as she approached the school gates, but she forced her body on with sheer will power the as she hurried at full speed using one last burst of strength to get through the main gate in time.

'Damn you Naoto for not waking me up!'

Finally on the home stretch Kallen turned and hurried in, but she suddenly was on a collision course with another student who was obviously late. With very little time to stop the new student crashed head on into a boy student in her age group. Both students staggered backwards and fell to the ground with both of them putting a hand on their respective forehead rubbing the impact point.

They weren't hurt, but if there was a casualty then it would be the toast that flew out of Kallen's mouth and landed on the ground allowing for a pair of birds to begin feasting on.

"Damn it, watch where you are going?" The high school boy shot as he picked up his school bag before moving to get up, but he did offer his hand to Kallen as a gentleman's courteously.

"I am fine!" Kallen shot swatting the hand away.

"You're new here aren't you? I don't recognize you." The young man asked as Kallen looked at him getting his first clear look at the boy she had crashed head on into. He was about her age with short black hair, amethyst eyes and a fair skin complexion wearing the traditional school uniform for Sakakino Academy students complete with the coat and red tie.

"Yeah today is my first day, but I am so late."

"Which homeroom do you belong to?"

"Uh…Class Four."

"Class Four is Mr. Gottwald's class I believe. If you hurry through the main entrance way take a right at the first intersection and then hurry up the stairs you should get there a lot quicker."

"Thanks…see ya…uh…" Kallen began as she got up about to run off again, but she didn't get the young man's name.

"I'm Lelouch Lamperouge, Student Council Vice President."

"Ok well…see you Lelouch and thank you."

"Not at all…" Lelouch said before he sighed thinking.

'This is one hell of a way to start my day.'

Lelouch made his way into the academy as he hurried along to his own homeroom. The young man was the only son of his mother Marianne who had died the middle of last year. She was found in her car, crashed into a lamppost, not breathing with the door hanging open. The official report ruled suicide, but Lelouch believed he knew better. His mother wasn't the type to just randomly drive into a lamppost. He knew there was foul play involved. Somehow or someway he knew that his mother could not have been so depressed that she would take her life like that. No, he believed someone had pushed her, forced her to take that action or that the scene had been a setup and the police hadn't been thorough enough.

Currently he was under the care of his first cousin Cornelia Heurassein. She was 28 years old and a police detective to boot. Lelouch's father, Charles Lamperouge, was constantly away on business trips so Lelouch and Nunnally had no choice, but to sell their mother's house and move into their family's gigantic mansion, funded not only by Cornelia's mother's life insurance, but by the rest of Lelouch's close knit family. Besides just him, Nunnally, Cornelia and her younger sister Euphemia, his cousin Schneizel, the district attorney, Odysseus, an accountant in his father's company, Clovis, who was currently in college majoring in art, and Guinevere, a famous Japanese beauty and fashion magazine model, all made their home in the same gigantic mansion. The family was tight and Lelouch was very thankful for it.

The young man made his way to his class room just in time as the bell rang. Lelouch saw that their homeroom teacher hadn't arrived yet, so once again the young man avoided another tardy.

The black haired young man sat down in the middle of the desks while to his left was a girl with brown hair tied up in a ponytail, brown eyes wearing a girl's school uniform. Off to Lelouch's right was a young man with dark blue spiky hair while sitting next to him. As their homeroom teacher hadn't arrived yet some of the students were still up and about with two of them approaching Lelouch.

One of them was a young man with black hair with gray eyes while the other was probably the tallest boy in class with short and slightly spiky brown hair.

"Hey Lelouch you're late again?" Taisuke Sawanaga asked with a grin on his face. "Let me guess you had another early morning underground match?"

"So did you win Lelouch?" Makoto Ito inquired.

"Of course…" The black haired young man replied

"Another sweeping victory." Rivalz Cardemonde added with a thumbs-up gesture for the unstoppable Lelouch.

Everyone in the academy knew it was unwise to challenge Lelouch to chess since no one in school has been able to beat him. This warning was set especially due to Lelouch's performance in underground chess matches where the young man was notorious for cleaning out his opponents of their money, but also sometimes their clothes if they grew desperate to win it back.

It was almost a pity the number of opponents Lelouch faced in those underground matches that didn't learn that lesson.

"I can't believe you would waste your time like that? I mean your family is loaded right?" Otome Kato began shooting Lelouch a glare.

"True, but how would I spend my time?"

"Well you could get a girlfriend or something, go out on a date." Taisuke began, but in truth that was more what Taisuke himself wanted. Makoto didn't have much to offer even though he had known Lelouch since middle school. Rivalz thought it was a good idea, but Otome knew Lelouch wasn't the kind of guy to find a girl friend anytime soon, but it wasn't so much due to his reputation as the ice prince of the school since no girl has been able to land Lelouch as a boyfriend with many having tried. The desire for his companionship was partly motivated by the fact that Lelouch came from a very wealthy family. The other half was the fact that Lelouch was quite handsome and one of the most intelligent students in the entire school with genius level intellect.

Otome knew the reason why Lelouch turned everyone down of course. It was Shirley Fenette…a girl both of them had known in middle school, but she had died a few years ago in a horrific traffic accident. Otome was Shirley's best friend and was among those who had found out early on that Shirley had a crush on Lelouch and the two were close to building a relationship with one another. The basketball player knew this since Shirley had confided to her about her feelings for Lelouch.

Otome was also present at the funeral along with family and other friends of the girl. Lelouch was also present at the funeral and although he didn't cry, Otome saw the look he had on his face: an expression of sadness and devastation. Since Shirley's death Lelouch had been hesitant about getting close to other girls, but none of the girls who had aggressively pursued him had failed to pick up on that hint.

With the passing of his mother so soon after, if not for his loving family, Lelouch might not still be all quite together. Cornelia, who had idolized Marianne during the woman's time on the force as the woman was the violet haired detective's inspiration for taking an interest in law enforcement, had been Lelouch's most reliable pillar of strength in his time of weakness. His other cousins, and his sister, had helped too, but Cornelia put for the most effort.

Otome was jarred from her thoughts on the past as the door opened suddenly and students quickly scrambled back to their chairs as a tall woman with a dark skin tone and silver hair wearing a white collar shirt, a black skirt, a red tie and glasses entered the room.

"Good morning class…" Villetta Nu greeted stopping at her desk to deposit her bag in her chair. "Miss Kiyoura if you would please."

"Yes Miss Nu…"

Setsuna Kiyoura replied standing up from her desk as she turned to address the class. Probably one of the shortest students in the school with black hair and wine red eyes she gestured for the students to stand up and bow before everyone sat down again.

As attendance was being carried out in Class Three, over in Class Four their teacher Jeremiah Gottwald arrived who was now in the admits of taking roll call. He wore a dark blue sweat jacket with matching pants holding a clipboard.

"Very well, Miss Ashford, are you here?"

"I am here teacher!"

Milly Ashford replied cheerfully while seated next to her was her partner in crime, albeit unwilling at times, Nina Einstein. Off to her right sat Nanami Kanroji while seated next to the window in the fourth row was Kallen Kouzuki.

Going further down the list their teacher came to another student.

"Good, now Miss Katsura are you present?" Jeremiah called out to a young cute girl with long dark purple hair seated behind her desk quietly.

"Here…" Kotonoha Katsura answered before Mr. Gottwald moved onto the next student on his list.

After finishing with the rest of the class Jeremiah addressed the class gesturing to Kallen.

"Also class I have an announcement joining us today is a new student, please stand Miss Kouzuki."

Kallen stood up and proceeded with introducing herself.

"Good morning I am Kallen Kouzuki."

Milly grinned at the red haired girl while some of the students close to the Student Council President felt chills looking at the blonde haired woman who knew what that smile meant and it was never a good sign. The students observing knew that Milly had found a fresh piece of meat to begin messing around with as Milly was not only known throughout the school as among the strangest girl among the students while some thought she was a sadist given her weird tastes.

Back in Class Three, Lelouch sat there quietly reading a book when his best friend came up to him. He had something of a cheerful deposition about him with green eyes and somewhat curly brown hair as he stood next to Lelouch's desk.

"You know you should probably think about better ways to apply yourself Lelouch," Suzaku Kururugi began.

"Don't get started with me Suzaku I am making very good money with what I do." The young man said feeling slightly vexed.

"But you get an allowance from your family right, so why even bother gambling?"

"Because it helps me build up funds for collage and other things...need I list them all?" The young black haired youth replied bluntly.

"It's not something I can see you making a career out of."

"Just watch me."

Suzaku shook his head in defeat knowing that he wasn't going to win this argument, but a small commotion got their attention. Over at Makoto's desk one of their fellow classmates a young woman with short brown hair with an apogee poking up above her forehead looking over the young man's shoulder at something on his cell phone.

The two boys were curious, but they relented for a moment held back by the idea that sticking their nose into somebody's business even through Sekai Saionji was clearly not respecting Makoto's privacy. Attempting to be discreet, but failed ultimately as they looked over Sekai's shoulder at a wallpaper photo on Makoto's cell phone and it was of another girl the boys were family with Kotonoha Katsura, the quiet and reserved girl from the same class Milly was in. Lelouch and Suzaku didn't exactly know her, but they were familiar with her. For reasons they couldn't understand the poor girl was the victim of bullying by other girls in school, which of course Lelouch had usually dealt with using discreet methods and such to punish them.

Yet to their knowledge they didn't hear of any boys who had an interest in her. Likely the false rumors and bullying she was getting from some of the students warded them off. But before them was someone who could probably be a friend to Kotonoha.

"So Makoto is interested in Kotonoha…you know Lelouch maybe..."

"I know what you are thinking Suzaku." Lelouch began as he was clearly thinking for a moment before he spoke. "It would be nice to see Kotonoha with some friends of her own. Maybe some of the bullying she has been receiving will let off."

"What's going on?" Otome demanded butting in.

"It looks like Makoto has a crush on Kotonoha."

"Hold on, you mean that girl?" The basketball player asked troubled by the idea that Makoto was interested in Kotonoha.

"Yeah it seems Makoto has a picture of her as his cell phone's wall paper."

"But that could mean anything." Otome pointed out before Lelouch shot back.

"I think it's in response to something that says if you have wallpaper on your cell phone on someone you like you'll eventually meet them and fall in love or something along those lines," Lelouch figured.

"I don't believe in stuff like that." Otome lied as she actually did keep a photo of Lelouch as the wallpaper for her own cell phone.

"Neither do I," Lelouch said in response, "but I would like to see Kotonoha with a friend. The poor girl doesn't deserve the treatment she has been getting."

Otome wanted to disagree with Lelouch, but she kept her mouth shut. For as long as she could remember Lelouch had always been like an unsung hero usually, but discreetly standing up for other students; in particular it was the students that were victims of harassment. This usually led to the harassers themselves finding themselves on the receiving end an unfortunate incident or two, courtesy of Lelouch.

Nothing harmful or anything of the short, but rather an embarrassing "accident" would befall them. A prime example would be wardrobe malfunction on their clothes into becoming a tie-dye color or the tearing of seams in indecent places. Yet best of all Lelouch was clever enough to have never gotten caught and a lot of the students didn't even suspect him. Otome was among those few besides Suzaku who knew about Lelouch's so called "harmless pranks", but of course Lelouch always countered that no one got hurt. Not physically, but he injured their pride and dignity pretty good.

Of course it went without saying this was one of the reasons why Otome didn't speak out against Kotonoha or rather she was careful not to do anything that could incur Lelouch's wraith. Crushes aside, Lelouch was the one who handled the budgets for a lot of the clubs and sports teams since Milly had been known to attempt to squander the funds towards her odd party and festival ideas.

Officially Rivalz was in charge of the funds and budgets for the clubs as Treasurer of the Student Council, but decisions and planning usually came from Lelouch which was requested by the Principal so that Milly wouldn't concede Rivalz into gaining access to those funds.

Better Lelouch handled the club budgets than Milly, but it merely reinforced the fact that if anyone crossed him their clubs or sports team they were a part of would likely see some budget cuts. However that was something that drew Otome's interest. The girl found Lelouch attractive, but it wasn't so much about his physical looks. Nevertheless he was handsome. The air of mystery he carried and his cunning as well as the fact he was quite devious added to the attraction.

'I would like to date you Lelouch, but…'

Otome knew if she tried to force the matter foolishly like others had done she'll be shot down hard, but if she could at least be his friend then that would get her foot in the door. She could only hope that things could develop.

"Lelouch, should we say something?" Suzaku suggested, but Lelouch shrugged his shoulders.

"Suzaku I don't think you and I are qualified to help in this situation."

"What are you talking about?" Sekai demanded jumping into the conversation after realizing they had been watched by the three with Makoto right behind her.

"HUH…Oh Sekai…" Suzaku stuttered unsure how to proceed, but Lelouch calmly stepped up.

"Oh we just noticed you poking your nose into Makoto's privacy noticing he likes Kotonoha."

"Does my privacy mean nothing?" Makoto complained.

"Oh please Makoto haven't you learned by now? In this school its better I know about something otherwise Milly will find out and you know she'll find out one way or the other."

The mention of Milly learning this bit sent chills down Makoto's spine as he knew what could happen if it had been Milly who had found out instead of Sekai.

"Ok you have a point!"

"Good, so I take it you'll going to go after her?" Lelouch asked as Makoto seemed nervous as if someone threw him into a pit with a lion.

"I don't know…how I should approach her."

"Why don't I help you with that?" Sekai offered becoming Makoto's unofficial matchmaker.

"You will?"

"Of course I can probably do a better job than Lelouch and DEFINITIVELY better than Milly."

"Then why not you try pairing Lelouch with someone then? I am sure if you could pull that off then you should consider going professional." Suzaku suggested as a joke as Makoto began laughing at that, but Lelouch merely raised an eyebrow at that.

"I think for someone to set Lelouch up with someone would be an act of god." Sekai replied with her own joke, but Lelouch didn't find it funny.

"Now what is that supposed to mean?"

"Because Mr. Ice Prince you are the type of guy who is going to die a lonely man."

Lelouch didn't immediately respond to that, but Suzaku and Otome knew why he didn't.

"I know you are still mourning Shirley, but…" Sekai began, but before she could finish her sentence a yell from across the room got the huddled group's attention as their heads turned to see their teacher Miss Nu shouting at them after slamming her book on her desk.


The huddle the five had formed had broken up as the students scrambled back to their respective seats, but there would be opportunities to continue the conversation where they left off while Lelouch for the rest of homeroom was quiet.

Yet no one knew that from that day things were going to start becoming different for all of them.

A/N: well that's chapter one for you guys and this is just the start of something new for me. Updates might be slow, but I'll put out as many as possible. Thanks for reading and drop a review or two thank you in advance.

In the meantime I suggest you should check out Soul Chess by draconichero 20, great story and one of the best Bleach and Code Geass crossovers I have seen.