It was finally Christmas time, and Blair was sad to say that she would not be going anywhere. But even though she hated Hogwarts, she would not be able to stand going back to that orphanage until the summer.

Blair had been excited for winter. She was like a young phoenix, ready to explore the excitements of the world. Back at the orphanage they had to stay inside all winter, because the teachers there had been afraid that some orphans would catch a cold or an pneumonia and they would pass it on to other orphans. Blair had seen snow, but she had never been in it. She had never felt it, or played in it. That was why Blair was looking forward to winter. She was excited to play in the snow

So on December 18th Blair rugged up in her warmest clothes, and headed outside to play in the snow.

She wasn't the only one with that idea. Lots of students where spreading around the grounds, making snowmen, and having snowball fights. Blair desperately wanted to join in but she didn't know any of the students playing there.

She spotted those damned Weasley twins, and felt a little cross. She decided she would go somewhere else and play in the snow.

After lots of slipping and sliding in the snow, she found a private place near Hagrid's hut. Blair didn't have the faintest clue as to what she should do with the snow, so she just knelt down in it.

After a while of drawing pictures into the snow with her gloved fingers, her knees became very wet. This didn't bother her though. She gathered up some snow in her hand and rolled it into a ball. She examined it for a second, wondering how it stayed together so nicely. Feeling a little bored being by herself, she dropped it back onto the ground.

Blair stood up us it started snowing once more. She was very happy now; before it wasn't snowing, but it had snowed leaving snow on the ground. She danced around in the snowflakes for a while, spinning around on the snow. She felt snowflakes fall onto her eyelashes delicately. Blair was enjoying the sensation very much, and she never wanted to leave. She laughed with enjoyment as the snow began to fall heavier. She stopped spinning and held out her hands and cupped them, watching the snowflakes fall into the palm of her gloves. After a few had gathered she threw them into the air, giggling.

Eventually Blair became cold so she decided to go back to the castle. She came to the conclusion that playing in the snow would be much more fun with another person.

She shivered a little as she made her way back down to the dungeons. But on her way around a corner she accidently ran into somebody, knocking them both over.

'I'm sorry!' she said quickly, realizing she had run into a Ravenclaw girl.

'That's fine,' said the girl coolly, as she got up. Blair noticed her accent was slightly Irish. 'It was totally my fault.' she said apologetically.

Blair looked up as she stood up. The girl was Asian, but beautiful. She had silky black hair, and beautiful eyes. She also had a warm smile on her face.

'It's okay. But I think it's my fault, I think I skipped because of the snow.' Blair apologized.

'Well, whoever's fault it was, it must've looked funny,' said the girl, giggling. 'I'm Cho Chang.'

Blair giggled too. 'It must have,' she agreed. 'I'm Blair Black.'

'Nice to meet you,' Cho said politely.

Blair smiled in return. It was nice to have someone be nice to her without judging her because of her house.

'So, what year are you in?' Cho asked conversationally. 'I'm in my third year.'

'I'm in my fourth.' replied Blair. 'I moved to Hogwarts this year.'

'Oh, really?' Cho asked interestedly. 'What school did you go to before Hogwarts?'

'Um... I was homeschooled.' said Blair. It technically wasn't a lie, but she didn't want Cho knowing where she really came from.

'Oh, how cool!' Cho said. 'I would've loved to be homeschooled. If you wanted a break you could like, go lock yourself in your room or something!'

Blair giggled. On the outside it looked like she did that all the time, but on the inside she knew that if she did that at the orphanage she would be in terribly big trouble.

'Well, I guess it would be cool if you wanted it to be.' she said.

Cho chuckled. 'Well, I'd better get going. My friend Marietta is waiting for me outside...'

'Okay, bye!' Blair said cheerfully.

'See you!' Cho waved, and skipped down the corridor.

Blair decided that not all people were mean at Hogwarts.