So, I'm just going to come right out and say this now. This is pretty much how I'm hoping the Shenko reunion will be like. xD


Liedra sighed as she wrapped one of her towels around her body. It had been a few weeks since the Reapers hit Earth and now they were on their way to the Citadel. Shepard was kind of excited about seeing the Council again. Informing them of the recent turn of events was of course important to her, but she really couldn't wait to see the look on that Turian's face when she brings him proof of the Reaper invasion. She shrugged slightly before pulling her Alliance slacks over her thighs. She learned long ago to enjoy the smaller pleasures when things were going so wrong. It always gave her hope.

Shepard was fully dressed when EDI announced a visitor. "Let them in, EDI." She commanded before wrapping her towel over her neck and advanced into the upper level of her quarters. It was probably Vega, wanting to apologize for a low blow to her right cheek earlier while they were sparring. She stood straighter when the door swished open and prepared to smile. "You know, you don't have to apolo…"

"Commander…" Kaidan stopped dead in his tracks, the initial rush of seeing her back on Earth returning tenfold.

"Kaidan…" Liedra stared at the man in front of her, not knowing whether to push him or jump into his arms. "What are you doing here?" She tried to keep her voice steady, but the reasons behind his appearance were vast. There could be many things he could be doing up here. Hell, he could just need a bar of soap or a free datapad. Liedra steeled herself quickly and prepared for either a debrief, a reprimand or even a polite conversation. Hey, anything's possible.

"Shepard, I just…wanted to…" Kaidan hesitated, not sure of how he wanted to word this to make her understand. "When I saw you on Horizon, I.." his voice broke momentarily and he took a second to regain his composure.

Liedra smirked slightly. Of course, he thought she was still furious about Horizon. She realized that she had never given Kaidan a reply to his message during the Collector business. Shepard sighed and smiled at the man she had always loved, even while they were apart. "Kaidan, you did nothing wrong."

Alenko stared at her for a few moments, allowing her words to fully sink in. She wasn't mad? He had thought that surely she was furious at his behavior. But, she was smiling! Oh, that smile! He had missed it so much. Even with the weight of the galaxy resting on her shoulders, Liedra was never one to let it crush her completely. She was so strong, so beautiful. "I know, but.." Kaidan was suddenly at a loss for words. He was too relieved. For months he had spent many hours worrying that she despised him.

Kaidan stood, still within two feet of her door, and smirked. He couldn't bring his words to the surface, but there is something he had that was better than any word he could spew at this moment.

He rushed towards Liedra, wrapping his arms around her waist before their bodies met. They're lips clashed together desperately, each sighing in relief to have the other back in their arms.