A/N: I blame this on yjpranksters.

Roy stalked into the Mount Justice rec room, huffing under his breath about stupid archers and their stupid rules and their stupid mustaches and—

He froze mid-step, about to leave the room, and slowly turned around. There was a long moment of silence as he stared at the members of the Junior Justice League.

"…what the hellare you guys doing?" he shrieked. Everyone one of them wore an identical yellow hat with a little red feather in it, going about their everyday business.

"Aw man, you beat me again!" Wally groaned, slumping in defeat as Robin cheered over his latest video game victory. The speedster yanked the hat off his head and threw it on the ground.

Roy's mouth hung open like a fish.

"Oh, no! My cookies overcooked!" M'gann cried, flying over to where smoke was pouring out of the oven. Roy spun around in time to see her pull off her hat and send it to the ground. "Shoot!"

Kaldur emerged from the doorway, towel slung around his dry shoulders and yellow hat on his head. "The pool was closed. This displeases me," he sighed, loftily tossing off his hat. Roy turned at the sound of a growl and saw Conner glaring at the TV screen, the world's favorite Boy Scout smiling and waving on-screen.

With a roar, Conner tore off his hat and threw it on the ground. It made a pathetic poomfsound as it hit the floor. Robin was frowning at the other monitor, video game now frozen. "Aw, man, it alwaysdoes this," he groaned, pulling off his own hat and throwing it down. Artemis huffed and shook her iPod from where she was leaning against Wally, angrily tossing off her own hat as her technology broke down as well.

Roy stared at them, eye twitching, unmustached face contorting into a look of utter bemusement and terror and rage. "What—what do you think you're—" he spluttered, hands wildly flailing in the air.

Robin passed Artemis a boom box, and she silently plugged in her iPod and pressed play.

"I was walkin' through the city streets
And a man walks up to me and hands me the latest energy drink
Run faster, jump higher
Man, I'm not gonna let you poison me!"

The entire group of vigilantes screamed out with the boom box, "I THREW IT ON THE GROOOOOUND!"

Roy let out a screech of frustration and stomped out of the room, ignoring the raucous laughter behind him as he made for the zeta tubes. Batman was standing by them, and Roy felt a sense of dread climb up his chest as—


Batglares were just as effective with yellow hats.