I am so sorry for the late update… I know this may sound like an excuse but I really didn't have any time to touch my computer. I guess I was too caught up in the schoolwork.. but either ways I am officially back! missed ya all…. ( now lets begin with another chapter shall we~?





"Sakura-chaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn!" was the first thing that Sakura heard as she woke up.

No, to be exact, this was the voice that woke her up from the morning.

"Shut up dobe, you're gonna ruin her ears" that was the second thing she heard as she slowly opened her eyes.

There were two people beside her bed. One person had cerulean blue eyes and blonde hair. The other person had chicken butt hair.

Without even knowing what she was saying, Sakura shouted out a word.

"Chicken butt hair!"

At that time both the blonde haired and the chicken butt haired stared at Sakura.

Feeling shy, Sakura burrowed deep under her blanket covers, pretending like she didn't say anything.

After a short pause, the blonde haired person started laughing like crazy, going into hysterical fits with tears in his eyes over what Sakura had said.


"….shut up dobe." That was all the chicken butt haired said, glaring at the blonde haired.

After he finally stopped laughing, the blonde haired man held out his hand to her with a big grin on his face.

"Hey Sakura-chan! I'm pretty sure you don't remember me so let me introduce myself! My name is Uzumaki Naruto! We were in the same team when we were kids! Oh, that teme standing over there is named Sasuke. Just call him chicken butt hair! He was also in the same team with us. But we were closer!"

Naruto stopped for a while, smirking at Sasuke. And he seemed to be thinking of what to say next for Sakura. Then, a big smile covered his face as he said

"Oh yeah! We always used to eat ramen together! So, let's go eat ramen now!"

And the person named Naruto started pulling Sakura up from the bed.

Sasuke started glaring at Naruto.

"She needs to rest you baka." He said with a growl in his voice, obviously irritated by Naruto's dumbness.

Didn't he understand that Sakura needed rest?

"Awwwwwwww…" Naruto whined with a pout on his face.

Sakura looked at Naruto and saw that he was just like a cute child. It made her giggle.

"Actually, I think I'm feeling a bit hungry… can we go eat ramen?" Sakura said while smiling at Naruto.

Now that irked Sasuke.

HIS Sakura was smiling at the baka.

Didn't she always use to love him only?

Sasuke's random thoughts were interrupted when Naruto started pulling Sakura out, leaving him alone.

"Damn…" Sasuke muttered quietly as he followed Naruto and Sakura out the room with frustration showing in his eyes.



"Pein-sama. I heard you've called for me." Said a man in a black robe with red clouds on them.

The man's name was Itachi and he was one of the members of the Akatsuki.

"Tell me anything you have found out about the justu that brought Sakura back to life." Pein said with darkness covering his voice and a flash of sadness was shown in his eyes.

Itachi wasn't the one to miss it.

He knew the pain that the man sitting in front of him felt.

Itachi too, had loved Sakura. To be exact, Itachi still loved Sakura. Honestly, who wouldn't?

The news of Sakura losing all her memory came to him as a big shock.

It meant that she wouldn't remember him right?

When Deidara and Sasori brought back the news of Sakura, he couldn't believe it. He and all the members of the Akatsuki thought that the justu that they had used to bring Sakura back to life was flawless.

They thought that she would be back the way she was before, right before her death.

Guess kami-sama wasn't planning to help them, ne?

Itachi started telling Pein about the jutsu and what he had heard of it.

"I think the scrolls and the information we had about the jutsu was wrong." He said in a dead tone.

"Is there any way to bring Sakura's memory back?" Pein asked, his eyes showing the hurt he was feeling. No matter how much he tried to hide his feelings, his eyes betrayed him.

Itachi, with a slight pause, replied to Pein's question.

"I'm afraid not."

Then finally, the members of the Akatsuki broke down into tears.



Sakura was pretty tired.

That day, she had fun eating ramen with Naruto. She forced herself to stop grinning as she thought about Naruto. He was just so funny.

The person named Sasuke seemed a bit scary but nice. It was a fun day.

Sakura lay down to sleep but a gust of wind made her sit up again.

'I'm pretty sure the window was closed…' she thought to herself as she turned her head towards the window.

Then Sakura's green eyes widened in shock and in recognition as she saw the person she had seen before in the forest while running away from the hospital.

"Missed me?" said the red haired man with a grin on his face.

Sakura just stared at him, not knowing what to say.

The red haired man noticed that and held out something to Sakura. It was a doll that looked exactly like her.

"It's a present. My name's Sasori. Don't forget that I'm the first one to ever give you a present this time." He said while smiling jokingly, looking into her eyes.

Sakura smiled like a kid.

"Thank you Sasori-san!" she said, looking into his eyes with those beautiful green eyes of hers.

Sasori patted Sakura on the head. It hurt him so much that Sakura had lost all memories of him but at least he could still see her smile like this, right?

'Deidara is so going to kill me once he finds out that I visited Sakura alone…" thought Sasori to himself as he thought of his blonde haired friend.

But that didn't really matter.

All he wanted to do was play with Sakura all by himself.

Suddenly, Sasori felt Sakura's head lean towards him.

He stared at her and noticed that she was asleep with the doll clutched tightly in her arms. She seemed so peaceful.

Sasori tucked Sakura into her blanket covers and left without a trace.

'I love you Sakura…." He thought to himself as he left his angel.





How was it? Please tell me and please review! Love ya all~