"Damn it all to hell," Nick growled hitting his hands on the steering wheel, fighting the urge to run his fingers through his hair.

Flicking on the hazard lights he waited for the few cars to go by that were in the lane next to where his car was sitting on the side of the road. If it wasn't bad enough that he couldn't find any hicks to swindle in this god forsaken hot state, now this. He was just cruising down the highway and the engine started smoking. So pulling off to the side of the road is where he currently was now.

Opening the hood of the pearl white car, he coughed as a puff of smoke came up out from the engine. Looking under the hood didn't do him much good since he didn't know much more than how to check the oil and add gas to it. With a sigh he pulled out his cell phone, growling again and spitting on the ground.

"Why the fuck doesn't it surprise me that I don't have a goddamn signal?"

The temperature was already climbing and the last place that he remembered seeing was at least six miles away. There also wasn't many people on the road, most of them just passed fast, not even glancing his way.

"What ever happened to Southern Hospitality or what ever," He said in a overly fake accent, kicking at the ground with one loafer incased foot.

Hearing a car coming up the road he seriously considered flipping them off, just for the hell of it. Until he realized that the noise was slowing down and there was a crunch of gravel. Moving from around the hood of his car, he saw a dark blue pick up truck and a second later the engine cut off.

The door of the new vehicle opened and out stepped a younger male, Nick guessed about 24 or so. Dark jeans and a yellow shirt with a logo that said 'Bull Shifters' with an odd design adorned the male. A blue and white baseball cap with a tow truck on it was over his hair, which as he moved a bit closer Nick could see was a light brown.

"Do you need some help sir?" The males southern voice called out as he got to the end of Nick's car.

Biting back a sarcastic remark, Nick just nodded his head. "Yea, the damned thing just started smoking," He made a gesture at said car.

"Well I guess it's lucky I happened along, seeing as I'm one of the best mechanics around here, not to toot my own horn or nothin," He smiled, adjusting his hat.

As the male moved around him he noticed the tattoo that covered the top half of the males right arm. Looking under the hood the male bent slightly, looking at the still slightly smoking engine. Nick couldn't help but admire the view that the man presented to him. The con-man was never one to let gender or much of anything define what he took to bed and the new male was sure a nice specimen.

"Name's Ellis, by the way," The male said, making Nick jump a little.


"Nice to meet yew Nick, even if it's not under the greatest of conditions,"

"So any idea what's wrong with the car?"

Ellis stood up straight and clapped his hands together. "Jus the thermostat,"

"You might as well be speaking French right now, I don't speak car, does it need to go to a shop?" Nick tried not to cringe at the thought, he really didn't want to be stuck where ever the repair shop might be.

"Nah, I just need to go get the part and I can fix it right here,"


Ellis just gave a sharp nod with a smile. "And you can either wait here or come with me, I know my truck isn't as nice as your beauty, but she gets you from point A to point B,"

"I'd rather not bake on the side of the road thanks,"

"Then just grab what you need and lock 'er up," He said, closing the hood.

Since Nick had his wallet still in his back pocket so he just clicked the little button on the remote and the doors locked.

"All ready," Nick said.

"Then lets go," Ellis said, heading to his truck.

For the short walk Nick couldn't help but watch the male, there was just something about him, that made Nick want the male under him. Opening the heavy door of the truck Nick a little surprised at how clean the inside of it was. Getting in he closed the door, shifting his arm bumping lightly into Ellis's.

"Sorry," The younger male said with a smile, getting his seat belt on.

"It's alright,"

Ellis started the truck it rumbling gently as Nick pulled his own seat belt across his chest and clicked it into place.

"Is it far to the place?" Nick asked, as Ellis fiddled with the radio a bit.

"Just up the road a piece," Ellis smiled as he settled on a station. "No worries you'll be on your way and rid of me soon enough,"

"That's not what I want, I mean what I meant," He said, looking out the window, feeling embarrassed with himself.

Ellis chuckled lightly as he flicked on the ac in the car. As the cool air hit Nick's skin he shivered lightly but felt relaxed as it cooled him down.

It turned out just down the road a piece turned out to be a near twenty minute drive before Ellis turned into the place.

"I am really glad that you came along," Nick said, unbuckling his seat belt.

"Hmm?" Ellis said, looking at him.

"Well I would have had to walk here or the six miles back from where I was," He said, opening the door.

"Don't ya'll have a cell phone?" Ellis asked when they were headed into the place.

"No signal," Nick answered.

Ellis nodded and slipped into mechanic mode as he looked around for the part he needed and any thing else. About fifteen minutes later and only about thirty dollars out of Nick's pocket, they were back headed to Nick's car.

The whole way back Nick listened as Ellis talked about everything from a friend of his named Keith to his mom.

"And the doctors were calling other doctors since most of them had never seen burns on top of existing burns," Ellis finished as he swung his car around and pulled back behind Nick's car.

"He sounds," Nick wasn't sure how to finish his thought with out sounding rude. Sure he normally wouldn't care about insulting people, but Ellis was going to fix his car and he really didn't want to make him mad.

"You can go ahead and say it, he sounds like an idiot we all know it," Ellis laughed and got out of the car, grabbing the bag.

"I was trying to be nice," Nick said, following him.

"Well thank ya, I'll have to tell him that someone was trying to spare his feelin's with out ever meetin him,"

Nick just kind of shrugged as Ellis headed over to his car. "You wanna pop the hood fer me?"

"Oh, I guess that would help huh?" Nick said, feeling foolish again.

Unlocking the door he pulled the little handle till he heard the deep thunk as the hood opened. Ellis opened it and propped it open and grabbed a tool out of the bag and got started. He was working for about ten minutes when he stood up and stripped off his shirt and tossed it over the raised hood.

"Damn it's a scorcher out here," Ellis said, replacing his hat.

"I really can't thank you enough, you were actually the first and only person that even looked my way," Nick said, watching the muscles in Ellis's back work.

"It's just the world we live in, but I would rather try and help then just think that someone else would help," Ellis said.

It was only about ten more minutes when Ellis straitened again and turned to Nick and smiled.

"Well she's all done, if you want to give it a try,"

Nick nodded, trying not to look too disappointed that he wouldn't be able to spend more time with the male. He slipped in the car and pushed the key in the ignition, turning it and it started with a purr. Stepping out he looked at the engine with Ellis then at the male as he smiled.

"Looks like everything's working properly now," Ellis said closing the hood after moving his shirt.

"I really can't thank you enough, how much do I owe you?"

Ellis smiled and put his hand flat on the hood, his shirt between the metal and his hand. "How about you come back to my place for some dinner and then we can talk about prices?"

Nick was a little taken back but let a smirk grace his lips none the less as he stepped forward in front of the younger male.

"I think that can be arranged," Nick ran his fingers up Ellis's chest.

"Good," Ellis moved his hand to the back of Nick's neck and pulled their lips together.

Nick shuddered lightly with pleasure as Ellis's tongue pried his lips open and rubbed Nick's tongue with his own. They stayed like that a few minutes before Nick pulled back with a smirk.

"Do we have to eat dinner first?" Nick cocked an eyebrow.

"It's negotiable,"

~*~*~*~Author's Note~*~*~*~

Well random is as random does. This kinda came from tonight after me and my bf picked up his mom from work. Her headlight went out (the other one was already out) and we were on the side of the road and it just popped. The whole thermostat thing came from when her's did go out not to long ago.

And the down the road a piece thing, actually happened to me too lol. When me, my mom and dad, and my aunt went to Tennessee my uncle there told us something was "just down the road a piece" and it turned out being likeā€¦.. 20 miles or something like that.

Valve owns the boys ^^ Even though I do now own the passing and the sacrifice. And road house and youngblood :3