This is it. It's the end and there ain't no more. I just want to thank everyone who stuck with it. I 3 you all very much and your amazing reviews. I have to admit a lot of them were some of the best reviews I have ever gotten and you guys have been the best. I hope this last chapter lives up to the rest of the story *bow in gratitude*
Chapter 8: Thank you
Artemis had fallen asleep as M'gann steered the ship out of Gotham and headed to New York. They didn't know where to go since at this point in time the Justice Leagues headquarters would be at the mountain. They all decided to head to where it all began.
Superboy looked out the window to the night sky and Aqualad sat in his chair quietly. Miss Martian landed the ship at the warehouse and Superboy woke the archer up and they all shuffled out of the ship.
"Do you think anyone will bother us?" M'gann asked opening the door to the warehouse where Time Catcher started the whole thing.
"I don't think so," Artemis said looking at one of the walls. She removed some dust and in big brass letters the words "Property of Doctor Maldo" was written. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
"So we are just going to stay here…until when?" M'gann asked.
"I guess…until the day this all started. In four years." Artemis said.
"My King and my friends will probably wondering where I went," Aqualad stated. Artemis bit her lip and looked away. What was going to happen to her life? Will her father come looking for her now that his 11 year old daughter has gone missing? What will happen to her mother when she gets out of prison in four years and no one's there to help her?
"I wonder what happens to you Conner?" M'gann said. "I mean you aren't born yet so will you be created in four years?"
"I don't know. It seems two of me can't exist at the same time…" Superboy started.
"So a different Superboy will be created, boo hoo," Artemis said irritably. "Another boy will be picked to be Aqualad and for M'gann a different Martian will be picked to come to Earth (1). What I want to know is how we are going to survive." Artemis said throwing her bow to the ground. "I'm going to sleep," she stated walking to the corner of the warehouse and grabbed a sheet of a box. She rested it on the floor and she curled herself into it.
"Maybe we should all go to sleep. We can figure things out in the morning," Aqualad said and the two other heroes nodded slowly. M'gann wrapped herself and Superboy into their own sheet and Aqualad made his own bed. He needed to figure out what to do without polluting the time stream because right now they made it so they no longer existed.
Early in the morning Artemis was woken up by the smell of bacon. She looked turned to see M'gann in her human disguise cooking the food over a small grill.
"Where did you get that," Artemis asked waking over to the girl noticing the absences of Aqualad and Superboy.
"We are in a warehouse district. One of the buildings was filled with meat products and the other was holding cook ware. I just borrowed a few items."
"First lying to Batman and now stealing. Superman was right that time machine does change you," the archer said stealing a piece of meat and taking a seat on a small box that M'gann had placed next to the grill. M'gann looked at her solemnly.
"The boys went into the city. Aqualad went to see if they can get a normal low key job for a while. He thinks that when we start getting money we can slowly buy our own sapphires and use it to get home," M'gann said.
"Why don't we just steal that too," Artemis said with angry hummer and turned to see the frown on the Martian. "Look I'm sorry…I just don't think I really realized what jumping into the past really meant until now. We don't even know if it worked. For all we know we didn't change anything and Robin's going to stay in the foster system and Wally is going to be stuck with a dead beat father. We should have just stayed in the other time line."
M'gann raised her eyes and smiled.
"Hello M'gann," she said extinguishing the grill. Artemis watched in confusion as M'gann stood there silently with her eyes closed and her smile on her lips. She then looked at Artemis and pulled her up. "I just contacted Aqualad and told him we are going on a little fieldtrip."
"You'll see," M'gann smiled.
A few hours later Artemis began to notice the city the Bio ship was currently flying over.
"Is this Central City?" She asked.
"Yep," M'gann said happily landing near the Flashes home. The two girls got out both in their civvies.
"What are we doing here? It's not like we can introduce ourselves like last time. We don't even know if they are living here yet," Artemis pointed out.
"Can you stop being so negative all the time and just come on," M'gann said. Artemis sighed and continued to follow her teammate. After walking towards the house a red bouncy ball appeared in front of Artemis hitting her on the foot. She picked it up and inspected it with M'gann.
"Sorry," they heard a younger boy's voice called out. The two girls looked over at the child with messy red hair and a yellow t-shirt run up to them. "Sorry it got away from me," he said. Artemis opened her mouth to say his name but she was beaten to it.
"Wally!" a woman's voice rang out and a woman with long red curly hair walked over to them. She gave Wally a disappointed look before giving the girls an apologetic one. "I'm sorry my son wasn't paying attention to the ball. Eleven year olds always seem to have their heads in the clouds."
"Yeah…it's no problem," Artemis said handing the ball to Wally.
"Now what do you say Wally," the woman who Artemis could only presume to be Wally's mother said.
"Thank you," he said happily with a smile showing his missing baby teeth. He ran off where she saw Barry Allen and Iris and next to them Wally's father. He was thinner and he had a smile on his face. He waved for Wally to hurry. "I'm coming dad," Wally called out excitedly and threw the ball to his father who caught it easily.
Wally's mother waved another thank you and the two girls continued there walk to not seem like they were stalking the happy household.
"They seem like a nice family," Artemis said.
"If we saved Robin and Bruce's relationship then this moment will have many more to come. Wally wasn't happy in the other time line but here he will get his chance. For me I saved an innocent and that's the reason why I came to earth, to become a hero," M'gann said with a distant smile. Artemis smiled to.
"I guess you're right," Artemis said. "He's got a family and I got mine. I don't know why I was so upset," she said happy that M'gann would go out of her way to make her feel better. M'gann grabbed Artemis's arm and gave it a squeeze.
"Now I remember seeing an ice cream place around here last time. Let's see if it's been opened yet and treat ourselves to some ice cream. I have still yet to try strawberry vanilla swirl," the Martian said and Artemis allowed her to lead the way.
When the two girls got back their other team members were already there and waiting. They watched the two girls enter the warehouse laughing with almost finished ice cream cones in their hands.
"I see you have had a nice trip out," Aqualad stated. The two girls looked at each other with a smile.
"Yea I think we did," Artemis said.
"I'm happy," he said back.
"So am I," A deep voice said coming behind the girls and they all turned around ready to fight the intruder; the body that the voice belonged to came forward from the shadows and showed himself.
"Batman," Superboy said in surprised.
"But…how did you find us?" M'gann asked.
"Tracking bug on your friend," he said looking at Superboy. The clone looked over his shirt and turned seeing the small device planted on the back of his collar.
"But when…" he asked.
"Not important," the dark knight said. "What is important is why you wanted me at that circus and lied to me to get me there. Not to mention you took one of my villains of the streets."
"Look we would love to tell you," Artemis said as Superboy squashed the bug on his shirt between his fingers. "But we can't."
Batman gave them a bat glare.
"Maybe we should tell him…he could help us," M'gann said.
"We already polluted the time stream enough," Artemis answered back.
"Was it the boy," Batman asked cutting the two girls off from arguing.
"Is that who you wanted me to see? He's being taken to a foster home now and I have been debating on something since I first saw him. Is he who you wanted me to see?" he asked again. The group looked at each other. Aqualad took a step forward.
"Yes. His name is Richard Grayson. We knew of what was going to happen at the circus last night and we needed you to see him…to take him in," the Atlantian said. Batman thought for a moment.
"Tell me everything and maybe I'll believe you," he said.
Once again Aqualad told the story trying to be as vague as possible. He couldn't have Batman knowing the future and so he just told of how a villain changed the past and they had to make it right. One of those ways is that Bruce Wayne met Dick Grayson.
"You know my identity," Batman said angrily.
"Yes…we are sorry but we found out in the other time line. It was revealed to us by accident," the team leader said. Batman frowned.
"How can I believe you?"
"How's your arm?" Superboy asked and Batman held his left arm.
"How did you know that I hurt my arm?" he asked.
"One of the ways to find you through time was to put a device through your arm. You did it yourself too," M'gann said.
"Can you get back to your own time," Batman asked.
"There is a way but unfortunately we do not have the means to do it. The machine runs on sapphires…a lot of sapphires. It has run out and we do not have enough money to acquire such fortune," Aqualad explain
A few minutes past as he thought it over. "Follow me in your ship and bring your machine," the man said and walked out expecting the children to follow. They all stared at each other in confusion and Superboy shrugged.
The teens once again found themselves coming up through the Batcave and into the mansion all dressed in civvies and Batman in his suit as Bruce Wayne. Alfred walked up to them and Bruce explained that they were guests that were staying for a little bit. That's all he needed to say before the butler walked away.
Bruce told them to make themselves comfortable in the den and they did. He then left out the front door and Alfred went into the kitchen leaving them alone and still unsure what they were doing.
"He's being way too nice," Artemis stated suspiciously.
"You think he's still mad at me for lying to him," M'gann said worryingly.
"I am sure he is not upset about that anymore," Aqualad said but uncertainty was laced in his voice.
A few hours later the door opened and Alfred came through the kitchen doors. The team looked over and Artemis eyes widen in surprise. M'gann held her hands over her mouth trying to keep herself squealing with delight.
Bruce had his hand on the back of Dick Grayson leading the boy into the large home. The child carried a duffle bag in his arms and Bruce carried a suit case in his other hand.
"Welcome home Master Bruce," Alfred said as Bruce took Dick's bag and handed it to the butler.
"Alfred this is Dick, Dick this is Alfred. He's going to help you while you stay here," Bruce said to the child.
Dick looked up at Alfred and gave him a small smile and then looked away. He spotted the teens on the couches. M'gann gave him a small wave but Dick didn't wave back and just placed his hand over his chest as Alfred led him away and to his new room. Artemis frowned at the gesture. His chest was hurting him. The temporary fix on his injury was coming undone. Bruce walked over to the team.
"You brought him home," M'gann said happily.
"I thank you," Aqualad said.
"It wasn't for you," Brice said. "I wanted to take him after last night. I just wanted to make sure you didn't have any underline intensions for me taking him in."
Artemis rolled her eyes. "Yeah well are you going to help us with our problem or not," Artemis asked. Bruce looked at her with a frown.
"Follow me," he said the suit case still in his hands. They followed the man into the dining room and Bruce opened the suit case. M'gann gasped at the sight; sapphires.
"Where did you…" Artemis started.
"They belong to my family and I picked it up at the bank on the way to the foster home. I don't need them and I think it's best for everyone if you were sent back to your own time period."
"I can't believe I'm saying this but I completely agree with Batman," Artemis said happily. Going back down to the cave the group placed the gems in the machine.
"Make sure everything is set right," Batman commanded and M'gann typed in the last part of the data into the keyboard.
"All set…thank you Batman," M'gann said. Bruce walked off the Bio ship and the group left the Batcave and back for the warehouse in New York. They didn't want anything different for when they got back and so they landed the ship just outside the building. Superboy carried the machine into the center of the large room and pulled out the tracking device. He jammed it into the ground beneath them and the light flickered. No longer did they need to follow a person, they just needed to get back to their time.
"Ready to go home?" Superboy asked. M'gann couldn't have nodded her head more eagerly as she gripped his hand.
"Ready," Aqualad replied and Superboy pulled the lever down.
Artemis ran through the hole in Time Catchers shield created by Aqualad and Superboy and shot an arrow in mid jump shooting the villain in the chest. The villain flew backwards hitting the lever down further. The blue shield went up further now surrounding the entire warehouse and M'gann's ship outside of it.
"What's happening," M'gann asked next to Superboy and Time Chaser looked up and frowned.
"No you're not supposed to be here." He yelled as the blue bubble disappeared in the blink of an eye. Everyone was gone including the machine and nothing stirred. A few seconds past and the wind picked up. The sound of paper tearing was heard through the air and the bubble reappeared in a blinding light and the team reappeared. They all looked up dizzily.
"Are we back?" M'gann asked sitting up with her hands.
"There is only one way to find out," Aqualad said taking out his com-link and placing it in his ear. "Kid Flash, Robin, come in…KF?" he said waiting for a response through the static eagerly.
"Aqualad is that you," Aqualad heard in his ear. It was Kid Flash…their Kid Flash. Aqualad smiled. "Yes Kid Flash it's me," he said and the other three smiled in relief.
On the other side of the com-link Kid Flash was on the ground holding Robin in his arms protectively on the bridge. The two looked at themselves seeing that nothing had happen to them and then looked back towards the warehouse.
"Dude that was so anti-climactic, nothing happened." Kid Flash laughed.
"Oh things happened my friend. More than you know," Aqualad stated. "How is Robin?"
Kid Flash looked down at the boy wonder.
"How you feeling dude," Wally asked.
"Not completely feeling the aster but I think I will manage once I get this thing out of my leg," Robin said.
"Robin says he's good except for the leg," Wally said.
"They don't know about his chest," Artemis said. Aqualad nodded.
"Kid I need you to get Robin to the infirmary at the mountain now. I will inform who is ever there that you are on your way and that Robin needs to have his chest inspected," Aqualad said as Superboy picked up the time machine and they walked towards the Bio ship.
"What…there's nothing wrong with his…" Kid Flash started. Artemis groaned.
"Will you just do it Kid Idiot, We will explain it when we meet up with you," Artemis said and closed the link.
"Looks like things are back to normal in more ways than one," M'gann said to Superboy and made him snort. Artemis looked away with a 'hmph' but smiled when no one saw her. M'gann lowered her ship in the docking bay and ran out as soon as it landed.
"You are back," Red Tornado said as the kids got off the ship. M'gann ran to him and gave him a hug. "Did something happen on the mission that I wasn't aware of?" Red Tornado asked solemnly.
"I just missed you," M'gann said happily as Black Canary who was very much not pregnant walked up behind Red Tornado.
"You're going to have to explain some things," she said to the group. "Kid Flash brought Robin in an hour ago and I did a CT scan on him upon your request. He has a small tear that if left alone in a couple of hours could have begun to bleed out. I already put a breathing tube into his lungs."
"Will he be ok?" Aqualad asked.
"J'onn will be coming in shortly with the league's doctor. They are going to surgically repair it and his leg. What I wasn't to know is how he got it and how you knew?"
The group looked at each other.
"It's going to take a while to explain," Artemis said. "I think we should wait for the rest to explain it all."
After the team had all taken showers and freshened up they met in the computer room where Batman, Superman, Green Lantern, Black Canary, Aquaman, Red Tornado, Flash and Wonder Woman stood with Kid Flash waiting for the group.
"Ok time to explain," Superman said.
"You want to take this one," Aqualad asked Artemis since he had already explain the situation twice during their adventure.
Artemis sighed and explained how time was changed so Robin would never become the boy wonder and how they had to work with a disbanded Justice League to fix everything. She told them pretty much everything leaving out the parts that took place on a certain rooftop and a certain teen hero's bedroom.
"After we sent Batman back to the circus we hid out for a day in the warehouse in New York City," Artemis finished. Before she continued Batman shifted.
"Before we go on I would like to ask if any of my Sapphires survived," he said. The group looked at him like Batman grew another head.
"Hello Megan. That happened in our time line," M'gann said and then faltered. "Oh no I think I'm going to be sick," she said holding her stomach realizing that she not only lied to Batman to get him to the circus but lied to the Batman who she has to see almost every day.
"So you remember all of that," Artemis said scratching her cheek awkwardly.
"Yes," Batman said plain and simple.
"We really did mess up," she said with a frown.
"Not entirely," Batman said. "Meeting you beforehand allowed me to trust you the way I do now."
"You…trust us?" Superboy said arching an eyebrow.
'If this is how he acts when he trusts us then I'm afraid of how he would treat us if he didn't,' Superboy said through their private link.
"It was only because of that meeting did I have each of you join this team. When Aquaman came to me and asked if it would be wise to bring Kaldur'ahm to the surface world, as soon as I saw him I told him that it should be alright. After Martian Manhunter found his niece had snuck onto his ship and wanted to return her back to Mars I was the one who told him to give her a chance…" he said and the group turned to the Martian girl.
She blushed and knew that she was going to have to re-explain her reason for coming to Earth after telling them that she won the right to come to Earth.
"When Aqualad, Kid Flash and Robin found Superboy I knew that he would be a part of the team but it took me a few days to understand that I would be the one who would create your undercover team. And then of course there was Artemis," he said turning to the girl.
"That's why you and Green Arrow let me join so fast (2)," she said and Batman nodded.
"So it looks like we didn't mess up after all," M'gann said happily.
"Congratulations team," Black Canary stated. "You completed your first successful mission without the help of any of the Justice League…at least not our Justice League."
"That leaves one question," Flash said. "What happen to Time Catcher?"
The team stopped and stared at each other. They had completely forgotten about the mad man.
"I feel like we won't be seeing him for a while. I am hoping that he is still in that other time shift and he won't be able to come back in a long time," Aqualad said as his king placed his hand on the teens shoulder.
"Well time is a strange thing. We aren't going to know until he actually comes back…if he does," Superman said.
J'onn and the Justice Leagues doctor, Doctor Leslie walked into the room and Batman went over to meet them.
"We just finished the surgery," the older woman said taking off the surgical hat that covered her grey hair. "He's recovering but right now he has a tube in his chest and he will be on oxygen for a while. He's going to need bed rest for a couple of months as well with no strenuous activities," she said hinting to the Robin gig.
Batman nodded and followed the woman to see his ward. Wolf ran into the room and pounced onto Superboy causing him and M'gann to laugh. The rest of the league dispersed and Kid Flash and Artemis walked up to each other.
"So I really don't get my powers just because Robin doesn't become…well Robin?" Wally asked.
"It's weird to think that we would all be in a different place without him," the archer replied.
"It's just weird to think that I didn't try harder because there was no Robin or Speedy to follow. I didn't do the experiment that changed me and that gave my uncle and aunt time to have a kid instead of train me…my mom and dad…" Wally said looking away unable to finish his statement.
"But your parents aren't like that now, right?" Artemis asked wanting to make sure that she changed everything back, that Wally was now back to living a normal life…well at least back at home.
"Oh yeah…we're fine. I kind of feel bad though that it's my fault that my aunt and uncle haven't had a kid yet."
"I'm pretty sure they've gotten over it," Artemis said looking over at Flash laughing at something Wonder Woman had said. The older man looked over at the two teens and waved a small smile. Kid Flash was about to walk over to him but Artemis grabbed his arm and Wally looked back. He looked down at her hand and then back at the girl.
"Are you ok?" he asked her. Artemis opened her mouth and made a sound like she wanted to say something but stopped short. She looked away and let go of Kid Flashes hand.
"Just…I'm glad that everything is back to normal…Baywatch."
Wally arched an eyebrow but smiled. "Yeah," he answered back. "Me too Artie," he finished before walking to his mentor. Artemis watched as Flash placed his hands on Kid Flashes shoulders and said something to the teen that made him smile. Something probably that had to deal with food.
The next day Artemis walked to the infirmary with a bunch of flowers in her hand and a balloon. She opened the door and found Robin sleeping on the bed with a black scrub like shirt on. The only thing that covered his face was an oxygen mask and she could see tubes and wires sticking out from under his top. She smiled lightly as she placed the roses on the stand next to the teen.
Feeling a presence next to him Robin opened his eyes slowly and looked over to see the older girl. He panicked and reached over for his sunglasses on the side table quickly making a face from the pain he was in. Artemis grabbed his smaller wrist and stopped him.
"Easy boy wonder, I'm sure Batman must have told you that we all know who you are by now," she said. Robin nodded and began to take off his oxygen mask but Artemis stopped him. "Don't try to talk. I'm guessing it would be a little painful with a tube sticking out of your lungs right now," she said causing the teen to smile.
"Oh and now that I do know who you are Dick Grayson I will be taking that picture that you took of us on my first day of Gotham Academy and no I will not be laughing about it," Artemis said once again getting a smile out of the younger teammate.
The two sat together for a little bit as Artemis retold the story that Batman had told Robin but added the little unimportant details that she left out in her mission statements and told him things that Batman probably thought unnecessary to tell his protégée. She even told him about the nice moment she had with Wally up on the roof but still made sure to leave the bedroom incident out.
When she finished Robin reached for his oxygen mask and she tried to halt him once again. He stopped her hand and he pulled the mask off. Artemis bent over so Robin could speak softly. He spoke two simple words into her ear so quietly that she thought she had misheard him at first. He smirked and placed his face mask back on.
With tears in her eyes she cuffed her mouth to try and contain her sniffling. She nodded happily and leaned over to kiss Robin's forehead. He made a face of disgust at her kiss causing her to laugh and with a goodbye she left the room.
As she turned the corner wiping the bottom of her eyes she almost bumped into M'gann.
"Oh sorry," the Martian said preventing the tray of cookies in her hands to fall. She smiled at her saved but when she looked up at Artemis she frowned. "Artemis are you ok? Is Robin ok?" She asked quickly realizing her teammate was coming from the infirmary.
"Robin's just fine," she smiled. "But if those cookies are for him I don't think he's quite ready to be eating those just yet." M'gann looked down at the cookies with wide eyes.
"Hello Megan. I should make him something soft…pudding," the Martian said lifting herself in the air and flew to the kitchen. Artemis shook her head. She looked back at the infirmary and dried her eyes some more.
How could those two simple words make her cry so much? Could it be because no one has ever said it to her before? That no one had needed her enough to say those two simple words; the words that made her heart fill with pride.
Robin seemed to always be the first. The first out of there group to join the fight, the first to charge into battle, the first to show that a kid could make a difference and now the biggest first for her; the first to ever say the two simple words of 'Thank you'.
6 months later
The bell rang signaling the last class of the day. Grumbling at the load of math homework she was given for the weekend she made her way to her locker. Her eyes soften at the sight of the young boy waiting in front of her metal storeroom.
"Dick Grayson," she said with a smile coming up behind him. He smiled and moved out of the way with the help of a black cane he used until his leg healed up completely. "I see you're finally feeling well enough to come to school after your unfortunate skiing accident in the Alps," she laughed. He looked at her with wide eyes.
"Oh we were using the Alps excuse. I've been telling everyone it was a motor cross incident in Turkey," he laughed causing Artemis to roll her eyes. After getting her things from her locker the two walked through the hallway in there matching boy and girl school uniforms.
"So how has the team been?" Robin asked reaching for his cell phone in his school bag.
"Fine. We've just been practicing and going over a lot more contingency plans," she said as Dick typed on the small phone. He looked up her and smiled.
"Like what?"
"Well like if we ever get stuck in time again, that's a no brainer. With the help of Wally's imagination we've come up with some plans for accidental teleportation to another planet, dimensional travel, and if we end up swapping bodies," she said looking a little dishearten. Robin laughed loudly causing a few people to turn around and look at him as they exited the school and walked into the courtyard. Artemis looked away in embarrassment. When she looked forward again she stopped when she recognized someone standing at the entrance of the school; Wally.
"What is he doing here?" she asked out loud as two girls past the red head with a giggle and he gave them a small wink. Robin smirked without Artemis noticing and placed his cellphone back in his bag. They walked over to the junior speedster.
"Dick I got here as soon as I got your text. What's the emergency, are you hurt?" the speedster asked with sweat running down his face from running all the way from Central City so fast.
"I have no idea what you are talking about," Dick said shrugging and walking past his friend. Wally took out his phone from his jean pockets and flipped to the text message. He scratched his head.
"Yeah dude it says right here 'Emergency at school, need you ASAP."
Artemis looked over his shoulder and read the text. It was during the time that they were talking just a moment ago. They both looked at each other and then at Dick who had just gotten into a convertible car. They spotted Bruce in the Driver's side helping Dick into the car and the teen looked back at his teammates. Dick smiled at them and as the car pulled away and he gave them a wave.
"Dick what did you do?" Bruce asked looking at the teen from the corner of his eyes.
"Just helping two people realize they are more than just friends," Dick said as the wind blew through his hair. Bruce gave him a side glance. "Don't look at me like that. You know just as well as I do that they've had a think for each other ever since Bialya," Dick laughed. The older mentor could do nothing but laugh along with him as they drove home.
Back at the school Artemis and Wally looked away from each other awkwardly. Wally might be left in the dark but she knew exactly why Dick had done this. She had told him about the incident on the roof. She could still remember what the other Wally had told her:
"Tell him the truth. That you like me…him. I think you both may need it and if he's anything like me then you need to pull it out of him."
She realized that she never actually promised him that she would tell him but she wanted to…she really did.
"Artemis…" the two started together and stopped.
"You first," Wally said; his face turning as red as his hair. Artemis took a deep breath.
"There were a few things that…that I left out about the other time line, things that has to do with you and me."
"You…umm…want to talk about it over coffee or something," Wally offered. Artemis smiled and gave him a nod. He held his arm out and Artemis looped her hand around it. The two of them walked out towards the closest coffee shop with thoughts on how to get back at Robin for this.
The End
1) In the comic M'gann actually lied to the team and told them that she won the right to be Martian Manhunters Apprentice…among other things. Not that she hid on her Uncles ship.
2) In the comic Artemis comes home a few days after saving Robin, Superboy, and Kid Flash from Amazo in episode 5. There she finds her mother is having a conversation with Batman and Green Arrow and the two men ask her to join the team.
So yeah not the best ending I know. I always feel like they are just so sappy or incomplete. I do have to say though I had a lot of fun with this piece and it is probably because of you guys. I do hope you enjoyed it.
I am now going to work on my next YJ piece so if you did like it I hope that you try my next one out as well.
Review Kindly Please xD.