Sabrina walked with her head bowed down, dirt and soot staining her face. She wore scruffy clothing and hid her long hair under a black itchy wig.

Unlike the graceful walk she was accustomed to, she stumbled through the crowd of nobles that surrounded her on all sides.

No one spared her a second glance as she pushed her way through the crowd. She stumbled across the ballroom floor acting as if she was an insolent servant.

Walking as silent a ghost she glided in to a dark corridor at the edges of the ballroom floor and down the great length of a looming hallway.

She got to the door at the end of the hallway and slipped her hand in to her boot. Her hand came out of her boot with a pair of clips to open a locked door.

She efficiently opened the locked door and she swished in, shutting the door behind her, the realization of the shortage of time she had fell upon her.

She walked quickly around the room, riffling through documents, then skillfully replacing them exactly as they had been before.

Sabrina soon found what she was looking for; she picked up the piece of paper and turned to walk towards the door.

Catching her breath at the sound of high heels clicking down the hallway, walking her in her direction. She dashed towards the small window located at the back of the room, behind the desk she had just been investigating. Sabrina flung the window open, and slipped out of it, the sound of the door being unlocked met her ears just as she shut the window and ducked onto the ledge outside the window.

She grabbed onto the edges of the stonewall, and hastily made her way down the wall. About five feet above the ground, she jumped into a dark alleyway the window faced, the sound of a muffled scream as an alarm came from the office.

The absence of the document had been detected! Sabrina thought, as she dove into shadows smiling and knowing that her work was done here.

She held her breath, and crouched in the shadows, looking up at the window, a woman's shadow passed across the wall.

She edged around the side of the alleyway into an alcove, where she hurriedly opened the satchel on her back and took out a pair of breeches, a tunic, and a hat.

She stripped off her gown and climbed in to a tunic and the breeches.

She slipped off her wig and put in the satchel, but quickly through her hair into a messy bun and stuffed it in a hat.

Sabrina edged back into the dark alleyway, and looked up at the window one last time, more shadows filled the room.

After a few moments of silent breathing and no sudden movements, the candle in the room was blown out. She swiftly ran out of the alley and melted in to the crowd, worried she might have been followed.

Sabrina Grimm silently walked towards a narrow building bordering a lake; she looked around for any sign of danger. She ducked her head down and walked softly, as to not leave any foot prints, closer to the building.

She walked in to the building with her head down; Sabrina found herself in a room with a high ceiling and polished floors.

She looked behind her once again, and steadily made her way to the receptionist's desk. "I need to see Mrs. Kallaner," she said quietly.

The receptionist, looked up at her for a moment. "Wait a moment please," The man at the desk rose from his chair, and walked around the desk he swiftly disappeared around a corner.

Sabrina waited in the large room surveying the elegant paintings hanging on the walls; she scanned the supposedly unsecured room, with an experienced eye, she immediately found several doors that were definitely hiding guards.

Acting as if she noticed nothing, she continued sweeping the room with her gaze until the receptionist reentered the room.

"Come with me please," said the man. He turned around on one heel and Sabrina followed him down several hallways memorizing every turn.

She entered an over-furnished room with an overstuffed bed, overstuffed sofa and many other overstuffed loveseats.

The receptionist left leaving her alone in the too brightly lit room. " Hello, Miss. Grimm," said a lady as she rose, from the seat she had been sitting on, to greet Sabrina.

"Hello," said Sabrina releasing her tense stance.

"What in the world are you doing standing Miss. Grimm! Sit down, you must sit down!" Said Mrs. K, as Sabrina liked to call her.

Sabrina knowing she was finally safe, took a seat in a plush loveseat. "Now dear, how are you? I haven't seen you for days," Said Mrs. K.

"I found the information you needed," Sabrina stiffly handed over the document that she still had rolled up in her hands.

"Oh, thank you dear!" Mrs. K grabbed on to the end of the document and slipped it out of Sabrina's hands.

She read it over, and bustled across the room to open a drawer. She picked up a heavy pouch then bustled back to Sabrina's side dropping the pouch in to Sabrina's hand.

"Here you go, deary," she said. "Here's your share, you have no new missions this week. Our clients will be pleased with this information. You may go to your chamber.

Sabrina walked out of the room, thinking of everything that happened to her and her sister Daphne in the last three months.

Her and her sister had woken up one day not remembering anything of their past except for the fact that they were each others sisters. They seemed to still have every skill that they might have had in the past, but they apparently had no memories.

Both of them had not a penny on them at the time. They wore peasant clothes but the permanent softness of their skin proved that they were not commoners.

The second clue they had that they were not commoners was that they both had creamy white skin that was rare among the tanned commoners, although that was all they had in common with each other.

Sabrina and Daphne were different in everything personality and looks.

Sabrina had long blond hair and huge blue sparkling eyes that gave an illusion of innocence. Daphne on the other hand had the same air of innocence around her but was a dark beauty with jet black hair and warm brown eyes.

Personality wise…Daphne was a clumsy butterfly. Breakable but so adorable no one wanted to.

Sabrina was the complete opposite, she was had an uncontrollable fire, one that was impossible to quench. Other people wished to break her kindred spirit. They would always fail.

They were complete opposites, and if they hadn't woken up in the same alley and had a gut feeling they were sisters, they wouldn't have never even thought of the idea of them being blood related.

The girls confused and out of sync, decided to find out about their past, after finding food. Sabrina searched for a job a girl could do but never found one that would pay well enough.

The offers she got were atrocious, and every person who gave her a hint of the idea got a slap to their face regardless of status.

Sabrina had been barricaded with many hints, she didn't ignore them and soon she did not have many employers ready to take her in.

The lack of food forced Sabrina to stoop down to stealing, that only lasted a small amount of time, as she decided to try a job as a maid.

She got a job from a respectable lady named Mrs. K and soon found out that Mrs. K ran a detective agency.

People came to her with requests for information. Mrs. K never told anyone, except the people who she employed, how she got all her information lest the requestor grow wary of the idea of her spying on them.

Servants were ignored and thought of as witless, they attained loads of information staying in the shadows.

Mrs. K knowing this, employed people as servants then later revealed her job to them. Soon enough Sabrina had been exposed to the life of spying.

She had learned to cover her exotic coloring for a commoner and blended in with the servants.

As someone who wasn't illiterate, Sabrina soon became Mrs. K's favorite spy and she was sent her on only the most important of missions.

Sabrina had gone through series of missions without being caught, some she slipped by with ease, and others she was almost caught.

Sabrina relished the challenges that were given to her, loving the life of adventure. Sabrina and her sister lived in luxury since Mrs. K kept all her spies in comfort and had plenty of money from missions to keep it that way.

Sabrina walked in to her room and plunked down in to an armchair…to be instantly barricaded by questions blurted from her sister Daphne.

"What in the world took you this long? Where did you go? Where did you sleep?

What was your mission?"

"Calm down Daphne," soothed Sabrina, " All I had to do was pick up a document.

Don't worry I'm fine."

Daphne calmed down a bit. "When will I be allowed to spy?" She said.

"Not now Daphne all I want to do is sleep," said Sabrina. She rose, and staggered sleepily towards her bed, she slipped her nightgown and flopped down on to her bed.

Right as she slipped in to a slumber the door slammed open, a startled Daphne let out a squeal, and Sabrina looked up to see Mrs. K.

"Daphne, pack all yours and Sabrina's belongings. Sabrina come with me now dear," She bustled out of the room.

"What? Why?" Sabrina trailed after Mrs. K unsure on how to react.

"Sabrina you have a new mission. You are to go to the palace and tell me everything that the crown prince does and says.

"Why is Daphne being pulled in to this?" Asked Sabrina. "I'm sorry but I am not sure I want to make that kind of risk. She's all the family I have right now!" Almost hysterical Sabrina put her head in to her hands.

"Sabrina you two are perfectly safe. The palace is the most secure area in all the land and the place is guarded by magic. No one knows where it comes from but it protects everyone in the palace."

"Sabrina we need Daphne because she completes your cover. I have contacts at the palace and have told them that they are to take in two orphans."

Okay I'll take the chance," a bit more relaxed Sabrina left Mrs. M and walked to her dorm.

Then she and Daphne finished packing. They changed in to their ragged clothes. Sabrina dusted her face with a brown powder and covered her hair with a scratchy wig.

Daphne did the same with her skin but left the hair alone. They packed the few possessions they had plus the ton of money Sabrina had saved, and they left for the carriage that would transport them to the carriage.

HEY GUYS! OMG so here's the thing I am really working hard on this story because it is my first MAJOR story. By major I mean I've done stories before but deleted them cause they stank. So I want this story to ROCK guys!

Sincerely: MELUVBOOKS! Who is very hyped right now lol.


Haha told you I was hyped…