To my dear, dear readers,
I have a confession to make to all of you:
I've given up on this fic. *ducks and hopes people won't throw too many shoes*
I know it's terrible, I know. I'm a terrible person. But you saw my last chapter! It was terrible! I was ashamed of it! I'm still ashamed of it! Though the prompt was helpful, I just lost my ability to write well. All of this is partly due to computers crashing and I've had quite a few hard months. ( SACB can attest to that) So try not to hate me too much, please.
In the future I may try and resurrect it, but for now, I won't be writing anymore of this.
To any who reviewed or appreciated or only glanced at this story, thank you. This was my first go at writing and all of your feedback has made it worthwhile.
However, do not despair! I may be leaving this fic, but I have another in the works so you have that to look forward to! Or to spit at if you hate my writing, I wouldn't be surprised, it's pretty bad :)
I'm thinking Sherlock and Calvin and Hobbes crossover, whaddya think? And if you don't know who Calvin and Hobbes are, look them up. You can thank me later.
Yours most humbly and apologeticly and remorsefully,
P.S. I'm sorry.