Hey this is my first ever fanfic so please go easy on me! DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything but the plot! Trust me, if I owned the Teen Titans they would still be on Cartoon takes place a few years after Tokyo. Starfire and Robin are dating and Yes so you know Robin is a little taller then her now. This first scene take place in the morning. This is also in Starfire's POV. I'm sorry if I don't really sound right with her language but her English is better anyways. Ok well lets get on with the story because I am just soo boring! :)

Starfire's POV

I wake up in the morning to see the darkness of my room. As I slowly pull myself out of bed. I put on my constant smile. I pull on my team outfit consisting of a short purple shirt the hugs me, a purple mini skirt that ends right below my arse, and knee high purple boots. I then look at myself in the mirror and smile.

'Today is going to be great' I think. Today is the day Robin told me he is taking me to Gotham to meet his father. Still smiling I open my door and start floating down the hallway and up the stairs to the roof door. I open the door and let it close behind me as I make my way to my normal place in the morning.

As I sit on the side of the roof. I hear the door opening but I don't look back knowing it is just Robin. I do not hear the foot steps he makes, but then again, no one ever does. He sneaks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist while he sits beside me. I lean my head on his shoulder and smell that cologne that I love so much. "Good morning Robin" I say

"Good morning Beautiful" he says grinning at we watch the sunrise I say, "Do you remember what were doing today?"

"Yes and we will need to leave in a hour or two." he says with the grin leaving his face."What is the matter Robin?" He kisses my hair "Nothing, it's just he has a new sidekick named Tim. He's in 6th grade right now."I look up at his face and see him scowling still. I decide not to ask anymore right now.

As we get up minutes later. He takes hold of my hand and gives it a big squeeze. As we step inside the tower I look up at him. "Robin, please tell me what is wrong."

"Star, it's nothing.", He says still trying to hide his emotions.

"Yes it is. Please tell me!" I whispered loudly trying not to wake anyone else up.

"Star really it's nothing." then he pecks me on the lips. But he still sees me pouting. "Ok fine. Star it's just that when I lived with Batman he had a few rules that we must never break. And well I have broken at least two of those. I broke the rule stating I would never date a teammate and the rule you never fall in love."

I look up at him "You love me?" he then pins me against the wall and kisses me until we are both out of breath."Does that answer your question?" he asks smirking. We then start the 'Making Out' again but only to be interrupted by the sound of our teammate.

"Cyborg! Their making out again!" And our little green teammate runs away. We both start laughing and hold hands as we start our way downstairs to breakfast. On the way we hear our oldest teamate yell at the other "Good! Now give me the five buck ya owe me!"

Sorry its really short! But Sooo, how did you like it? Please please please please review! I don't care if you post flames ether! If you review I'll have Cy make you some cookies and Raven will make you some herbal tea!

CY: What? No i won't! these are my cookies! (Holds out a tray with fresh cookies on them)

RAVEN: (says in monotone) I am not giving them my tea. (Walks away)

ME: Fine You can just have cookies! (Grabs all the cookies and runs away)

