HIIIIIIII! I'm alive ... shocking I know right...( school hasn't killed me yet, this is the reason why I haven't updated) and so is this story... thanks to a certain somebody I made a deal that if she posted a new chapter of her story I would do one for mine. So here it is I cranked this baby out just for her. This chapter is for you xeno-skyward-emblem ^_^. Also I'm trying first person out on this story I've been doing it in others and wanted to see how it would turn out in this one Opinions please should I keep it strictly third person limited or change it to First... THANKS!

Warning this is rated T for violence mostly, and sadly these characters don't belong to me nor do I own any of said games mentioned in this amazing story...

Chapter 18

State of Fear

Pain coursed through my body when I slowly felt it begin to tingle, for my nerves were regaining their senses. I slowly opened my eyes only to close them again from the piercing pain that grew. "Oh bad idea Link." I thought to myself. I slowly got up only for the pain to knock me back down. I tried opening my eyes again, but blinding white light greeted me. "Have I died? Is this the realm of the goddesses?" I asked myself, but the light slowly receded to the faint lights of the setting sun as it sank on the horizon. The sea was breath taking as it sparkled in brilliant violets and indigos that, even though were beautiful, could never compare to Ike's.

"Ike!" I squeaked. I turned around which only made the world spin faster than a spin attack. The pain grew more intense as I grabbed the coarse sand to stop the spinning blur hoping I wouldn't be sick. It felt like all of my bones were breaking. A faint red blur appeared as my head finally started to level out. "Ike!" I croaked. I tried my best to crawl to him since he hadn't moved at the sound of my voice which worried me. I yelped, my body suddenly felt like it was on fire and the ice cold water contrasted with the growing fire in my body.

I screamed as I heard the pops of my bones breaking, causing me to fall onto my back. I couldn't move without the fire sensation growing ten fold. The sky grew darker and darker as the sun sank into the sea. The last of the sun fell and the pain was so bad I knew that I was going to pass out. My body was too weak for me to concentrate on my magic to help with what ever was wrong with me, and I was too exhausted for any magic to work. The last light of twilight finally fell as the pain escalated to the point that I slipped further and further away from reality.

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted you. I should have destroyed you. How could I have felt sympathy for you?" I screamed grabbing Dark by his hair and throwing him across the dark room. I watched tears filling my eyes as he let out a whimper and slowly picked himself up.

"I don't know where they are. They were here when I last checked on them." Dark breathed. I stepped closer to him and he backed away, unable to dissolve into the shadows with the blessed ropes around him. He must have known that for he headed for the door, but it slammed with a clang.

I lit the torch once again and turned around facing Dark. His eyes showed true fear that was completely foreign on his face and his usual all cool demeanor was replaced with absolute terror. I walked slowly towards him and pushed him with my magic towards the wall. He slammed against it with almost rib crushing force, while my anger fueled me to do something I had wanted to do since I was locked away in that tower.

Hot breath danced across my face as I groaned quietly, jumping when I felt a hot tongue lick across my face. I opened my eyes as something barked and I sat up slowly. The world spun slowly and as I stretched out my sore muscles I turned lowly to the sound of panting, noticing a large wolf sitting down. It was hard to tell what color his fur was, so I leaned closer to it, but the wolf didn't snarl. It was hard to tell if it was a boy or a girl so I gave up and turned my gaze back out towards the ocean. It was a full moon and the bright light glittered across the vast ocean, a small breeze blew past chilling me almost instantly.

"Where's Link? I don't see him." I thought looking around the beach. The wolf had followed me as I moved to higher ground when the tide reached its highest point. I looked around for the cave where we had come out of, but I didn't see it anywhere. "It must be an underwater cave at high tide and can only be revealed during low."

"Arf!" The wolf barked and I turned around to face him or her.

"What is it?" I asked, and the wolf barked again. I walked slowly to the water's edge looking up and down for Link.

"Do you see him boy?" I asked the wolf who sat down next to me. He barked again, but yelped as a rather large wave crashed onto us. It only went up to my waist but the shorter wolf went completely under. I quickly scooped him up before the under tow could sweep him out to sea. The wolf jumped from my arms and landed gracefully onto the sand. He ran up and shook his fur dry. I laughed seeing the wolf's hair puff up crazily and the wolf growled quietly as if it didn't appreciate me laughing.

"Come on boy!" I yelled walking along the water's edge; the wolf barked and ran to catch up to me. The cool sand felt great on my feet and mixed with the warm water. I kicked the water towards the wolf playfully he yelped again and ran towards him, he stayed right beside me growled again for a second and nuzzled him with his nose; I smiled patting the wolf's head.

"Where did you come from Lupis?" I asked the wolf, scratching behind his ears. Lupis barked knocking his head against my leg with an annoyed look on his face, or at least what I imagined an annoyed face would look like on a wolf. "More importantly where is Link? Could he have been dragged out to sea?" I thought turning to gaze over the water in hopes of spotting him. Lupis whined a little knocking his head against my leg again. "You're right Lupis. He's fine." I whispered causing his ears to flicker. "Where could he be though?" I whispered again miserably. Lupis shook his head, his pointed ears flopping. "Do you know where he is?" Lupis sneezed loudly which I took as a hopeful yes.

"Go find him boy!" I said and Lupis walked farther ahead then turned promptly three times and sat down cocking his head to the side. "What am I thinking? He can't understand me he's a wolf." I thought shaking my head. My blue hair fell annoyingly into my eyes and I flicked it before playing with a piece of drift wood. Lupis looked at me with hopeful eyes, his tail wagging. I looked at the piece of wood with a smirk and threw it. Lupis hesitated, but soon took off after it.

Dark's screams slowly stopped echoing as I backed away, releasing my magic. However, my anger had not dwindled in the slightest. The torch light exaggerated the scene giving it an eerie perspective and Dark's tunic was in scraps exposing the large strips of bright red hand prints and blood dripping from the whip marks. His chest was heaving and he hissed in pain.

"Where are Link and Ike?" I asked forcefully, my patience growing thinner every second I wasted with this piece of scum. Dark was breathing heavily and could only sit there due to the blessed ropes restricting any movements he made. The crimson blood was seeping from scratches on his face.

"I told you they were here, but I don't know where they are now." Dark heaved, his breathing becoming an erratic struggle to rush air to his lungs. I already knew that I could sense the other piece of the Triforce's magic lingering on the walls and floor of where Link had been. However, there was an even more ancient magic lined on the walls which made me nervous. Dark's head sagged slightly and it was apparent that he was exhausted.

"You are lying! You know where they are!" I screamed. I whispered the Hylian words for light and a whip instantly appeared in my hand. Dark's head snapped up from the light that my whip gave off, his blood red eyes shaking with fear. I cracked the dazzling energy across his chest and he screamed. As he hesitantly shut his mouth, ceasing the terrible noise I knew it was a sure sign that he was keeping something from me.

"My lady is this necessary?" Sheik asked irritatingly, but I just attempted to shrug it off.

"Stop... please... I don't know where they are. Please, I swear on the goddesses' souls." He begged and I stopped, seconds away from lifting my whip. A shadow beast begging and swearing on the goddesses immortal souls? Could it be a trap?

I quickly threw it aside, when suddenly an overwhelming magical sensation threw me back. Luckily, I quickly caught my self in time to throw a shield around myself. I blinked away the black spots that appeared from my eyes and heard the echoing of an evil laugh all too familiar to me. When I turned to the source of the noise, Ganon was standing in the limited amount of light that the torch gave off.

"Ganondorf?" I noticed the question in Dark's voice as he saw his master come from the shadows.

"You have done well Dark Link." Ganon praised, smiling at me. My anger boiled even further. So I was right! The initial wave of magic had made me lose concentration, so my whip had fizzled into nothingness, but by channeling my anger it quickly reappeared.

"Feisty, feisty princess." Ganon commented, shaking his head. He acted so collected that it made me sick.

"Where are they?" I asked trying valiantly to steady my voice from anger. I was done playing games.

"Oh they are around here somewhere, but you're losing time, since one of them is fading fast in his state." Ganon smiled cruelly as he removed his sickening gaze from me and looked at Dark. "All thanks to my little pet. My congratulations Dark, you got what you wanted." I took Ganon's moment that he wasn't paying attention to strike and sent Din's fire straight towards him.

With amazing agility he moved out of the flame's way and sent a volley of dark energy straight back at me. I moved out of the way and created a shield of light that vaporized the rest of the attack. I heard some gasps and turned around to see that some of the dark energy had nearly missed Dark. His skin appeared to be turning a sickly, pale color."Princess" Sheik warned and I turned with enough time to call upon another stream of light magic. Unfortunately, I hadn't seen the bright blade until I felt the sting of it slice against my stomach. I quickly pushed with my magic hoping to get Ganon as far away as possible so I could step back and assess my wounds. I called on what little magic I had left to heal and felt the warmth of my magic on my skin. However, the stinging hadn't stopped, so I looked down to see my wound still gushing blood.

"Hahahaha yes, shocking isn't it, seeing that your magic isn't working. It is thanks to this blade." Ganondorf said, his voice saturated with pride, gazing at the bright blade of the sages.

"That sword doesn't belong to you. You stole that like the thief you are." I spat, steadying myself by spreading my feet in an attempt to regain balance.

"Are you aware of the magical properties of this blade princess?" Ganon asked with a sneer."These properties were originally used in ancient rituals to call upon the gods. Unfortunately it needed blood and lots of it." He said silently pacing back and forth. I sucked in my breath.

"But the summoning of gods is forbidden." I said, getting dizzy from all of this knowledge.

"The original job of the sages in the ancient times was to keep the balance of Hyrule. When it came time that these people participated in these rituals the sages would intervene. As I'm sure that you are well aware only Hylians have magic, and the ability to heal them. So only Hylians could perform such things, so the sages needed a weapon that could prevent Hylians from healing themselves. Therefore this blade came about, and then when they tried to kill me with it they failed miserably." Ganon finished once again with a sneer. All of this knowledge was almost to much. Summoning gods was forbidden and punishable by death, and surely any weapon with those properties would create mayhem if the word got out.

"Princess focus!" Sheik once again interrupted her racing thoughts and when she looked up she Ganondorf racing towards her. Without thinking she warped out of harms way. "Ok think Zelda, you have no weapon and very little magic left. What can you use?" I thought to myself. "Is that seriously the only thing you can come up with?" Sheik thought miserably and I nodded in my head reluctantly. "I pray for you princess, lets hope the goddesses hear you. You'll need their help." Sheik thought once again. I put my hands together, looking behind a glaring Ganon, to see a confused looking Dark. He wasn't looking too great thanks to me.

I prayed harder than I had ever prayed before, asking that the goddesses hear me. I focused all of my remaining magic, and as I suddenly felt a surge in the force, I realized that Sheik was adding his own. I spoke in the ancient language asking for the light spirits to aid me once more. It was risky seeing that they we were in multiple dimensions away, but this was my only option. I suddenly felt warmth surrounding me and the darkness lightened slightly. In the corner of my mind I heard one of the spirits whisper quietly.

"I have heard your… plea princess… I came as…quick as I…could…"

"What are you doing? Praying for your goddesses to help you princess? That won't do will it?" Ganondorf sneered again and it was really starting to piss me off. As he leaped towards me once more I opened my eyes. I could clearly see everything as if the sun was just laying above us.

"Imagine… what you will… and I shall become…my lady…" The voice whispered again. I grabbed the air imaging my preferred weapon, my long broad sword. As I pulled back my hand, a blinding white light appeared allowing me to roll forward and stop where Ganon had stood, lifting my sword into a fighting stance. It wasn't exactly my sword, but this one was ornately carved and shared the similar patterns of the light spirits. This was clearly Lanaryru, the largest of the spirits.

The shock on Ganon's face was priceless and I wish I could have taken a picture before he quickly charged towards me. I blocked him with a practiced hand, and quickly took a step back only to see Ganondorf disappear into the shadows. I knew this trick and had already witnessed Ganon do it a thousand times before when he battled Link. Ganon really needed to work on his originality.

"We are here… as well…my lady…" A new voice entered a usually empty part of my mind fill with another spirit. "I have…come… to fulfill… my duty to…protect Hyrule… and its…princess…imagine what…you will…and we … shall become…" Another said I quickly imagined a tall shield that could cover my exposed parts with ease. It quickly appeared as if I had called on my magic and I turned around pulling the shield over my head. It was surprisingly light weight as if picking up pillow, but I was greeted by another sharp pain as the white blade sliced with ease into my side.

"Foolish princess... did you honestly think I would fall for that all over again. It's so original." Ganon said laughing hysterically as he kicked me to the ground. I rolled slowly, managing to lift myself up. I gritted my teeth to silence the pain that flowed up my back and turned to see a fairly large fire ball coming towards me. I lifted my shield blocking the fire and diverted it around.

"I'm impressed that you were able to conjure up those weapons Princess. I thought by now that you would have exhausted all of your magic." I heard grunting coming from behind me and I turned around to see Dark panicking slightly as the flames came towards him. He was still tied by the blessed ropes, so all he could do was roll out of the way. I sensed another magical anomaly and turned in time to deflect another fire ball. Ganon was staring intently on my shield and I was trying to determine what he was thinking, but alas no avail. Finally a shocked look crept onto his face that Zelda had only seen once in her life time.

"How could you manage to bring the spirits of light all the way here? They are dimensions away!" Ganondorf asked, lowering his sword a fraction of an inch, but enough to lower my guard slightly. I managed to sneak a quick look at the face of my shield. It was also ornately carved with detail that would have taken a master crafts man years to create. It had the head of a large goat in the center with the giant Faron woods in the background overhead. It was obvious that it was Ordona and Faron that had come to my aid.

"It looks like two of the goddesses are on my side." I said confidently, causing his shock to leave and be replaced with cold, dark anger. He attacked with such speed that I barely had time to counter. Ganondorf was such a formidable opponent that it surprised me. I had beaten Link multiple times in sparring during our time in both Hyrule and at the Smash Mansion and it had been a long time since Ganon and Link had fought the battle between light and shadows. They both could still be rusty, but if this was Ganon rusty then I have no idea how Link could have won against him in the first place.

Ganon fought with such intensity that it was hard to keep up. He had cut me several times and I had barely managed to get him to break a sweat, not to mention fatigue was finally beginning to hit me severely. I was in the middle of another thrust when Sheik interrupted my thoughts and since he had been so silent prior, his voice startled me. "No princess you stepped too far." I hadn't realize my mistake until my hand was empty and the sword clattered onto the ground a good few paces away, definitely to far for me to run and catch it. I raised my shield to protect myself only for Ganon to kick it with all of his strength, knocking me to the ground. I moved to get up, but the bright white sword inches from my throat stopped me. He was grinning ear to ear in a horrendously, terrifying fashion. He didn't say anything and only grinned even wider as he kicked my arm that was strapped to Ordona and Faron. I felt my elbow give way to the force of the kick and screamed as the pain flooded up my arm. It was so severe that the shield and sword disappeared, my magical concentration now completely destroyed.

"Now you die Princess." Ganon spat, smirking with white teeth that sparkled in the torch light. He lifted the Sages' sword high, ready to deliver the final blow when suddenly something whizzed by him, cutting him across the cheek. The ancient magic grew suddenly and the torch seemed to dim. Ganon turned to look into a dark corner and I turned slowly as well to see what he was staring at. Dark Link was standing up and was heaving in an attempt to rush air to his lungs. I noticed he was also wobbly, but what really caught my attention was his eyes that were the same blood red, but had a fiery essence about them. I looked him over with the power of the Triforce of Wisdom and saw a giant dark aura around him. It seemed to frighten Ganondorf a great deal. Then Dark Link opened his hand and the shadows wrapped around the appendage, revealing his black blade. I scooted out of the way using my unhurt arm to prop myself up.

"You will not touch her… Ganon…dorf" Dark growled, gasping out the words. However, Ganon smiled confidently.

"Should I be scared?" He asked sarcastically, faking a scared face that was more horrifying than anything else.

"I am the Prince of Shadows, one of the demons in the shadow realm that you managed to capture by pure luck of the gods. I was raised on the promise of revenge, but revenge I now seek is older than when I fought the Hero of Time. Yes, you should be scared." Dark Link whispered, gradually getting louder, as he repeated his title and continued speaking. He seemed to be getting slightly stronger and stood up straighter, quickly running over and striking Ganon on the chin with the hilt of his sword.

"You cannot kill me!" Ganon bragged confidently but fear was beginning to reach his eyes.

"I may not have the sword of evil's bane but I have the skills to back it up." Dark retorted, a huge smile revealing his bright, white, sharp teeth. He had stopped wheezing, but still looked sickly pale. Ganon took a step back, but Dark took another forward and thrusted his sword again. Ganon barely had enough time to block the move. He tried parrying, but Dark was already onto a vertical slice. Ganon took another step back his smirk vanishing.

"Perhaps another time 'Prince of Shadows'." Ganondorf said with a smirk, before turning to the wall and dissolving into the shadows. Dark smirked crookedly, a signature smile of Link's that was almost made for Dark he wore it so coolly, but he soon fell propping himself up with his sword.

"Dark?" I asked cautiously. I still didn't trust him.

"I…. I'm… fine…He's gone... I cannot feel his presence… in the shadows anymore, that coward." Dark said coolly. "Don't worry Princess… you are safe for now… but you need to find Link right? I think I know… I know… where we… can find… him. The door was open when we came here correct? They must have escaped… if they have… then they might have made it outside…"

"Escaped..." I thought, "They might still be alive!"


HEHEHEHE So what did you guys think! I couldn't believe how hard it was writing Zelda be so evil, it took me soooo long to get it right, I hope I did good. Please tell me what you guys think about all of the first person style and all that jazz Once again I'd like to thank xeno-skyward-emblem for giving me the excuse I needed to write a new chapter for this... It had been so long that I'm almost completely forgot what this was about -.- it better not happen again... anyways yeah you guys should check out her story it's pretty good ^_^ anyways way late I need to go to bed... PLEASE R&R its greatly appreciated I'll try to update soon like waaaaayyyy sooner than how long it took me to write this I hate school soooo bad -.-