Jk, I'm not that fluent in Spanish...Just derping about again...Alright, carry on!




This chapter is in General POV.

I kind of edited the story a bit...yep reuploading.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS BASICALLY THE 10TH DOCTOR, BUT THE 12TH REGENERATED INTO HIM...I really like 10 and I didn't feel like making up my own Doctor. Okay, enjoy.

And them "Glatherfolds" judgments, it was late at night and I was trying to come up with a name for this species, and that was the first thing that popped into my head.

Meredith Cadman stood with her hand on the console of the TARDIS. The curls in her long auburn hair fell on the frame of her face perfectly, as her face was lit from the lights of the TARDIS. She stared at its blue generator, the reflection of it in her sage green eyes.

The wheezing of the TARDIS's engine had caught her attention, for it only made that noise when it was arriving at a destination. However, there were no plans for it to go anywhere. That left Meredith to instantly become worried when the TARDIS began making those noises.

She watched the pump of the generator slow as the wheezing faded.

"Well that went smoother than expected," said another voice.

She looked up at the Doctor, who was grinning like a mad man. She instantly knew another one of his rules had been broken.

Yes, another. Meredith has been with the Doctor for over four years now, and she's experienced practically everything. Even a regeneration.

About three years ago, the Doctor had asked Meredith if they could spend the rest of their lives together. He never admitted any true feelings for her, so she was quite unsure of why he asked. She told him yes and hesitantly asked why.

"Because I'm coming to the end of my years." The Doctor told her, having her sit down across from him on the floor of the TARDIS.

Meredith looked at him with pain forming in her eyes. "W-What do you mean by that?"

The Doctor's tone became lower, quieter, and a little more commanding. "This form of me right now," He said, pointing to himself, "Well, I can only regenerate 12 times, or take 13 forms...and this is my 13th form."

"Well-well what happens when you're dying?" She asked him, becoming nervous. She didn't want him to answer.

He looked at her and opened his mouth with hesitation. "Then I die."

"But-but!" Meredith shook her head stubbornly. "No! You can't die; you're the Doctor! You're-you're supposed to re-regenerate, and all that stuff! You can't die!"

The Doctor sighed. "I can die if I can't regenerate. And I'm at a point where I can no longer regenerate, so I can die." He told her. "Which is why I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you to be here with me until my time comes." He then smirked lightly. "No pun intended."

Usually, the Doctor could lighten up a serious situation with a witty comment, and make things less hard on people, but that wasn't the case for Meredith at that moment. She didn't even crack a smile. Her face hardened and she lowered her head to look at the floor and hide her tears.

The Doctor jumped up. "Well, then!" He said. "We can either spend this time all sad and mopey, or we can have fun. Your choice." He smiled at her.

She looked up. "Fun."

And so they did. For about another year...

Meredith knew that the dreaded time was coming for the Doctor when she discovered that he was trapped in a room. A burning room.

It was a room designed specially for him from a strange new (to them) species called the Glatherfolds. They were rotten creatures. They were like humans, except they had lightbulb-shaped heads, that contained their giant brains.

The Glatherfolds had teamed up with some Daleks, learning that the Doctor was a villian (to the Daleks) and had to die. And so, using their knowledge, they put together a room that the Doctor would get into while trying to figure out evidence to a made up attack. At that moment, the door shut and locked with a switched wooden lock, making it impossible for the Doctor to get out using his sonic screwdriver.

The walls of the room were padded, containing a toxic gas that could suffocate any being except for anyone that was adapted to it, like the Glatherfolds. Which really just means that the only species it doesn't hurt is the Glatherfolds.

When set on fire, the interior walls would burn up, releasing the toxic gas. That would mean any being inside the room would have to suffer from inhaling both the gas and the fire smoke. Which is what happened to the Doctor.

The Doctor was on the floor, propping himself up with his elbows, as if he were doing a plank with his knees down. He was gasping desperately for air.

He looked up at the door where he had heard a buzzing come from. He saw something moving around the frame of it. Before he knew it, he had seen Meredith barge through the door with a gasmask on her face, another gasmask in her left hand, and a chainsaw in her right. She put the chainsaw on the floor and ran to the Doctor, who's eyes were slowly opening and closing.

She put the gasmask on his face and then picked up him, struggling like crazy. She ran as fast as possible with him to the TARDIS, where she set him down on the floor. She put a command into the TARDIS and it disappeared from the planet. She ripped the gasmask off her face and then the Doctor's off of his.

She tried and tried and tried to save him, but she knew she couldn't. And he couldn't save himself.

And then, right there is where one of his rules was broken. Actually, two.

The Doctor began to glow in his face and hands, which soon turned into these strange spark like flames shooting out of his body. Meredith was scared and crying, hiding behind the other side of the control panel of the TARDIS. He was regenerating.

And then the Doctor broke the other rule, which was taking a form that he already had taken. However, the Doctor figured that since he couldn't regenerate again, that rule wouldn't be in play. And so he took the place of his quirky, 10th form.

The Doctor stood, looking at Meredith. He took off his spectacles and put it in his pocket. "I have a surprise for you."

She raised both of her eyebrows in surprise and smiled.

The Doctor grinned and jumped down a step to grab his long, tan coat to put on over his brown and blue, pinstripe business suit. He indicated for Meredith to follow as he walked to the doors of the TARDIS.

Meredith followed him with a slight giggle, and the two left the TARDIS, locking it behind them like a parked car.

Short, kind of dumb..oh well, the next chapter won't.