Disclaimer: Like always I own nothing that pertains to Hawaii Five-0.

Author's Note: I'm back! I know I just finished By Accident yesterday, but I've had this sitting on my computer and I thought why not. So I hope that you guys like this story, it's another 4-5 chaptered story. It's rated T for now but I promise it's going to go up by the end of the story, so consider this your warning.

Warning: This contains stuff from Episode 2.10 Ki'ilua, just how I thought it should've gone.

It takes Danny mere seconds into his phone call with Jenna to know that something was terribly wrong. The moment he hears the panic in Jenna's voice his heart constricts and it feels like he has been kicked in the stomach. Sure Danny is used to Steve getting into hairy situations, but he was on the same island and could do everything within his power to save his partner. Now Danny had no idea what to do, except save Steve from Wo Fat. Hanging up from Jenna Danny immediately jumped into his very own Super SEAL persona. Danno was not about to let some guy take his partner away from him. For once Danny actually stopped and thanked God for the time he spent with the crazy goof while also making a quick plea to keep Steven safe.

Hanging from his wrists, Steven was severely pissed off. He felt betrayed and angry at the actions that had led to his being captured. He should have known that this was not going to be easy, but Steven would always take care of his team. That need to make everyone on his team happy, he realizes now was not always the best. But hanging there slowly losing feeling in his hands, the only thought going through Steven's mind was Danny. He felt his heart ache at the thought of possibly never seeing Danny again. If he closed his eyes he could almost picture Danny in full rant mode about not going in with backup and how he was a crazy Navy SEAL Neanderthal, who was a little too happy to jump into hairy situations. As the minutes ticked by and as the torture got worse, Steven came to a startling conclusion. He was in love with his loud mouthed New Jersey pineapple hating partner.

Kono watched Danny take off from the office, concerned about the thoughts swirling through her second boss' mind. She saw the way that Danny seemed to stop when Jenna said Wo Fat. She saw him clench as if someone had just knocked the wind out of him. She watched him take off from the office, part of her wanting to run after him and part of her thankful that he had finally come to his senses. Her second boss had it bad for their fearless leader. Smiling to herself softly Kono looked to Chin, looking for some indication of what they were supposed to do.

As Danny drove all over the island looking for Joe White, his mind was running into overdrive about what Wo Fat could be doing to his partner. His only hope was that all those years of training were finally being put to good use and that Steve was going to hold out as long as he could. He needed to make it; there was no way that Danny was going to let some bastard kill his partner. Danny was not about to lose the one person, besides his adorable daughter Grace, that made him happiest on this god forsaken island. Danny was going to do whatever it took to make sure that Steve came back to him in one piece and alive, he loved the man too much to let him die in North Korea.

A/N 2: I know it's super short, but I hope that you guys liked it all the same. Let me know what you think (good or bad) and like always if you're looking to be mean, please save your breath because there's no room for haters here. Next chapter should be up tomorrow or Friday at the latest, so thanks for reading! ~thatredheadgirl~