Hey! So, I was watching the show "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant," (awesome show, for those of you who like dr. shows but are kind of squeamish, cuz you don't really see anything) and I got this interesting idea. So…yeah! Hope you like it!

Draco hated this. It was probably the worst day of his entire life. He looked across the room at his beautiful girlfriend of three years, her eyes gently closed, her hair splayed across the pillow, connected to so many wires…she looked so beautiful, despite the scrapes, the bruises, the blood.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Malfoy," the doctor told me. "Hermione is in a coma. There is a chance that she will come out…" he slowed his speech when Draco shoved the palms of his hands into his eyes, not wanting the doctor to see him cry. "But if she does, she will be in a lot of pain, and we…we believe she will never be able to conceive a child."

Draco's heart stopped. He ran his hands through his hair and looked at Hermione. Reaching out his hands, he enveloped Hermione's tiny, unmoving hand. It was almost as if she was dead.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Malfoy." The doctor stood up and left, sensing that Draco really needed to be left alone.

As soon as the doctor was gone, Draco was sobbing into Hermione's hand. "Hermione…" he whispered. "I never…I didn't…" He couldn't get the words out. He couldn't even apologise for what had happened to her. It was an accident…no one could have expected that car to come flying around the corner like that. All Draco could do was cry "Hermione, Hermione…" over and over and over again.

When she woke up, Draco almost forgot that she had even ever been in an accident. He had to control himself around her, or he'd push her too far and she'd end up in pain again. He couldn't help himself. Having her come out of her coma reminded him how much he loved this girl.

And in just a few months, they were married.

"Hermione?" Draco said, breathing heavily as he leaned over his new wife. His hands worked their way through her hair as he kissed the tears from her face. She smiled.

"Yes?" she whispered shakily.

"I love you so much," he said, kissing her. "And I know it bothers you, but it doesn't matter to me. It doesn't matter to me that we can't have a baby. We can…we can adopt if you want. I'm just so glad that you're still with me."

Hermione was crying again, this time not from pain, not from sadness, but from happiness. "I know. I love you, too."

Draco lowered his head to Hermione's chest and quickly fell asleep, relieved.

Three months later

"Draco, do you think I've been putting on weight?" Hermione called, staring at herself in the mirror in just her bra and panties. She turned to the side, noticing a small bump.

Draco, who had been in the kitchen, leaned into the bedroom, examining his wife. He made a face a shook his head. "Nah." He grinned. "You're perfect as always."

Hermione ran a hand down her stomach, but shrugged. She slipped on a summer dress and entered the kitchen, sitting down at the table.

"Hungry?" Draco asked with a grin.

Hermione was surprised to find that she as. She was usually never hungry in the morning. "Starved," she replied.

"Good," Draco said, setting a heaping plate in front of her. He winked. "Happy birthday."

Hermione grinned. "Thanks, love." She kissed him on the cheek before digging in.

Halfway through her meal, she decided it was missing something, and she retrieved a bottle from the fridge and poured its contents over her meal.

Draco's eyebrows rose as he chewed his own food. "Are you putting ranch dressing on an omelette?"

Hermione shrugged. "It sounded delicious to me."

Draco shrugged as well. "Whatever makes you happy. You are the birthday girl, after all."

Hermione grinned continued to eat.

It was that night at supper at the Burrow when she realised how much she seemed to be consuming lately. She noticed how weird it was that she seemed to be craving some of the weirdest things ever, and that she was repulsed by certain other things that she used to love.

And when she didn't get her period a few weeks later, she went to the hospital to receive a proper pregnancy test.

Draco held her hand as the healer came into the room. "Alright, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy," she said with a quick smile, looking over her clipboard. "The test did come back negative. Your missed period could be contributed to the medication you've been taking since the accident, but it was a good thing you came in to check." She winked. "Wouldn't want any accidents, right?"

Hermione nodded, unable to help how terribly upset she suddenly felt. "Right. Thank you."

Draco leaned in and kissed her ear when the nurse had gone. "Don't fret," he said quietly into her ear. "I still love you."

Hermione grinned and kissed him. "I love you, too, you goof."

Six months later

Hermione hated hot weather, and her very uncomfortable backaches and cramps were helping absolutely nothing.

When Hermione winced as she walked back to the house from carrying the mail, Draco noticed. "Are you feeling okay, love?"

Hermione nodded, though the pain on her face was evident. "Yeah, fine. I think I just need to lie down for a bit."

Draco nodded, his face covered with concern. He helped her into the bedroom and sat with her while she rested until, eventually, she slipped off to sleep.

Draco headed to the kitchen to begin preparing lunch. Lately Hermione couldn't get enough of ranch dressing and cheese, so he made her a big salad for when she woke up.

She was still sleeping a few hours later. Draco was going through the closet, trying to find something to wear to dinner at his mother's house that night, when Hermione screamed herself awake.

Draco spun around quickly, dropping his clothes, and was at Hermione's side in an instant.

"Hermione!" He exclaimed, coming up beside her on the bed and wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "Love, are you alright?"

Her teeth were gritted tightly together and she was doubled over in pain, her face scrunched up as she screamed again.

"Hermione, what's wrong?" Draco asked frantically. "Tell me what the matter is!"

"It hurts," she managed through her teeth.

"What does? Where? How can I help?"

She shrieked again. "Draco, I…"

Draco waited for an answer, but all he got was another scream. In an instant she was on her feet, holding her stomach and pacing back and forth, occasionally letting out a scream.

"Do you need to go to St. Mungo's?"

"No…" she groaned.

"I'm calling my mother," Draco said, headed to the kitchen. In his hurry he barely remembered how to work the strange muggle device. He dialled his mother's phone number.

"Hello? Draco? Where are you? Supper will be ready in a few minutes."

"We're going to have to cancel, mother," Draco said. "Could you please come over? Quickly? Hermione's in a lot of pain, and she refuses to go to the hospital."

"I'll be over in a moment," she said, deadly calm. The line went dead, and seconds later the floo started up and his mother stepped in.

"Where is she?" Mrs. Malfoy asked. Years ago she had been a healer, before Mr. Malfoy had dragged her into being a Death Eater.

"In the bedroom," Draco asked, moving to follow her. She slammed the door in his face.

"Hermione, dearest, are you alright?" asked Narcissa, leaning over Hermione, who was sitting on the floor, sobbing.

"It hurts so badly!" she cried out, clutching her head between her hands.

"What does, dear?" Narcissa asked. "I'm afraid you're going to have to help me out a little bit, here, love."

Hermione pointed to her abdomen. "There's so much pressure," she wined.

"Are you pregnant?" Narcissa asked, crossing to the bathroom, where she quickly and thoroughly washed her hands.

"Don't be ridiculous," Hermione said through the pain. "You'd know if I were pregnant."

"Is it something from the accident?"

"I don't…know…" Hermione groaned, and then she cried out again. She stood up suddenly and cried out one last time, before her eyes widened, and she reached out for Narcissa to steady her.

"Narcissa," Hermione whispered, staring wild-eyed into her mother-in-laws eyes. "I think I just had a baby."

Narcissa blinked, and then flew into action. She laid Hermione down on the bed and worked off her panties.

"Oh my Godric," Narcissa whispered, slowly lifting up the baby. "Draco! Get in here! Now!"

Draco burst through the door. "What? What's the matter? What's happened?"

"Hermione just had a baby," Narcissa said. "I need you to get a certified Healer here. NOW."

Draco apparated without even thinking about it into the lobby of St. Mungo's. He approached the desk.

"My wife just had a baby and I need a healer at my flat now."

The healer and Draco returned in just a few moments. The healer helped Hermione deliver the placenta, and then she cut the umbilical cord.

"Mr. Malfoy, I need you to side-along apparate with your wife to St. Mungo's," said the Healer, and Draco nodded, easily scooping his wife into his arms, despite how shaky he was.

"Is the baby okay?" Hermione asked, in tears.

The healer smiled. "I think he's fine, but we're going to run a few tests, just to be sure, since you've had no prenatal care."

Hermione's eyes lit up. "He?"

"Congratulations, Mrs. Malfoy," the healer said before she apparated. Narcissa apparated as well

Draco looked down at Hermione, his eyes excited. He kissed her, hard. "A baby," he said, his heart about to pound out of his chest.

"We have a son," Hermione whispered, a new wave of tears pouring from her.

Draco let out a happy whoop before he apparated to St. Mungo's. Healers were waiting for her with a wheelchair. They whisked her away, while Draco waited in the waiting room with his mother.

"Mr. Malfoy?"

Draco stood up immediately.

The healer smiled. "Come this way. Your wife and new baby are perfectly healthy and waiting for you."

Draco's entire face lit up. He was a father. Everything was perfect.

Wow! I finished writing that in one sitting! ^^

I hope you liked it!

Doesn't have an "On the Brightside," but whatever. I really wanted to post this.