A/N: This is a co-write with Kol and Elena. It starts just as 3x15 ends. There are spoilers so beware!
"So what are we going to do now?" Kol asked as the family returned to the house.
"Well, that depends. We can go our separate ways or stay together. Either way we'll be waiting for Esther and Finn to show themselves," Klaus replied as they made their way to the parlor.
"I say we stick together. We're more powerful that way. The Bennett line is broken so Esther will have to find another line to draw power from and it may take time. In the meantime, we can continue living here as we planned and perhaps come up with a plan so we have one when needed," Elijah finished saying just as Rebekah came in.
"What's going on? Where's Finn? And Mother?"
"We have no mother. Only Esther. She and the sacrificial lamb fled after her ritual failed. We don't know where they are," Kol answered her.
"So what now?" Rebekah asked.
"That's what we were discussing."
"Elijah thinks it wise to stay together and live here like we planned to. I don't see a problem with it. My doppelganger is here anyway and this way I can keep an eye on her," Klaus said.
"Of course. Your doppelganger. How can we forget about her?" Rebekah's voice was filled with sarcasm but the brothers could hear loathing too.
Before anyone could say anything more there was a knock at the door. Elijah rose from his place on the couch to answer it. The others followed, their curiosity getting the better of them. Opening the door they were all surprised to see Garrett. Garrett was one of the many vampires that Elijah had "employed" to work for him. His employees were similar to Klaus' hybrids. When Elijah needed something done, he had his workers do it for him. Of course, if they succeeded, he rewarded them accordingly. Garrett's hand was holding on to something, but as Elijah was in the way, Kol, Klaus, and Rebekah couldn't see what it was.
"Garrett, what a surprise. I trust everything is well." Garrett nodded. "Where?"
"Southern Greece in a villa along the Mediterranean."
Elijah nodded, "Thank you Garrett. I will take it from here."
Kol, Klaus, and Rebekah could see Garrett hand over whatever he was holding to Elijah before turning and leaving. When Elijah started speaking they could tell he was compelling someone. So it a person Garrett brought.
"You will not leave Mystic Falls unless I say you can. You are free to wander the town and this house but you cannot go anywhere else. You may visit people but you may not manipulate anyone especially the Salvatore brothers, Elena, or any of their friends. If you need to feed it will be from blood bags. Am I clear?"
"Yes." That voice. The siblings knew that voice. Sure enough, as Elijah turned Katherine became visible.
"Ah, Katerina. It has been too long, Love" Klaus said as she entered the house.
"Klaus" was his terse reply.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't Katerina Petrova. It's been awhile, hasn't it?" Kol smirked at her.
"Kol. I see you've been brought back to the land of the living. Have a good sleep? Would you like another?" Laughter was her only reply. "I suppose Finn and Esther are among the living as well?" Her question caught them all off guard.
"How do you know about Finn and Esther? There were gone before you were born." Rebekah asked suspiciously with a hint of disbelief.
"I have my ways," Katherine replied cryptically with a smirk.
"Well, it's easy to see where Elena gets it from," Rebekah replied.
"How is my doppelganger? Last I heard, she was becoming more like me every day, stringing along both Salvatore brothers."
"Surprisingly, Katerina, she is remarkably like you, even if she doesn't know it. However, when it comes to the Salvatores, she isn't stringing them along, as you put it. At the moment, she has done nothing to show which brother she loves, if either of them."
"Oh, trust me, she loves at least one of them, although, I'd bet that she has feelings for both of them. It's hard not to."
"What is it with you Petrova women and the Salvatore brothers?" Kol asked indignantly. Katherine merely raised an eyebrow.
"Enough. Katerina I'll show you where you'll be staying. I trust you have everything you need" Elijah said.
"I'm sure Garrett put my bag somewhere." With that Elijah turned and started up the stairs with Katherine following.
Stefan had just returned home from taking Abby to Caroline's house. The past twenty four hours had been hell with Elijah trapping Elena with Rebekah in the tunnels underneath Mystic Falls and threatening her life if he and Damon didn't find a way to stop Esther's ritual. It was just too much. Would they ever get a break? Since returning to Mystic Falls it was always one thing after another. Protecting Elena, breaking the curse, stopping Klaus, trying to kill Klaus, killing Mikael. The list went on.
"Well tonight went brilliantly, don't you think?" Damon asked as Stefan walked into the sitting room. Stefan didn't reply, still debating if he should voice his earlier thoughts.
"What are you thinking, Brother?" Well that answered that.
"Aren't you tired of it all?" Stefan asked as he turned towards Damon from his spot near the liquor cabinet.
"Tired of what?" Though Damon had an inkling of what Stefan was talking about.
"Always fighting, always coming up with new plans. We haven't had a moment of peace since returning to Mystic Falls."
"What exactly do you suggest we do? Hand Elena over and say 'Here she is; we don't want her. Now can you leave us alone? Please?' In case you've forgotten, everything we've done so far has been to protect Elena and kill Klaus. Giving up would mean that all we did was for nothing."
"But aren't you tired of it all?" Stefan pushed.
Damon sighed as if thinking about his answer though Stefan knew different. Damon was debating if he wanted to voice his opinion.
"Yes, alright. I admit I'm tired of it all. When I came back to Mystic Falls getting involved with all this shit wasn't in my plans."
"So what do we do about it?" Stefan asked. If there was one thing that hadn't changed over the years it was Stefan's certainty that his older brother would always have a plan.
"Well isn't it obvious? It may not be what we want, but it's the only thing they want: Elena. Everything revolves around the doppelganger, the person we've been protecting. We give them Elena, and they don't bother us anymore" Damon said as he refilled his drink.
"You're sure that will work? They'll leave us alone, just like that?" Stefan asked his brother skeptically.
"No I'm not sure but do you have another plan?" Stefan shook his head; Damon continued, "If we need to, we can make a deal with them. We give them Elena if they leave us alone."
Stefan nodded. "When do you want to do it?"
A/N: Review. Please tell me what you think.