"How are you detective?" Rollins asked. Though Olivia looked fine, she was overly conscious of having sex hair, or maybe having something unexpected stuck to her. After all, she did get dressed very quickly, and didn't check for anything like that.
"I'm great, thanks for asking Amanda."
"Wow, that's a really nice jacket you're wearing," Rollins said. "You look all professional…So many of the professors I had in college wore jackets like that."
Olivia smiled. Rollins still knew nothing, but she did appreciate how she picked up on the vibe she was going for.
"Why thank you, Amanda. That's very nice of you to say. And yes, that's the look I was going for."
"Is it new?"
"Yes, as a matter of fact, it was, but don't ask me who gave it to me…"
Olivia realized she had slipped a little, but not majorly. Amanda suspected from minute one that Olivia had someone special in her life, but never would she suspect it was Casey.
"Oh I see detective," Amanda said. "No problem, trust me, your 'secret' whatever it may be is safe with me."
"Thanks, Amanda. I appreciate it. Like I said, if anyone comes up and asks me if I'm gay or not, I'll tell them, but I like keeping my relationship status private."
"No problem, Olivia," Amanda replied. "But whoever it is, she sure is lucky."
Rollins was now onto Olivia more than ever. Olivia's slight slip up gave her some incentive, and she now was positive that Olivia had a girlfriend, but still was completely clueless as to who it was. She wondered why this meant something to her, but for some reason, she couldn't get the mystery out of her head. She wanted desperately to find out who it was, and she figured out how exactly she was going to go about doing so. She remembered the case at Nurse Bettie, and remembered that Olivia had frequented there. So, she figured she'd take a shot in the dark and go back there after work one day and see if Olivia had started to go back.
As Rollins contemplated Olivia's next move, Olivia was still supremely confident that she had absolutely no idea who her flame was. She and Casey were in such amazing domestic bliss that nothing really mattered to the two of them, and honestly, if they did get caught, they would just own it. Nothing was going to ruin their happiness.
"Are you ready Babe?" Olivia yelled to Casey from the living room. The two were in fact headed back to Nurse Bettie for drinks and dinner, not knowing that Amanda may be on their tail. Casey was putting the final touches on getting ready, slightly reapplying her makeup and deciding what shoes to wear. She had been in this killer pair of stilettos all day and her feet were killing her, but she wanted to look hot for Olivia. She decided on a pair of skinny jeans and some smoking hot Loubotins with a peach blouse and a grey cardigan over it. She reapplied some pale pink lipstick and was ready to go.
"OK, Liv, just give me one more quick second, then I'll be ready to go."
Olivia rolled her eyes, even though she knew Casey couldn't see her. "Always takes forever," she whispered. As she said that, Casey emerged from the bedroom, looking beautiful.
"Took you long enough," Olivia joked. Casey smiled back at her and gave her a playful pat on the rear.
"Well, we aren't all as naturally beautiful as you detective," Casey quipped back, giving her girlfriend a sweet kiss on the lips.
As they walked outside, the cold evening air hit them. The weather had certainly broken and winter was definitely upon them. The time they spent in the Hamptons seemed like ages ago, even though it had only been about six weeks since they were there.
They got on the subway and headed down to the bar. They thought about driving, but didn't feel like dealing with traffic and parking, so they just decided to do the subway down there. There was a stop right by Casey's apartment that was a straight shot down to where Nurse Bettie was. When they got there, Kate was gregarious as always and gave them a premium table and two margaritas on the house.
"This isn't half bad," Olivia said. Normally she was just a beer kind of gal, but Margaritas weren't that overly girly, and this one was extremely tasty so she had no problem sucking it down. Casey sipped hers and also marveled at how good it was. Even after all this time she still couldn't believe just how much like a guy Olivia was. She ate and drank like one, and didn't have time for anything frilly or dainty. The two of them continued to drink and then a very nice waitress who had waited on the two of them before approached the table. Her name was Joan, and she was maybe 24 or 25. She was very bubbly with an upbeat personality, and definitely easy on the eyes.
"Hey gals, are we eating and drinking or just drinking tonight?" She asked with her pen right by her pad.
"Definitely eating and drinking, Joan," Olivia responded. "I am starving."
"OK then, what can I get for you?"
"We'll have some wings, and some artichoke dip to start with," Casey said. "And I'll have the roast pork quesadillas with sour cream on the side."
"And for you, Olivia?" Joan asked as she scribbled down Casey's order.
"Man, I wanted Quesadillas," Olivia joked. She hated when the two of them ordered the same thing. This wasn't the end of the world as they could always share. "I'll have the shaved ribeye steak, medium rare." This was a very "Olivia" order. Meat always won out with her.
"I'll also have another margarita, and she'll have a Sixpoint Craft Ales Bengali Tiger, trust me babe, you'll like it."
Joan wrote all of this down and then headed to the back to put the order in. They were excited for the food to come as both of them were absolutely starving. After about five minutes, their appetizers came, and they snacked and nibbled and cutely fed each other. Casey chowed down on the buffalo wings in a very un-Casey like way, just not ladylike at all. This was one of the many things Olivia loved about Casey. Even though she was dainty and pretty feminine, she definitely had these kind of moments where she just didn't care and went head first with a full head of steam into a batch of wings.
"OK, I'm really doing this," Amanda said to herself as she approached the door to Nurse Bettie. Olivia and Casey were already seated enjoying food and drink, but Amanda had no idea about that. As she walked in, she saw many female couples which she didn't mind, but could not see Olivia or anyone who looked like her. Olivia and Casey's table was fairly tucked away in sort of a back section of the restaurant area, so it was definitely possible for one to miss them.
"Can I help you?" Kate asked Amanda, who definitely looked a little out of it. "Wait a minute, I remember you," she offered. "You're that cop that was working with Olivia in here a little while back. You in here checking up on her?"
A light then went off in Rollins' head. Olivia was definitely there, she just hadn't found her. She played it cool, and a little dumb, and Kate suspected nothing. "No, not here checking up on detective Benson, just wanted to relax and get a drink, it's been a long day."
"I hear that sister," Kate uttered. "And man, hearing you say 'detective Benson' like that kinda shakes me. I know she's a cop and all, but she's always just been plain old 'Olivia' to me in all the years I've known her."
"I can see that," Amanda responded. "But you mentioned her before…is Olivia here? I'd like to say hi to her."
"Oh she certainly is!" Kate conceded enthusiastically. "I'll show you over to her table and then I'll get you a nice good seat at the bar and I'll get you whatever you want. The first round is on me."
"That's very nice of you," Amanda replied. Just as she finished, Kate led her around to a side of the restaurant, and there was Olivia and Casey dining together. Their main courses were there and the two were absolutely chowing down, having a great time. Neither one of them noticed Amanda or Kate before Kate chimed in as only Kate does.
"Hey there! I think this gal knows you two," Kate voiced boisterously. Right then, both of them got a little uncomfortable as they thought they may be found out. But, Rollins really didn't see this as a date as she didn't put together that these two could possibly be together.
"Hi Amanda," Casey said as she wiped her mouth and extended her hand. "Sorry, I've been eating these messy, but awesome Quesadillas. I don't mean to get any sour cream or pork juice on you."
"Haha, no problem," Amanda responded, shaking Casey's hand. She saw Olivia and really just thought this was a friendly dinner. "Do you guys come here a lot?"
"Well, since that case, I've been trying to get back here more," Liv explained. "And it's nice, I've always loved it here, and Kate is one of my friends as you know. I took Casey here once, and she loved the margaritas and the food, so we try to get her a couple of times a week, after work."
"I gotcha," Rollins answered. "Counselor, do you mind if I ask you a question?"
Casey tensed up a little as she thought Rollins had finally put the puzzle together. Even if she had, she was willing to own it as nothing could ever make her ashamed of her relationship with Olivia.
"Absolutely Amanda. Shoot."
"Well, do you find it weird being here, when you know…?"
Casey got legitimately confused by her question. "I'm sorry Amanda, I'm not sure what you mean."
Rollins realized that she hadn't explained herself well. She then tried to explain herself further, this time being way more blunt.
"Well, do you find it awkward in here being in here with a friend when you're not…well, like everyone else here?"
Olivia laughed at that question, but it validated that Rollins had no idea that the two of them were sleeping together. She also marveled at just how far heterosexism goes. People assume everyone is straight, and Rollins had no reason to think Casey was straight, but she also had no reason to think she was gay either.
"Well, how do you know I'm not like every other woman in here?" Casey said. "And, you're in here, and you're not 'like everyone else in here' to my knowledge. So do you feel weird in here?"
Amanda realized she had fucked up, but still didn't put together that Olivia and Casey were seeing each other. "I'm so sorry Casey, I just thought, well, you know what I thought. I didn't mean to offend you."
"You didn't offend her," Olivia interjected. "But it goes to show what most people in the world think. A person can be eating dinner in a gay bar with her gay friend and someone will still assume that they are straight. Unless you are really flamboyant or butch, everyone assumes you're straight. Hell, I bet you assumed that about me too, right?"
"I did," Amanda admitted. "I'm not one to play into stereotypes…well, maybe I am. But I have no problem at all with it."
"I know you don't," Olivia suggested. "But this is just who me and so many other people in this world are. We can't just turn it off."
"I know you can't," Rollins replied. "And honestly, I'm so happy for you, being able to live and be who you are so openly if you choose."
Just as she said that, Kate summoned Amanda to the bar and shook a martini glass. Rollins gave her goodbyes and sat down, and sipped it as she watched the Hawks game on TV.
"Wow, talk about clueless," Casey said. "You're right Liv, she has no idea. I mean, I would basically have to make out with you across the table to let her know you and I are together. I guess it pays off to be around people that are so oblivious."
"I know, right?" Olivia responded. "I mean, Casey, as you know, I am so gay. Like, super gay. The thought of men repulses me sexually, and I've been with what, two guys in the 14 years I've been with SVU, and those were a complete beard. Like, a joke of a beard, but still, no one on the squad has a clue. Hell, Elliot didn't even know until I told him, that's just a representation of how clueless people are."
"Should we invite her over?" Casey asked, knowing that they were going to have one more drink and then probably go home.
"Nah, let's just relax here for a second," Liv suggested. "I'm so full from that awesome steak, I just want to look into your eyes for a little and then snuggle up next to you when we get home."