
By Luna Mrow

Disclaimer: I don't own Adventure Time, yes, I wish I did. This is my first attempt at strictly dialogue. So it'd be considered a drabble, too. Please read :)

"Hey, Marshall?"

"What Fi?"

"Why do you eat shades of red?"


"Cause why?"

"Cause it tastes good."

"What does red taste like?"

"It's hard to describe."

"Is it salty?"





"Be quiet, Fi."

"I wanna know!"


"Because I don't have the power to suck color out of objects."

"Aww, it itty-bitty Fionna jealous of the big bad vampire?"

"Psh! You wish!"

"You wish you could taste the color red."

"That's not necessarily true. If red didn't taste good then I wouldn't want to eat it."

"Uh-huh, well I guess you'll never know."

"Do you actually eat it?"


"Do you actually have to chew the red once you suck it up?"

"No! Ew!"

"So it's kind of like drinking a smoothie? You just swallow it?"

"No, it just kind of... soaks in... and slides down my throat. I've never really thought about that. Be quiet now."

"... I don't want to be quiet."

"Then leave."

"You leave! This is my house!"

"Ha! This used to be my tree house, human!"




"Ugh, what?"

"Why do you like red?"

"You already asked me that."

"No, what I mean is, why do you like red? Why not blue, or green, or yellow?"

"I just like red the best."

"Have you tasted any of the other colors?"


"Why not?"

"Because I like red."

"But what if blue is delicious too and you have been eating red all these years when you could've had blue?"

"Well, I guess I'll suck the color out of your top and find out."

"NO DON'T! This is my favorite one!"

"Well you said I should try drinking the color blue."

"Yes, another thing that's blue. Not my top. Back away."

"Heh, heh. You're such a weenie."

"Shut up, man. You're such a... a..."

"Wow, you can't even come up with anything."



"Yeah! You're a racist against the color orange!"


"Yeah, Marshall Lee! I've never seen one thing in your house or in your wardrobe that's orange. Just admit it, you hate it."

"... I don't like orange, but that doesn't mean I've got a personal vendetta against it."

"Then why won't you eat orange?"

"For the same reason I won't eat blue! I just like red!"

"So now you're a racist against all the colors?"

"What? I'm not a racist! That's not even what a racist is, you tard!"

"You're a tard!"

"No, you're the tard!"

"At least if I was vampire I'd eat orange!

"Good for you!"

"Yeah, good for me."



"Hey, Marshall?"


"I'm hungry."

"You want to go eat Cake's leftover tacos in the fridge."




XD I don't know what that was. Hopefully it was funny! :D
